New, old fuedalism act.

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Gman Russell
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New, old fuedalism act.

Post by Gman Russell »

I move that we change:

1.3 Chapter II: Subdivisions
1.3.1 A. Types 1. Counties 2. Baronies and Duchies
1.3.2 B. Nobles
1.3.3 C. Creation 1. Counties 2. Baronies 3. Duchies 4. Definitions
1.3.4 D. Destruction 1. Destruction by Dissolution 2. Destruction by Order
1.3.5 E. Criteria for Subdivisions 1. Criteria for Baronies 2. Criteria for Duchies 3. Definitions

Chapter II: Subdivisions
A. Types
1. Counties
a. The lands of Shireroth shall be divided up into subdivisions known as Counties.

2. Baronies and Duchies
a. These lands may be joined up through alliances between Counts to form Baronies and Duchies.

B. Nobles
a. Duchies shall be ruled by a Lesser Noble known as a Duke or Duchess.

b. Baronies shall be ruled by a Lesser Noble known as a Baron or Baroness.

c. Counties shall be ruled by a Minor Noble known as a Count or Countess.

C. Creation
1. Counties
a. Counties may be created from a division of previously existing land by the Kaiser, the local lord or another empowered authority.

b. Counties may also be created from the division of newly annexed land by the above authorities.

2. Baronies
a. A Barony may be created from the alliance of two or more Counties, up to a maximum of four. At five Counties, the Barony may become a Duchy.

b. In this case, it must be stipulated in the alliance contract of the new Barony exactly who the Baron or Baroness will be.

3. Duchies
a. Duchies may be created through the alliance of two or more Baronies, or the alliance of five or more Counties.

b. In this case, it must be stipulated in the alliance contract of the new Duchy exactly who the Duke or Duchess will be.

4. Definitions
a. For the purposes of this section, "Shirithian Land" shall be meant as any land owned or controlled by the Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth or their fief lords.
b. For the purposes of this section, "Newly Annexed Land" shall be meant as any land which has been owned or controlled by the Imperial Republic of Shireroth for no more than one Shirithian Week (14 Days).

D. Destruction
1. Destruction by Dissolution
a. If a Barony goes below the minimum amount of Counties needed for its formation (2), then it will be dissolved, unless a replacement County can be found within three days. Any remaining Counties will become independent after the destruction, and the Baron will lose their title.

b. If a Duchy goes below the minimum amount of Counties needed for its formation (4) then it will be dissolved, unless enough Counties to make up the minimum amount required can be found within three days. Any remaining Counties and Baronies will become independent after the destruction, and the Duke will lose their title.

2. Destruction by Order
a. If just cause has been proposed for the dissolution of a Barony, then it can be dissolved by a majority vote in the Landsraad, or by order of the Kaiser. The Baron will lose their title, and all constituent Counties will become independent.

b. If just cause has been proposed for the dissolution of a Duchy, then it can be dissolved by a majority vote in the Landsraad, or by order of the Kaiser. The Duke will lose their title, and all constituent Barones and Counties will become independent.

E. Criteria for Subdivisions
1. Criteria for Baronies
a. A Barony shall consist of at least two (2) previously independent Counties, up to a maximum of four (4) previously independent Counties.

b. A Barony shall consist of at least one (1) Active Citizen.

c. A Barony shall be ruled by a Baron or Baroness.

d. A Barony shall lie within Definite Borders of Shirithian Land.

e. If a Barony becomes part of a Duchy, then that Duchy must meet the criteria for Duchies as outlined below.

f. Before the formation of a Barony, an alliance contract must be drawn up and posted in the Noble Commons.

2. Criteria for Duchies
a. A Duchy shall consist of at least two (2) previously independent Baronies or five (5) previously independent Counties.

b. A Duchy shall consist of at least three (3) Active Citizens.

c. A Duchy shall be ruled by a Duke or Duchess.

d. A Duchy shall lie within Definite Borders of Shirithian Land.

e. Before the formation of a Duchy, an alliance contract must be drawn up between the highest-ranking nobles within the fiefdoms to be allied, and presented to the Imperial Arbiter for inspection. A copy must also be posted in the Noble Commons.

3. Definitions
a. For purposes of this section, "Definite Borders" are borders for which there is a definite interior, and from any point on that interior, there is a radius to a boundary for every surface direction. If a subdivision meets a body of water, the boundary in the direction of that body of water need not be quantified, but shall be limited to the extent of the next shore.
to thus:
Chapter II: Subdivisions
A. Types
1. Duchies
a. The lands of Shireroth shall be divided up into subdivisions known as Duchies.

