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Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:58 am
by extreme007
The young Babkhan cadet walked into the room, bowed and handed extreme007 the blue file. It was labeled Babkhan Intelligence Report on Jaris. Extreme007 raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had received a Babkhan intelligence report. He went back to his seat and had a quick glance at the time. Ten minutes before the officerÂ’s daily meeting began. He then opened the file to its first page and read the top articles. This was his first time reading a Babkhan Intelligence Report and was not used to the style and presentation of the report.Shirerithian Fleet, consisting of 1 Flagship, 4 cruisers, 8 destroyers, 6 submarines, 2 minelayers and 2 supply ships, is now near Norfolk.Natopian Fleet, consisting of 1 carrier, 3 destroyers, 2 frigates and 2 submarines, is now midway between Natopia and TDR.Shirerithian Air Force Wing, consisting of 1 stealth bomber, 1 AWACS and 23 fighters is now in Jaris.Report all sightings of enemy units to other Commonwealth Forces in the region.Similar reports, exact same words, are being read by the Commanders of all Commonwealth Forces in the region.Extreme007 frowned. This is intelligence? Then the comic series TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE soon struck his mind and the thoughts of ‘Bad IntelligenceÂ’ came into mind. Extreme007 then began smiling and laughing under his breath.There was a knock on the door and soon, the superior officers of the 11th Air Force began making their way in. They each sat on their assigned chairs – assigned for two reasons: it aided everyone to know what the other was doing in the 11th Air Force, and for the ACM to know who the hell everyone was! He only knew Ahmad as of now by face. The others were still people who would soon be history to him the moment this war was over.Silence fell in the room as everyone took their seats. Extreme007 then walked over to the stereo speaker and turned on a Lemurian classical song which was mainly instrumental. He then walked back to his table and raised the Babkhan Intelligence Report to everyone. He passed the report to Ahmad who was sitting closest to him and to the right – the irony, Ahmad was his right hand man!Ahmad read the report out loud so that everyone would know of the increased situation in and around Jaris and TDR. Then just as a Babkhan officer, in charge of maintenance of aircrafts began to speak, there was a knock on the door and a Karnalian cadet walked in. He quickly saluted to all the officers in general and walked up quickly towards ACM.“A little late here arenÂ’t we?” asked the ACM to the cadet.“Sorry sir. They sent the latest and late.”They sent it late? Now, that was strange and extreme007 knew there was something important – something that the Babkhans have missed in their report. The cadet then handed him a brown file, labeled Karnalian Intelligence Report: Jaris War. Extreme007 saw Ahmad raise his eyebrows as he too read the name of the file. Extreme007 opened the file and this time, he personally read out the contents.Shirerithian Air Force Wing in Jaris; Page 2Shirerithian Fleet is now near Norfolk; Page 4Shirerithian Marine Unit is now near Norfolk, just behind of Fleet; Page 5Natopian Fleet A midway between TDR and Natopia; Page 6Natopian Fleet B starting from Natopia; Page 6Antican Involvement is still unknown; Page 7Antican Units Current Location; Page 8Extreme007 then spotted the word ‘importantÂ’ in bold letters in the next sentence. He immediately stopped reading out loud, but continued reading on the topics.Shirerithian Strategy from Ground-Based Intelligence IMPORTANT; Page 11Shirerithian Proposed Strategy IMPORTANT; Page 13Natopian Strategy from Ground-Based Intelligence; Page 16Natopian Proposed Strategy; Page 17Antican Proposed Strategy; Page 19Commonwealth Strategy from Ground-Based Intelligence; Page 22Commonwealth Allies Strategy from Ground-Based Intelligence; Page 24Files as Per Your Request; Page 25Extreme007 then jumped pages directly to number 11. It was important and this was the reason this report was late. He was unaware of the talks between his officers and yet more unaware that only Ahmad Arash was staring at him. After about a minute or two, extreme007 closed the file and kept it aside. He then gazed into the centre table for another minute, wondering what the Shirerithians were up to. Ahmad, understanding the fact that there was disturbing news in the intelligence report, began the meeting by getting the Maintenance Officer to talk about the condition of the aircrafts. He then proceeded to the Weapons Officer, then the Crew Behavior Officer and the rest. Half-way through the meeting, extreme007 brought his attention back into the meeting. At the end, as everyone looked at him for their mission, he went back around his table and sat on his chair. He looked up at them and talked about the most important goal of every air force. Although he wanted it badly, this was not the time. The strategists back at the Karnalian Intelligence Agency had drawn up a near perfect strategy and extreme007 was very much inclined on using it. Instead of going after the Shirerithian air wing based in Jaris, he decided to play it safe and let the shirerithians come after him. Quite literally.Extreme007 informed the officer in charge of the SAM batteries to put about ten or so HUMRAAMs onto civilian ships as discreetly as possible and cover them up completely so as to be unseen by any aircrafts flying over head. These HUMRAAMs would then be unloaded off the Jaris island and left on their own. They would travel to Philban by nights, and during daylight times, they would hide in whatever shelter they could find. The Avekshak flying North of TDR would be able to provide them with enough warning on inbound enemy aircrafts. If the enemy aircrafts were low in height, then the lead HUMRAAM would be able to identify the threat and turn its radars on. Once the enemy aircrafts fly over its head, the rest of the HUMRAAMs which would be in a V-formation would be able to pick off one of the enemy aircrafts and blow it out of the sky. Staying in the V-formation would allow the HUMRAAMs to achieve maximum kill rates, and staying far away from each other would ensure that one strike would not be able to take them all out.The meeting was soon adjourned for the day and the officers began taking their leave.“Commodore Ahmad. Stay a while.”“Yes Sir.”The last of the officers closed the door and behind him, in the ACMÂ’s office were the ACM and Air Commodore Ahmad Arash alone. The ACM walked to the mini-bar and offered to make Ahmad a drink. Two Babkhan Light Beers. And there was nothing light about those beers, and certainly not about what the ACM was going to propose.“Ahmad. In the coming days, I am going to need 2 pilots to do a daring mission. I would personally go in this case and would want you to come too. But, then should something happen and go wrong, we both would end up dead and 11th Air Force would be left without its leaders.”“I understand. You want me to stay.”“No. I have had such opportunities in the past. You havenÂ’t. And besides, if I go, and the mission is successful, then the 11th Air Force Babkhans would blame me of not allowing you to go. I donÂ’t want that. HAHAHA.”“ThatÂ’s trueÂ… Haha. So, whatÂ’s this mission?”“All in due time commodore. Right now, all you need to know is that some transport aircrafts are inbound from Babkha tomorrow. And that you are not to talk about this mission or the inbound transports to anyone. You are to fly to Chaddington immediately. Those transports are arriving there. There, you will meet another Karnalian officer by the name of Ajay Singh Rathore. He will brief you on the details. He is a pilot and a damn good one too. You will be his co-pilot. You are dismissed now.”Ahmad walked out of the ACMÂ’s room and stopped for a quick chain of thought.“A co-pilot to a Karnalian?”Summary: 10 HUMRAAMs are being secretly transported to Jaris. Air Commodore Ahmad Arash is leaving for Chaddington for a special mission. Transport aircrafts from Babkhan are arriving tomorrow carrying a special delievery for that special mission. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)Edited by: extreme007  at: 8/12/05 12:02

