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Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu [3794 ASC]

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:06 pm
by Kaiser Leto III
I thought that the nobles would like to vote about this. Discussion with the MCS about the annexation of the land is a problem for later. Let us just focus on this matter: Hurmu will move to our forum, etc. and joins in free association with Shireroth.
The Government of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth and the Government of Hurmu, desirous of strengthening the bond of peace which happily prevails between them, by arrangements designed to promote friendly intercourse between their respective territories and desirous of inaugurating a regular régime in Hurmu based on internal order and harmony, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Association and Friendship and for that purpose have appointed as their plenipotentiaries,

His Imperial Majesty the Kaiser of Shireroth,
Leto III Ozymandias; and

The Valdi of the People of Hurmu,
Talsin Baarrnan,

Who, having communicated to each other their full powers found to be in due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article 1 - Association:
1.1. Hurmu vests in the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, for the duration of this treaty, all title, right and claim to all of Hurmu, including its sovereignty. The territory of Hurmu will as such be integrated into Shireroth.

1.2. Shireroth agrees to enact and keep laws making the lakes of Hurmu and their surrounding lands holy.

Article 2 - Friendship

2.1. Citizens of Imperial Republic of Shireroth and legal residents of Hurmu shall;

2.1.1. Be permitted to enter, travel and reside in the territories of the other; to exercise liberty of conscience and freedom of worship; to engage in professional, scientific, religious, philanthropic, manufacturing and commercial work of every kind without interference; to carry on every form of activity which is not forbidden by the local law, and generally to do anything incidental to or necessary for the enjoyment of any of the foregoing privileges upon the same terms as nationals of the State of residence or legal residents of Hurmu, submitting themselves to all local laws and regulations duly established, as may be determined by the duly constituted authority;

2.1.2. Enjoy freedom of access to the courts of justice of the other on conforming to the local laws, as well for the prosecution as for the defence of their rights, and in all degrees of jurisdiction established by law, subject to the will of the duly constituted authority;

2.1.3. Receive within the territories of the other, upon submitting to conditions imposed upon its nationals, the most constant protection and security for their persons and property, subject to the will of the duly constituted authority.

2.1.4. In all instances the the duly constituted authority shall be deemed to be the Kaiser.

2.2. Citizens of Imperial Republic of Shireroth and legal residents of Hurmu in the exercise of the right of freedom of worship, within the territories, may, without annoyance or molestation of any kind by reason of their religious belief or otherwise, conduct services either within their own houses or within any appropriate buildings which they may be at liberty to erect and maintain in convenient situations, provided their teachings or practices are not contrary to public morals.

Article 3 - Termination
3.1. This treaty is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It may however be terminated by the Richard Lyon of Sweden subject to a fourteen day notice period. Notice shall be taken to be a written instruction from Richard Lyon of Sweden to the Kaiser of Shireroth notifying the latter of an intention to quit from the treaty. This notice may be given at any time.

3.2. Once terminated, Shireroth relinquishes, in favour of Richard Lyon of Sweden, all title, right and claim to Hurmu including the exercise ofsovereignty over Hurmu.

Article 4 - Final Provisions

4.1. Subject to any limitation or exception herein above set forth, or hereafter to be agreed upon the territories of the Negotiating States to which the provisions of this Treaty extend shall be understood to comprise all areas of land, water, and air over which the Parties respectively claim and exercise dominion as sovereign thereof, either internally or on the Micronational Cartography Society Map.

4.2. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Shirekeep as soon as possible.

4.3. The present Treaty shall, from the date of the exchange of ratifications be deemed legally binding on both the Imperial Republic of Shireroth and Hurmu

4.4. This treaty may only be amended by the mutual consent and ratification by the Kaisership of Shireroth and Richard Lyon of Sweden.

4.5. Any disagreements regarding the application of this treaty and/or any disputes arising through this treaty that cannot be solved through mutual agreement will be settled within the Commonwealth Court as impartial mediator.

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:12 pm
by Arviður
Fellow Nobles of Shireroth,

The treaty of association and friendship with Hurmu is the result of weeks of negotiations between Hurmu and Shireroth. The negotiations started between me and Aurangzeb, and have been discussed in detail among the advisers to The Kaiser, and has the backing of all the government of Hurmu.

It has also been discussed between the government of Hurmu and the Shirerithian mission to Hurmu.

Regarding the legality of such treaty, on Hurmu's side, is no matter. Hurmu is fully sovereign, recognized such by many countries, including Stormark, and has a constitutionally protected inalienable right to determine its own relationships with other nations.

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:44 pm
by Allot
The voting for this bill stands:
Duke of Brookshire (Malliki Tosha): 6 votes
Baron of Dolor (Erik Mortis): 2 votes
Baron of K'Tzuni (Arvidur): 2 votes

Duke Yvain Wintersong: 5 (five) votes
Baron Santelran Rottsaa of Ynnraile: 3 (three) votes
Baron Aryeztur Mejorkhor of Khorze: 2 (two) votes

Me, who does the telling: 7 (seven) votes
Scott (Baron Hyperborea): 1 (one) vote
Leo (Baron Nordland): 1 (one) vote
Khan (Baron Eliria): 1 (one) vote

Duke of Yardistan- Gman Russell- 10 (ten) votes.

Dutch of Kildare - W.Payne - 10 (ten) votes.

Duke Rahikkala - 10 votes

This bill is open for voting.

Code: Select all

AYE: [K'Tzuni (2)] [Elwynn (7)] [Brookshire (6)] [Kildare (10)] [Dolor (2)] [Eliria (1)] [Goldshire (7)]=== 35

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:47 pm
by Arviður
K'tzuni of Brookshire:

AYE (2)

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:57 pm
by Allot

AYE (7)

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:47 pm
by Malliki Tosha
I withhold my vote until someone tells me what the legal status of Hurmu will be? Will it be a subdivision, territory or protectorate? The deal seems to be closest to a territory, but I would just like to have the matter clarified.

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:00 am
by Arviður
Lord Tosha,

During the negotiations, I was under the impression that Hurmu would be a territory, but as the treaty states that Hurmu's territory will be integrated, it feels as if it will be a as part Shirerithian land as any other land. It would be up to the Kaiser to grant Hurmu a status.

However, if it is the will of this esteemed assembly, a protocol to the treaty can easily be added, whereby stipulating what will become of Hurmu's territory while in Shireroth.

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:09 am
by Malliki Tosha
I would like to see it added as a territory, as per the LawBook. I don't think any amendment to the treaty is needed.

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:37 am
by Kaiser Leto III
Indeed, I consider it as a Territory. This should clarify matters. ;)

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:20 am
by Malliki Tosha
Brookshire (6) - Aye

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:24 am
by W.Payne
Kildare (10)

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 7:56 pm
by Erik Mortis
Dolor, AYE (2).

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:40 am
by Aurangzeb Khan
Eliria, aye [1]

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:07 am
by Yvain Wintersong
The Duchy of Goldshire, which has taken back the absent Ynnraile's Landsraad votes and changed totals around a little, votes AYE (7).

Re: Treaty of Association and Friendship with Hurmu [3794 ASC]

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:41 am
by Allot
4 days are up, this passes 35 - 0 - 0. :smashy

Someone go notify Hurmu.