Mondesian Glass Slippers

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:12 pm
by Osman Shahanshah
“Majestad, I think you will find that this most certainly would count as a grave error.” It was a curious thing. That so many Minorcan and Baracãoan officers were still bold enough to speak their mind in front of their Babkhan lords and masters, of course after such an extended period, the union between the two races had been solidified somewhat by ties of blood and property. It was these ties that made some of them more presumptuous. The Shahanshah of Babkha glared across the table at the young Minorcan who wore olive green military fatigues in the Baracãoan fashion whilst wearing the military rank slides of the newly formed Sultanate of Hatay. The Almagro family hailed from those lands from the far south of the Euran continent where the desert met the icy sea. “Don Alfonso, your brother may have married my fourth cousin twice removed but that does not make us kin in any way deep enough to restrain me from shedding a river of blood amongst the Almagros should you ever interrupt me like that again.”Ardashir didnÂ’t really mind the interjection to the extent that he would have contemplated wiping out the entire Almagro dynasty, although Diego Almagro, the Minorcan who had invited Babkhan tanks into the enclave of La Plata, to Emperor AugustinÂ’s impotent chagrin, was too becoming too big for his boots, trying to wrestle the trade in Narcotics and ‘RedÂ’ from the Treesian Mafia while trying to insist on a 50-50% split in the Osman-Almagro defence manufacturing conglomerate, it would be inevitable that either the Fedayeen or the Treesians would cut his throat, but not until the greedy old fool had done the business with the shahÂ’s tender cousin and produced a heir for the new sub-branch of the House of Osman. Indeed there would probably be no harm in letting Don Alfonso live long enough to die in the pursuit of his profession of soldiering rather than pick him off in some squalid assassination or massacre. The twenty-nine year old had a keen mind, an aptitude for leading men in battle, and best of all hated his brother Diego with a passion, thus providing a source of enmity that the shah imagined would make him biddable to accepting a minority partnership and 70-30 split in Osman-Almagro shares merely to see the look on DiegoÂ’s face where he realised he had been screwed over by his own sibling. However, these were designs of peace, lacking a place in a time of war. The ShahanshahÂ’s rather unpleasant countenance eased a little and he beckoned to one of the Mondesian slaves lounging amongst the rugs and cushions spread out in one corner of the conference room to bring wine of the dozen or so commanders assembled in the room. The Mondesian girl had a pleasing figure and was draped in loose silks and pantaloons that hid the Royal pleasures from the view of the commoners who would have no right to sample them. The King of KingÂ’s reflected upon how Mondesians were a race particularly suited to the honourable institution of slavery, pleasing to the eye, and troubled not by even the slightest hint of intellect, if only they could be persuaded to shave more frequently without resorting to the lash. Not that whipping a slave does not count as one of lifeÂ’s little pleasures, merely that it should not have to count as one of lifeÂ’s recurring chores. The Shah resolved to visit the slave market at Marston outside York once the interminable meeting was at an end, he had heard that there were some fine pubs in the area. To have a pint in good cheer with the common folk while breaking in new slaves with a riding crop was the key to a long and happy life, along with 24 hour security, a personality cult, organ transplants, tissue grafting, cloning, and genetic harvesting, but such is the price of what practically amounted to immortality, a price worth paying if the Shahanshah could complete his mission, to complete the work begun in Menelmacar and Elwynn, the eradication of all elvish life on Micras. There was only one obstacle left to completing the millennia old Prophecies of Bahram and of Umra, that ‘the Kapav banner would be raised over all the lands of Micras, far and wide, in which the Elfinshi shall find no hole to hideÂ’ that was of course Shireroth. The elves of Yardistan and Lunaris, Goldshire and Elwynn would be purged from existence. The mutation eradicated and humanity elevated; Babkhanised. All that stood in the way of the fall of Shireroth was its navy and its colonies, without them it would be defenceless. However those colonies, even Jaris were defended to a greater or lesser extend and would need considerable effort to conquer them all, unless men of imagination and daring could be found to cut corners, break rules and achieve results. It must not just be Karnalians seen taking the war to the enemy. With that the Shahanshah left his dreams of immortality, world conquest and genocide to one side and gazed once more upon the face of the insolent but talented Minorcan standing directly across the table from him.“Alfonso,” the Osman Shahanshah, warming to a new line of thought playing itself out in his head, “I understand you were on the Malik the other day, what was Amir thinking of taking his ships so far into shore?” Alfonso however did not listen to the ShahÂ’s question and blurted out his own thoughts and concerns. “Shahanshah, I apologise for being forward with you. However, I must emphasise that we are making a lot of assumptions based on these images. They come from the Karnalian Intelligence Agency afterall, not saying anything bad about our allies, but you know as well as I do what they can be like...”The Shahanshah brushed off the criticism as though it were flakes of dead skin upon his shoulder. “Noted, your concerns are noted. Your observations are sensible, sensible but cautious, and caution means that our forces will take time to achieve their objectives and time, if I need not remind you, is running out! Alfonso, for this moment, this rare moment we have gathered superior forces in one theatre, but if we do not achieve a decisive victory now the war will drag on and one by one the outposts of the Commonwealth will become subject to the enemies terrible wrath, perhaps even Babkha and Minorca would suffer as well. Would you like to see mango stained scum whoring and looting in the streets of Bandera or San Serverus?”Alfonso tensed up as though he had been stung in an overly sensitive intimate region. “No never, Majestad! ErrÂ… as to the question of the Malik. Sartip Shervanis, the Amir believed that enemy defences on Jaris were so disorganised that the warships would be save giving close fire support to devastating effect. Subsequent events proved him to be entirely correct. The islands fell to the Commonwealth Marines in swift succession.”As the nervous Alfonso gave his best-reasoned responses the Mondesian slave girl passed around the room passing out glasses of Norashti wine to the assembled Sartips and Sarhangs. To men hardened on Treesian Red the taste of real wine was as sweet and delicate as nectar or the spirit reviving haoma beloved of Babkhan Orthodox Mobads. The bearded warlords sipped and murmured approvingly, whilst the beardless Alfonso, from a culture on which the dark malevolent influence of Treesian Red had yet to make any significant inroads, drank deep for courage. The Osman Shahanshah savoured his wine and then knocked in back in one gulp before taking a deep intake of breath and throwing the glass over his should leading to a loud smash on the polished cedar wood floor. Such is the price of keeping the ShahÂ’s company that all present felt compelled to imitate the Tyrant of Kamalshahr and soon the floor was covered in broken glass. A Mondesian was sent to fetch a brush and dustpan. In the meantime he kept up the questions. “Yes indeed they fell quickly, but what if there had been Shirerithian naval units in the area, as we suspect there are now passing, to our disgrace, unopposed through the Dyre Straits? Would Amir have been so successful had he found his fleet pressed between a Yardistani leviathan and a hostile shore?”Alfonso felt compelled to stick to his guns. “Your Majesty, with respect AmirÂ’s decision was correct in the context of the time. It was a bold and decisive action of the kind you were praising and calling for more of earlier.”“Good, good, bale it was indeed young man, it was indeed, and we shall be moving second line troops to hold the newly acquired islands in due course, freeing the good Amir for better things. Comrades,” the Shah addressed the entire room, “Now the moment of real decision is coming. The mother of all battles, and yet you know that I have supreme confidence in all of you, for you are all the fountain of will power and the wellspring of life, the essence of earth, the sabres of demise for our enemies, the pupil of the eye, the twitch of the eyelid. It is the inevitable outcome awaiting all those who try to attack Babkha and the Allied Nations of the Grand Commonwealth - they will end up in the dustbin of history. This has been the case with all empires preceding our time, Tymaria, Menelmacar, &etc. If this is what history tells us about its judgement on all past eras without exception, those who are trying to ignore history now can only be described in terms, which no wise or prudent person would wish. Such is the confrontation with Shireroth that it does represent the great struggle in the Grand Battle, the immortal Mother of All Battles, and that the harvest of victory is progressing along the lines of the promise we gave to it. And none will suffer frustration but those who are frustrated of their purpose. I have often wondered whether victory is achieved only when the elements of strength are gathered, organised and mobilised, and when the timing of each action is chosen to suit its right moment according to the property of its objectives? Or is it the translation of faith, after it rises to its level together with the readiness for sacrifice, into items in a realistic and successful working plan, that achieves victory and renews itself and its means after developing the available strength to create what is additional in it and not merely using it as it is, as the first hypothesis postulates?Victory, brothers, is achieved through both hypotheses when they fuse and interact under the supervision of an experienced, devoted, open-minded, potent and faithful leadership that cherishes its deep roots. The energy that nourishes victory and the guiding light on its main and subsidiary routes spring first from the hearts and the souls before looking for them in the field of things and other conditions. But feeling them inside the hearts and souls of their pioneers and those who hold titles of leadership in them, each according to his responsibility, power and authority, and the inner feeling of the possibility of achieving victory inevitably in the light of the faith inside the hearts and souls alone and this feeling is the foundation without which total victory cannot be achieved. Hand in hand with this inner feeling goes good management, arrived at through the accumulation of experience, knowledge and the trust of the people and the army in their leadership, after having tested their leadership in all rounds of struggle and jihad and in other fields of life.From this trust and with it, after the trust in Zurvan, the Great Omnipotent, and on the basis of justice, fairness and care for people's lives on the part of whoever leads the people and the army, spring elements that merge with each other and, Zurvan willing, undergo a great interaction to produce the fundamental factors that make victory possible. Or rather, with the gathering together of the attributes we have mentioned and their active presence and genuine interaction, victory becomes decisive in the hearts and in the souls. The certainty of victory and the absolute feeling of its presence are not cancelled out by any partial disagreement with its final results in this front or that, in this partial time of the battle or that, when the causes of victory in the hearts and souls of the opposing adversary forces are not of this quality -- even when they achieve superiority in things or in some partial results which come contrary to the wish of the true freedom fighters and the patient, faithful people of the just and fair stand and of the high sense of honour who are on the opposite side--they will not turn into a decisive result which counters the expected victory. The thoughts of those who line up under the opposing banner will be confused, their faith in what they were expecting and working for will be shaken, their lines will be dispersed and their power will depart with the prolongation of time and as endurance and patience in the lines of the faithful go on until Zurvan gives leave for the preponderance of the line of faith, the right stand, the wakeful management and the renewal that is not cut off its necessities and its circumstance.Thus should be understood the preponderance of having victory spring first from the soul basically, and impose its image through factors called for by necessity to be united and interacting with what is inside the souls, hearts and minds and their outer surroundings to render it, Zurvan willing, decisive and final and to have it as the inevitable result of what we have referred to. I have no doubt in accordance with the Imperial Way that the victory of the Grand Commonwealth over Shireroth and its allies shall be total and echo down the centuries to our lasting fame. Comrades you are dismissed.”The ShahanshahÂ’s monologue had been fairly rousing, if utterly confusing for those officers present, though many wondered if they were dazed and confused on account of something in the shiraz. The Shah had been on fiery form nonetheless and even one of the Mondesians had been filled with patriotic zeal, that was however until his overseer ordered him to clean the toilets. Now everyone was filing out of the room back to their duties and lives after an unusually long meeting with some sense of relief. Alfonso was also amongst those heading decidedly towards the door when the Shahanshah called him back. Alfonso tried and almost managed to stifle the involuntary shudder that enveloped his body when he heard Ardashir calling him back to the table. He had heard stories about what had happened to people left alone with the Shah for any period of timeÂ… it wasnÂ’t pretty by all accounts. “Relax, old chap, I wonÂ’t stand on formality now the shites are gone. Now, whatever reservations you have about this plan I urge you to put them aside now. You will have no choice but to put aside your prejudices, as you will be joining the mission yourself. No, donÂ’t look so surprised; General Pinochle was kind enough to forward me your Sharpshooter course report. It is very impressive, also Field Training reports, excellent tactical leadership, and you cope well under pressure, well there will be a lot of that where you are going. You are to travel to Chaddington immediately. There will be a team of specialists arriving there from Palastina. There, you will meet a Karnalian pilot by the name of Ajay Singh Rathore and another fellow, a Babkhan Air Commodore from the 11th Tactical Air Force who goes by the name of Ahmad Arash. I shouldnÂ’t worry I think this mission is in fact right up your street, and when you return you will invariably be a hero, who knows perhaps even the next Governor of La Plata. May Zurvan bless you and keep you in all the dark places. Go in peace.Summary: Don Alfonso Almagro is joining the team assembling at Chaddington. Edited by: Osman Shahanshah  at: 8/12/05 15:46

Babkhan War Politics

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:10 pm
by extreme007
I think I need a drink. Nothing like a… what do we have here? A vanilla flavored drink? Yuck! These Babkhans would drink anything. First they would spoil something as precious as vanilla, and to top that they will make it a drink! This is definitely not the best of both worlds, but definitely the spoils of them. Perhaps, an ice cream would satisfy me at this stage. Yes. Ice cream will do the trick. Even the best of drinks in this world would not make for the utter madness the Babkhans want of me this time. Now to my secret stash of smuggled Karnalian Xcream Icetremes – which are behind the Treesian beverages in the small fridge. Ha! No one would ever think of checking there. Ah the taste of Mango ice cream. Not a care in the world when you take one bite of it. Well, perhaps some sitar music would be good. Let’s see. Ah, Bhuvan Pandey the renowned Karnalian sitar player. Hmmm… Beautiful music. Now’s lets see that Babkhan politician situation once more.Okay. So saying that Ahmad Arash was sent off duty for good performance in one mission has obviously not worked well. Especially with the Babkhan crew and this politican Ghulzar Hirmani. He feels that I sent Ahmad off because Ahmad was proving that Babkhans were up to the challenge and that because I didn't want to lose face that I sent him off? Good Lord. The last thing I want is to send my best officers out of duty during war. I could tell them the truth that Ahmad is going to perform a secret mission but then what's the point of having it a secret. So, crap. I am running out of ideas. And to make it worse, the Babkhan crew of 11th Air Force has decided not to work hard at all because I threw their hero out. Oh man. These Babkhans are surely crazy. What to do? What to do?Oh no. That's not the problem. How did I forget this? Okay, let's see. Ghulzar Hirmani wants to visit 11th Air Force HQ tomorrow. Crap. He wants the Karnalian Avekshaks to be at the base inside a hanger? A closed hanger? The devil's crap. And all the Babkhan Ashavans spread outside in the airfield? That just does not make sense. It is completely crap. This does not happen in war Mr. Hirmani. Politicians must keep out of war. He wants all this tomorrow morning? Oh what a messy crap.Alright. Let me think here for a second. Surely there is something good in this. OH YES. The Shirerithians can attack me tomorrow and then well goodbye 11th Air Force. And I will be back in Karnali. Although I wouldn't mind going back home, I cannot accept defeat because of these dumb Babkhans. Yes, the Shirerithians will definately attack me tomorrow. Well, atleast I am allowed those Ashavans to be outside. Why are they outside and the Avekshaks inside? Oh. So, a political statement huh! All Karnalian AWACS inside one hanger while all Babkhan fighters outside. Karnalians aren't helping the Babkhans win this war. The Babkhans are doing in themselves. Babkhan Ashavans raring to go against the skies. That will be tomorrow's headlines in the Babkhan papers. That's what the Mr. Hirmani wants.Get back to base defense extreme. Base Defense. Okay, mister brain. Base Defense it is. Shireroth attacks with those Jaris based fighters. The earliest warning I will get will be the HUMRAAMs, and the airport radars at Chesterfield and York itself. That's a good enough early warning for me. But wait. What if they take out those radars? Then I know an attack is imminent. Offcourse. So, if the radars detect those shirerithians fighters, or if I lose any of my radars, I send my planes out. The Babkhan ashavans go up first, and then hell with Babkhan politics for the Avekshaks go in the air next. I am not going to lose my Avekshaks to those Shirerithian fighters. But that stealth. It could easily fly right through the radars and BANG - there goes the hanger. Oh CRA..."Enter""Sir, message from... Chadding..ton? They say they are ready to... begin-saving-pilot-eas""Ah yes. Sure. Thanks for that. And uh.. don't tell anyone about this message.""Okay. Um..""Anything else?""The three transports those were inbound. They said they spotted a submarine along the coast. No one here knows why they told us that! And them being Karnalians, I thought to tell you that.""Ah. Well, it’s like this. Us Karnalians tend to report every military sighting to our superiors. They then send that report to everyone else in the theatre. So, why don’t you send this sighting report to all the other forces in the area? Let them deal with it.""Yes sir. Good day.""You may leave."The team in en-route. Good Luck Ahmad. You will need it. Now this Babkhan politician. Ahh crap. Alright, if this is what the Babkhans want, this is what I will do."Cadet. Could you please come in?""Sir?""Take this order to the Avekshak officer. And tell him, if he doesn't understand then to come talk to me personally. That's it. You may go now."Summary: Backstory mainly. The Special Mission from Chaddington has begun and uh, one submarine was spotted by the 3 Vijayi transports that were flying in. I didn't say whether the submarine was friendly or not. (but offcourse we all know its shirerithian!) Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

Re: Mondesian Glass Slippers

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:05 pm
by Osman Shahanshah
The Osman Shahanshah sat sour faced in the lounge area of the Blue Boar Inn, a pub in Marston near the slave market that had taken his fancy. A dinner of kid roasted with garlic and chives had gone someway towards improving his mood, if not his breath, but still the Babkhan sat reclined into the plush leather armchair brooding over the situation. It was another beautiful summer evening outside and the swallows frolicked carefree in the sky. Out in the beer garden of the ancient limestone whitewashed building a Mondesian slave girl was singing one of her peoples quaint ballads that bemoan their condition as chattel‘They promised freedom but they themselvesWere slaves of corruption With their mouths they praise ZurvanWith their bodies they serve AhrimanNow no more are we our own mastersWe only live to serve Kaiser or ShahÂ…Â’Of course in spite of all the officers, viziers, satraps and courtiers in that beer garden watching the Mondesian in the red dress bewailing the centuries old tyranny, no one would raise a hand against the girl, unless out of some other whim, for the songs themselves were now bereft of their subversive political meaning, being instead a source of romantic escapism for soft city types who revered nostalgically the tradition of the cruel ghazi and the Babkha-e Jihad. An uncomplicated time when the choice was between kneeling to the Kapav Throne and slaughter.Good times, Ardashir thought, but you had to really be there to appreciate it. Taking another sip of BaltyÂ’s Revenge, the local ale, a bitter appropriately enough.At that moment a Sotvam, the ShahanshahÂ’s adjutant, appeared before him and gave the salaam with a salute and a deep bow.“Majesty, a thousand pardons, Ghulzar Hirmani craves an audience.”Ghulzar Hirmani was an infamous political animal who fought his way up through the treacherous slope of Babkhan politics through patronage and betrayal to become the first civilian head of SAVAK the internal security apparatus of the Shah, which an upstart Majlis-i-Mellat had first abolished and then reconstituted under its own authority much to his disgust but it mattered not because Hirmani was an agent of the ShahanshahÂ’s other secret police force, the Komiteh Polis, which no law could challenge. It was from this position of serving two masters that Hirmani stretched his influence over the Babkhan security state, which was now sinking its tendrils into the wider Commonwealth through unofficial alliances with the spooks of the other constituent members. In all of this Hirmani could act as the representative of the Imperial Will, and now the Shahanshah had another mission for him.“By all means let him enter then,” the Shah replied “fetch him a drink while you are up there, and another for me as well.” With that the adjutant departed.The next moment Agha Ghulzar Hirmani entered the lounge, a curious mix of Babkhan rugs and tapestries mingled with Terran furniture and decorations, horseshoes and beer mats, photos of glum peasants, a mix of Mondesian, Freenesian and Baracãoan ethnic features, hanging on the wall. It was an odd place for the shah of Babkha but the emotionless gaunt Hirmani gave nothing away on that score.“My lord Shahanshah. You called for me? I have flown from Kamalshahr this very day on your command. May I report that I have ordered the execution of the air traffic controller at Richmond for his culpability in delaying my transfer from the continental flight to the helicopter that brought me here?”Ardashir shrugged “Tad extreme wasnÂ’t it?”“Perhaps my Lord, but is Extreme not the reason you called me here?”“Indeed he is, now pay attention. The Antican Wulaptonachgat or what ever you call that damn rag of theirs has been banging the drum about the 11th Tactical Air ForceÂ’s raid. Now as far as I am concerned this is excellent propaganda, except for one thing. If you read the Wulapwhatsit you will see that they refer to our lads as ‘Karnalian devilsÂ’! You understand I donÂ’t care what they call us, in terms of devils imps of Satan, spawn of Ahriman, etc, etcÂ… but Karnalians! That is beyond the pale. I very nearly ordered VX tipped scuds to be rained down on Aquilaria when I read that.”Hirmani stared up at the ceiling before remarking sardonically “Your MajestyÂ’s restraint is truly remarkable.” “Oh do be quiet old chap. You know what the problem is. Forget that 90% of the crew and the equipment is Babkhan ally they go on about is this Extreme fellow, this Air Marshal, this tactical flippin genius so-called. Him and that damned Mother Goose of his, Ahriman take him and that infernal machine. Hirmani, I want you to go back to York, go to the aerodrome and tear Extreme down a stripe of two. Make it plain to him that this is a Babkhan operation and make sure the world knows that the Babkhans can fight this war without the Karnalians holding their hands.”Hirmani stood there. The Shahanshah glared at him malevolently. “Well what are you waiting for?” “Permission to be dismissed your Majesty.”“What? Oh yes of course, dismissed, get out of here. Sort Extreme out or bring me his head on a plate is that clear!”“Perfectly. LONG LIVE BABKHA!”And with that Hirmani was gone. At that moment the Adjutant returned with two pints of frothy Balty. The Shah rose from his chair and took the pints from the AdjutantÂ’s hand. “Waste not want not” the Osman Shahanshah said in his most regal and aloof air as he took a long sip from both pints. ‘I bet he believed it. Extreme is going to hate me for sending that chap over but itÂ’ll be worth it.Â’ The tyrant thought to himself as he went to walk out onto the beer garden. Edited by: Osman Shahanshah  at: 8/13/05 14:15

The Start

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:15 pm
by extreme007
Air Commodore Ahmad Arash walked into the pilot mess hall at Chaddington General Airport. The airport itself was huge and a very small remote area was devoted to the military, in particular to this mission. A lot of secrecy had gone into getting this mission together and not many people knew about its existance or purpose. Only the Shahanshah of Babkha, higher up officials at Karnali Intelligence, the Air Chief Marshal extreme007 and the twenty eight hand-picked personnel assigned to this mission knew about its existance. And even then, only the Shahanshah, Karnali Intelligence officials and extreme007 knew about the purpose. The details and the objective of the mission would be revealed to the twenty eight men and women moments before their final destination was reached.Ahmad took his plate filled with the best of available food, some Babkhan and some Karnalian. He noticed all the chefs were of the best nature with huge smiles on them. Did they know where he was going and what he would be doing? The question ran through his mind every time the chefs looked him in the eyes and smiled. He erazed the thought from his mind, turned away from the food pick up area and looked towards the men and women sitting in the mess hall. There were only 6 women, and all of them were at the table where Ajay Singh Rathore was sitting. He must be a ladies man thought Ahmad as he walked up to that table."This here, ladies, is Air Commodore Ahmad Arash. The only Babkhan pilot in this entire secret operation. He's a Babkhan Hero by the way. HA?" Ajay winked at the six ladies as he said that."Well, I dont really consider myself a hero. I just try to be the best.""Like the ACM?", wondered one of the ladies sitting at the table directly opposite Ahmad who by now had taken a seat."I am Asha Choudary. Pilot of Dancing Lady One. Shut up Ajay.""Yes Ma'am" replied Ajay as quickly as he could."This here is Kanti, my co-pilot. Duma and Damini of Dancing Lady Two and finally, Madhu and Sonia of Dancing Lady Three.""These Dancing Ladies are those Vijayis out there that will fly us in", inputted Ajay as he and Sonia put their glasses together for a toast."In where?" asked Ahmad curiously."Anywhere" replied Damini, "We can put you hunks anywhere we want.""Take us to your place honey." One of the men sitting at a nearby table, who was listening to the conversation, made the quick remark."Hi. I am Rajkumar. Karnali Special Force Branch at your service. These gentlemen here are Vaibhav our medic, Lalit communications, Manas and Abhimanyu our weapons specialists.""Glad to meet you guys.""No problem. Just wanted to drop in and say Hi. And uh, thanks for the ride here. A little too bumpy for my comformt.""Next time make sure you take Karnali Airways."People, especially those with the Special Forces team, who heard that began laughing. It was commonly known that the Special Forces never travelled in comfort during missions. The only time they did was to visit their mummies and daddies."Yeah... well....", Rajkumar, the Special Forces engineer and demolitions expert, tried to regain his composture.Just then, fifteen men entered the room. Ahmad immediately recognised the uniforms of the first three men. They were no ordinary soldiers of the Babkhan Army. They were members of the elite sniper squadron and it was rumored that they were trained in multiple countries, including Karnali, Shireroth, Antica and Attera, thanks to the SAVAK's and other intelligence agencies' connections. The next to enter were ten men all belonging to the deadly Fedayeen Corps. Ahmad stood up quickly. The sight of ten Fedayeen men coming at you was horrible, but the last two men scared him the most - SAVAK and Komiteh agents. At this instant, Ahmad knew that this mission was very very very important."Ladies. Gents", the Babkhan in the lead began, "I am Don Alfonso Almagro. These are my associates Hesam Qatami&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp and Jouri Mohammed. We, as I understand, are going to be this team's sniper group. These ten men here are Zahak, Khroses, Akbar, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Omar and Farouk, the weapons specialists while our chief drivers are Jemahadar, Savadin and Timur. Yes.""Drivers?" Rajkumar inquired."Aparently you need us.""Do you know what you are driving?""Vans and trucks. Whatever fits into your transports.""Ah good. Cause if its one of those sleek sports vehicle, then I better be driving.""It's not.""Huh. You don't take jokes. Okay."The confrontation between the Karnalian Special Forces and Fedayeen drivers was interupted by the coughs of the agents."Team. We are going to be your group leaders. I am Rashid Gillani and this is Cyrus Azarbades. Our orders are to leave this base before light fall. That's three hours from now. That will be all. Until next time.""YES SIR", said Manas sarcastically, unaware of Rashid's nasty background.Ahmad began to curse his Air Chief Marshal for sending him to this mission. Ahmad had tried his best to avoid the brutal organizations operating within Babkha, and now he was working along side all of them. He was told by extreme007 before his departure that his role in this mission will be critical. But what was the mission?Summary: backstory. the special team has met up with each other. they are mainly getting to know each other. Their mission begins in 3 hours... which i will post in another three hours... .. the mission begins at light fall... Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

The Drop

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:39 pm
by extreme007
The DropA loud knock on the door was enough to send Ajay jumping off the bed. He had decided on taking a quick nap before the mission began. Ahmad who shared the room with him saw him jump off the bed and began smiling. He opened the door and saw the big badly shaven Komiteh agent Cyrus standing."We leave in half an hour. We meet now near the transports."Ahmad noticed Cyrus was trying to take a glance inside their quarters. He didn't want to refuse a Komiteh agent and quickly moved away from the door and offered Cyrus a complete view of the room. Years of experience had taught Cyrus enough to realize that Ahmad knew who he was."It's alright Comrade. I was just looking if Ajay is here. We leave in half an hour. And, we must be near the transports in the next few minutes.""Yes. Thank you."The door closed softly behind Cyrus. Ahmad took a deep breath and turned back to his side of the room to begin dressing into all that he would need - his pilot uniform. Or so he thought.Within minutes, all of the twenty eight men and women of this special team were ready and on the tarmac. The ladies, all in their combat pilot uniform were walking straight to their transport aircrafts - the three helicopter-aircraft Vijayis. The best of both the worlds, helicopter and aircrafts. Rajkumar wolf-whistled as Damini began to put her helmet."Don't let them be in your mind Comrade Rajkumar. It will only hamper your mission.""Don't worry about me Com-Raid Rashid. We are trained for this." Rajkumar never liked the word Comrade. It made him look too socialist. He already as such hated the Karnali Socialist Party. They showed so much potential in their formation years but eventually worked on a downwards slide.Ahmad walked up to Ajay. The two had formed a much stronger bonding between themselves as compared to themselves and any other person. Perhaps not as much as between Ajay and his Karnalian lady-friends but definitely from Ahmad's point of view Ajay was the only person he could really talk and connect with. Maybe it was because of the fact that Ajay was going to be his co-pilot. As he stood there wondering about it, Sonia came up from behind him."Hey hero. You are coming with me in Dancing Lady Three. You too Ajay." She winked at both as she made her way to her chopper.The sudden entrance of Sonia had quickly changed the chain of thought in Ahmad's mind. Now, he was staring at what appeared to be the largest cache of personnel guns and ammunition he had ever seen. There were four main areas for weapons pickup with all the men waiting at the first area. There were M9 9mm Beretta pistols on the table and four cartridges for each pistol. Ahmad picked up his gun and the ammunitions offered to him, and noticed all the other men pick them up too. Cyrus then waved them towards their transport, Dancing Lady Three. Ajay lead Ahmad into the transport. Already, Ahmad could see that there was just enough space for five more men. The helicopter could easily carry 60 personnel, but most of the space was occupied by the truck that was in the rear.Ahmad took his seat and then glanced at the Special Forces picking up their weapons. Vaibhav picked up the huge M249 SAW Light Machine Gun and lots of ammunition, while the rest of the four members picked up M4 Carbine with the M203A1 Grenade Launcher attached. Then they packed the ammunition cartridges into different part of their camouflaged combat gear. And then just before leaving the Special Forces area, Rajkumar picked up the Winchester 1200 shotgun."Lock and Load," Sonia said over the in-flight intercom as she too saw Rajkumar pick up the shotgun. The five men then made their way into Dancing Lady Three.The drivers and agents picked up their Berettas and then proceeded to another area, where H&K MP5 submachine guns were waiting for each one of them. Picking their weapons, they moved to their transport, Dancing Lady Two. They were followed by the snipers who each carried a Beretta and a Barret M82A1 .50 caliber BMG Rifle, the best sniper rifle in the world. Finally behind them, the seven Fedayeen men walked towards their weapons area after picking up their Berettas. Ahmad whistled. There's was the largest of specialized weapons. Four of the men picked up 2 M224 60mm Lightweight Company Mortar System and the ammunition that came with it. Two other men, Akbar and Omar, picked up three M240G Medium Machine guns, while the last fedayeen picked up the ammunitions for those three guns. The fedayeen then made their way to their transport - Dancing Lady One.The doors soon closed, and the last of the natural light that was already fading was left outside. The passengers of the three transports didn't even have a small open window to look through to gain any knowledge as to their path or their destination. All they could hear were each other's voices, the not-so-noisy whirr of the blades and the occasional feminine voice of their pilots."Dancing Ladies, " began Asha the lead pilot and the one in charge of getting the team to their destination, "we are under orders to maintain helicopter flight throughout the trip. Switching to aircraft mode is not allowed. We are to remain under radar at all times. Including friendly radar. Further, our altitude should not increase more than 60 meters. Follow my lead ladies."Under the fading light, three dark spots made their way criss-crossing the TDR country side and ignoring all the radars and eyes of people on the ground. Their height never increasing above tree tops and yet able to stay as fast as possible. The drain on the fuel was heavy, but the first stop in their flight plan was a refueling station. After that, it would be another hour and half ride on the same orders of altitude and helicopter mode, to the drop zone. The drop zone, where the three vehicles and all twenty two men will be offloaded, was 100 miles from the mission's target. After dropping them, the Dancing Ladies would be on their way back to the refueling station, where they would stay until the morning when the team will have to be brought back. The men, however, will drive down 100 miles to their target during the night, and should they find any trouble, they would have the necessary documents to show to the local authorities, all thanks to the intelligence back up of this mission. The men would then wait in their carefully chosen hiding spots, coming out of it in the morning and starting one of the biggest surprise gunfights. And with the firepower they pack, it will definitely be a major firefight. For now however, within an hour, close to 2200 hours, they would approach the refueling station, without ever revealing themselves to anyone - including the watchful eyes of the 11th Air Force.Summary: (posting this because emir decided that it was already time to fight Eoin's forces!)what happens? well. backstory again... but mostly the special mission team has left chaddington.. and at 2200 hours, they reach the refueling station... after that, at 2400 (midnigth) they reach the drop zone... which is 100 miles away from the target... at the drop zone, three vehicles and all 22 men will be offloaded... (thrown out of the helis by the ladies! ).. the transports will fly back to refueling station.. the men will take the vehicles and drive off to their target, where they will hide till the morning when the signal to begin one huge firefight will be given. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

The Fire Fight

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:06 pm
by extreme007
Saving Pilot Eastwood was given a green light by Air Chief Marshal extreme007 just a few minutes. It was about two hours earlier but that was not much of a problem. The team, now codenamed Phoenix, was supposed to be in their hiding spots about an hour ago. After that, all the men had to do for the three hours was observe the enemy movements, locate where their objective FireFox was, see which enemy had what role, how many defense structures were there and the rest that goes with any raid. Luckily, due to the simultaneous war fight going over at Acre, and all of the Halluci fighters that were based at the Philban airport gone to aid in that war, most of the problems the team had to face was gone. Now, Philban airport was almost deserted. Almost. There was still the stealth bomber, its pilot crew, the ground crew for the stealth and the other fighters based there. And offcourse the base personnel themselves. Now with all the fighters gone, most of the ground crew for those aircrafts had retreated back to their building. And the base atmosphere had switched from working to wondering. Wondering what was happening over the grounds of Acre.The seven Fedayeen troops now lay secure between the Philban airport and the militia head quarters. Their job was simple, yet hard. They had to ensure that the militia at Jaris would not be able to respond to come to the rescue of the massacre that was going to take place inside the airport. They had hidden their truck safely enough to not allow a view from either the airport or the road leading towards the airport. The Fedayeen troops, the Anti-Militia Team of Phoenix, had distributed themselves in such a manner that would allow for maximum effectiveness of killing the militia coming to the rescue and also being able to provide added support to the Special Forces inside the base, incase the need aroused.The Special Forces lay in one part of the airbase. Their role was to cause as much havoc as possible. Their goal was to destroy the AWACS and as many fighter jets as possible. But due to the air battle over Acre, they would have to make do with anything else they could find. Rajkumar, the team leader looked for suitable targets and smiled, as his eyes glanced over the fuel depot. Without fuel, how would the fighters fight? He now knew where he was going, but being the team leader, he had to find targets for his men as well. Lalit, the communications officer, would lay hidden, but within range to use his M4 Carbine and the M203A1 grenade launcher. He would also be in charge of providing cover for the rest of the troops, but more importantly, communicating with ThunderBird - extreme007 whose mission they were performing. Manas and Vaibhav were directed towards the ground crew building. With his M249 SAW Vaibhav could easily tear the ground crew of the fighters down to pieces within minutes. Manas was sent along just incase and as a backup, should things go wrong. Abhimanyu was left to deal with the mounted base defenses closest to the Special Forces area of operation. A couple of grenades launched from his gun should do the trick and if it didn't, then there was always the M4. The sharpshooter lessons at the academy would then come into a real test. The Special Forces were also tasked with another job. Should the stealth bomber attempt to take off the attack, they were ordered to shoot in its direction. To be more precise they were ordered to appear as if they were trying to destroy the stealth bomber. Rajkumar had hit a roadblock trying to reason it out.Don Alfonso Almagro lied down besides a small bush. His ghillie suit matching the colors around and to his back. He was now invisible to the enemy, who in spite of searching for him would still not be able to find him. At least not without proper training. It took a long time to get used to the eyes of a sniper. Even a small movement in the distance was noticed by the sniper. Their eyes as sharp as eagles. Don Alfonso looked through the scope of his Barret .50 sniper rifle. He saw Cyrus in it, walking alongside Ajay. Then he moved the rifle to his left past the objective FireFox, past the ground crew members, past a mounted defense and then on the other side of a wall, Rashid and Ahmad. He didn't want to move too much now to look at the Special Forces. That would risk getting out of the comfortable position he was in. And also, didn't bother looking for his sniper mates who he trusted were to his right and left. Far away but hopefully close enough within normal speaking range, should help be required or orders be told. For now, he brought FireFox back into the scope. His orders were to shoot any enemy person, civilian or military, that was close to FireFox.Opposite the sniper, past the Philban runway and into the hangers were the two secret agents and the pilots. The secret agents had managed to get the pilots into the airbase through one of the entrances. They had shown authentic looking transfer order papers to the guards. Ahmad had entered the base with papers showing he was a new ground crew member for one of the fighters, while Ajay was the new expert technician who had to work on the AWACS. Rashid walked in saying he was the airport urinals and other facility cleaner, while Cyrus was a clerk in the office. They were already prepared for this although for only an hour during the truck ride. But it was enough to fool the bored guards at the Philban airport. As such, those guards were never expecting a ground attack on their base anytime soon. Their superiors would have been warned them."Alright Ahmad. Once it begins you take the guard sitting, while I'll take the guard standing. Okay?"Ahmad nodded and began taking deep breaths as he and Rashid stood against a wall. On the other side of the wall were the two men they were talking about. They had to pass them and then walk towards their objective, FireFox. Ajay and Cyrus would be doing the same from the other side of FireFox. Their mission was simple and the only reason they were here. FireFox. Ahmad and Ajay were going to steal the FireFox - the lone stealth bomber in Jaris.Lalit fired the grenade high into the air. Its target was a communication antenna on top of one of the airport's building. The target was not important. What was however, important was that it was a sign that the mission was green flagged. The mission to steal the stealth bomber had begun.Summary:Happy Eoin? I declared what the mission was.The team is at the Philban airport, taking part in a heist. We are stealing your stealth bomber. Do you (ozarka) want to role play the steal? or do you just want to go ahead straight to the loss?oh here's the reason for the strategy i used:the snipers will take out all the people near your stealth. The pilots and agents will kill the 2 guards nearby. Then, with no body around, they would easily steal the plane.. the Special forces are going to make a mock attempt to destroy the stealth as it taxies to a take off... this is so that any of your forces at the airport will think that we are there to destroy it, while your pilots are trying to fly it away to safety.... get it? enjoy. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

Grand Theft Aero

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:43 pm
by extreme007
Grand Theft AeroWithin seconds of the first grenade exploding, three crew men working on the equipment near FireFox fell down silently. Two seconds later another fell and two more seconds later two more fell. The remaining men couldn't see their fellow workers fall to the ground. They were all moving towards the entrance to see what had exploded. The snipers were taking advantage of this and were picking off those who were farthest behind. That way, none of the others could do anything that will make their job harder. By the time the last of the surviving ground crew member looked back at his fallen coworkers, a hot metal cut into his back and exited from the chest. Blood began spilling out even before he could hit the ground. The snipers had done their first part of the job. The area around FireFox was secured. Cyrus walked in from one end with his silenced submachine gun at hip level and finger on trigger. Seeing no one, he walked into the hanger and signaled Ajay to follow.Ahmad ran around the wall, and quickly aimed his Beretta at the guard he was supposed to kill. He pressed the trigger firmly twice as the bullets fired out of the gun and hit the guard in the chest. The second guard, first surprised at seeing a fellow officer shoot his partner, quickly realized that this was an attack on the base. He grabbed his rifle and ducked under the cover of the sandbag. Ahmad seeing this ran and jumped behind a parked jeep nearby. He was afraid and breathing heavily. This was not the job of a pilot, and this was certainly not the part of the plan. Before he could question Rashid's whereabouts, he heard the silenced submachine gun go off. Even though it was silenced, it was perfectly silenced and people near the gun could easily hear it. Ahmad looked around the jeep and saw Rashid standing next to the sandbag with the gun aimed at his kill. Rashid jogged quickly towards Ahmad, said "shit happens" and ran towards the entrance of FireFox's hanger. Ahmad followed him and saw himself staring at one of the darkest plane he had ever seen. It was a beautiful sight to see. Ahmad then saw Ajay going around the aircraft doing the pilot's check. It was standard procedure for any pilot - military or civilian, to take a look at their aircraft before they flew it. "It looks perfect. The crew did a fine good job of getting it ready for us."Abhimanyu fired the grenade from his M4 gun at the mounted defense and then ran a few steps and took cover immediately. He waited for signs of survived life from his grenade explosion. Seeing none, he quickly ran towards it, ensuring that the two men were dead, and then progressing to take cover behind a truck. He then aimed his gun towards a couple of buildings that he was told to keep a watch at. According to the intelligence, one of those buildings was housing the base defense people. A door opened in one of the buildings and out ran three men fully armed. Abhimanyu aimed the gun and fired a quick burst at the three men, cutting them in two. He then aimed at the door way. Any more men who come out of that, wont even know who hit them, let alone where the shots came from.Rajkumar saw the grenade explode at the communications tower. He smiled. The mission had been green flagged. He quickly ran towards his target, the fuel depot he had seen earlier. Upon reaching the last of his covers without any incident, he began running the images of his next few moves in his mind: run to the depot; put the bomb on it; run back to safety; farther than he currently is; trigger the bomb. The only problem was he didn't have the bomb. Off all the things that could go wrong, this had to be it. The only reason he was a part of this team was because of his demolition skills, and the mission organizers had failed to pack a couple of bombs for him. What was he going to cause demolitions with? Grenades from his gun? Wait. Off course. He could use the grenades. Although it wouldn't do a whole lot of explosion, it would still cause some damage. He aimed the gun at the fuel depot and put his finger on the trigger. Suddenly, he stopped. He saw the pipelines coming out of the giant fuel containers. He looked around and saw Abhimanyu hiding by a truck."Ahbi. Get that truck here.""Sorry Raj. I got to keep those men in there.""Which building?""That open door by the two story building, next to the dead men.""Me and Lalit will cover it. You get that truck here. Lalit. You know what to cover?""Yes.""Okay. Raj. You got that door. I am bringing the truck there."Don Alfonso Almagro waited patiently as he continued to scan the airport for any other person he could pick. He had earlier shot two people who were dressed in what appeared to be pilot gears and another person accompanying them. After those three, he had his sights on a moving jeep, but before he could shoot the driver, one of his sniper partners had finished the driver. Now we was staring at a man with a gun on the second story of a building that had been identified to him as being one of the buildings housing the base defense troops. He saw the man taking aim towards what was an interesting target for him. Don quickly pulled the trigger before his target could shoot. Perhaps he might have just saved one of his team mate, thought Don.Abhimanyu managed to hotwire the truck and drive down near Rajkumar. He quickly got out and took cover behind the same truck. He then ran towards Rajkumar and hid next to him."Ok. Now what?""You take that door again.""I got that truck. Thanks."Rajkumar patted on Abhimanyu's back and then ran towards the truck. This little running between his hiding spot and the truck would have gotten anyone's attention. It would have also probably attracted some enemy fire. Luckily none had come. Rajkumar now drove the truck and crashed it into the pipelines, jumping just before the crash. He got back onto his feat, and saw fuel beginning to leak and fall freely onto the ground. He smiled and ran back to his hiding spot. He signaled Abhimanyu to follow him out of that hiding spot and away from the bomb he had just made. A safe distance away he would turn back and fire a grenade at the accident site, igniting the fuel nearby and the one inside the giant container. A chain reaction would follow igniting and blowing almost all of the other containers.Ahmad and Ajay sat into the seats of FireFox. Ajay, being the more experienced bomber quickly identified and explained to Ahmad what some of the controls did. Dedicated bombers had certain systems different than multiroles, and Ahmad was learning that on a crash course basis. He hoped it would not be literal. Ajay increased the engine power, and the big aircraft rocked forward. It slowly emerged out of its hangers and onto the night sky, which in a symbolic meaning of sorts was giving away to the sun's rays that were now coming down from the East. The symbolic meaning was soon picked up by Rashid."We are not alone. Commonwealth is with us."The rays of the conquering sun, symbol of the Grand Commonwealth, were now coming out to shine ever so brightly and proudly over the dark Shirerithian skies.Lalit spotted FireFox taxing down the taxiway and going onto the final route to the runway. He quickly aimed his gun and fired a grenade towards FireFox. It well a few meters away into the ground causing the dust to rise up. Moments later, two more grenades exploded next to FireFox."We got company." Abhimanyu cried out into the small headset. His few seconds to fire a grenade had allowed some men to make a run out of the door and take cover. Abhimanyu aimed the gun at the men's new position, while Rajkumar aimed at the door and claiming two kills before the third ran back in. Lalit continued shooting grenades nearby FireFox, as it made its final turn to the runway. He saw FireFox increase her powers as she sped down the runway and taking off in the end. He smiled as he looked at her take to the skies. He then ordered Vaibhav and Manas back to the truck, along with Don and his sniper partners.Abhimanyu and Lalit then ran back to the truck, where they met Vaibhav and Manas. The snipers were already in the truck. Rajkumar walked out to get a clear shot at the small accident he had caused. He aimed his gun and shot the grenade.The fedayeen troops quickly got back to their truck after dismantling their guns. They had not fired a single shot. The entire episode had been so quick, that they wondered if the militia had ever gotten the news of the attack. After the last of the fedayeen men sat in, the truck sped off from the scene without ever making its impact felt. It soon caught up with the second truck carrying Cyrus and Rashid, who were both smiling proudly of their roles. After catching up with the last truck, the three exchanged crews to allow them a comfortable journey to the pickup zone. One of the Fedayeen troops congratulated Rajkumar on the fireworks display the team was enjoying on their way back, while another inquired Vaibhav as to what had happened to the miles of ammunition he was carrying which had now reduced itself to a very small amount surviving. Vaibhav and Manas, tasked with the grounds crew building, had returned with their ammunitions close to being empty.The ground men began congratulating each other, as Lalit cranked up the communication equipment and sang into the microphone "Pilot Eastwood has FireFox". Above them, FireFox touched the skies and flew towards the open arms of the almighty sun of the Grand Commonwealth.Summary: Ozarka just lost his stealth. The stealth has been stolen and is now flying away from Jaris. its headed straight for Stomark, after which it will be flown to either Aerlig or Karnali... the crew is back to its pick up zone... the firefight was not as much as i expected... the Anti-militia force was not required (as of now).. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)