2. Baronies and Counties
a. These lands may be formed under the authority and permision of the ruling duke.

B. Nobles
a. Duchies shall be ruled by a Lesser Noble known as a Duke or Duchess.

b. Baronies shall be ruled by a Lesser Noble known as a Baron or Baroness.

c. Counties shall be ruled by a Minor Noble known as a Count or Countess.

C. Creation
1. Duchies
a. Duchies may be created from a division of previously existing land by the Kaiser, the local lord or another empowered authority.
b. Duchies may also be created from the division of newly annexed land by the above authorities.

2. Baronies
a. Baronies may be formed with the permission of the ruling duke in the duchy for the purposes of allowing votes in the Landsraad.

3. Counties
a. Counties may be formed with the permission of the ruling baron (and duke) in the barony which it is to be formed in for the purposes of allowing votes in the Landsraad.

4. Definitions
a. For the purposes of this section, "Shirithian Land" shall be meant as any land owned or controlled by the Kaiser of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth or their fief lords.
b. For the purposes of this section, "Newly Annexed Land" shall be meant as any land which has been owned or controlled by the Imperial Republic of Shireroth for no more than one Shirithian Week (14 Days).

D. Destruction

1. Destruction by Order
a. If just cause has been proposed for the dissolution of a county, then it can be dissolved by a majority vote in the Landsraad, or by order of the Kaiser. The count will lose their title, and all land will be re-absorbed into the duchy proper.

b. If just cause has been proposed for the dissolution of a barony, then it can be dissolved by a majority vote in the Landsraad, or by order of the Kaiser. The Baron will lose their title, and all constituent Counties will be re-absorbed into the duchy proper

b. If just cause has been proposed for the dissolution of a Duchy, then it can be dissolved by a majority vote in the Landsraad, or by order of the Kaiser. The Duke will lose their title, and all constituent Barones and Counties will be annexed into the nearest duchy.

2. Destruction by inactivity.
a. If a duchy had been completely inactive (I.E. No posts) for more then 1 Shirerithian week (14 days), it is to be desolved and annexed into the nearest active duchy.

E. Criteria for Subdivisions

1. Criteria for Duchies
a. A duchy shall constist of at least three (3) active citizens
b. A Duchy shall be ruled by a Duke or Duchess.
c. A Duchy shall lie within Definite Borders of Shirithian Land.

2. Criteria for Baronies
a. A barony shall consist of at least one (1) active citizen.
b. A barony shall be ruled by a baron or baroness
c. A barony shall lie within definite borders of Shirerithian land.

3. Criteria for Counties
a. A county shall consist of at least one(1) active citizen.
b. A countyshall be ruled by a count or countess
c. A county shall lie within definite borders of Shirerithian land.

This is the first of my proposals. All other areas that conflict with this new law need to be altered as well. I ask for a 2 week debate period please. I got the idea to allow barons to give their counts votes to make baronies more meaningfull. Opinions please! :)

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

I like this for the first draft. My primary changes would be the following:

1. Counts to not get votes.
2. Baronies and Counties can be dissolved by their respective Duke, and the Baron or Count loses their title.
3. Duchies must be dissolved by a super-majority (2/3) of the Landsraad, rather than by a simple majority. Or even better, they can ONLY be dissolved by the Kaiser.
4. When a Duchy is dissolved, the Kaiser should be specifically responsible for which lands and territories go to which adjacent Duchies. Barons and Counts should lose their titles and their territories dissolved, to be granted them again by their new Duke. This preserves the authority to form and dissolve these subdivisions as solely the Duke's.

Other than that, it's good. We'll need to define how votes are distributed in the Landsraad, but that should be pretty easy to do in another bill. I like the idea of having 10 votes per Duchy, to be allotted to Barons and spouses as the Duke sees fit.
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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

1. I like the idea of barons getting alittle power to them as well. For instance, they can further the fuedal system by giving their votes to someone they can command. What do you think?

2. Right, that's a given I forgot to include. That's why I asked for 2 weeks to fix small errors like that.

3. I like the super-majority idea. We can work with that maybe. I'd like to hear more opinions.

4. I can agree with that. If it's a well liked idea, we can change that.

10 votes? Yeah, sure. That works.

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

this sounds groovy..

will we still be using the contracts and all that fun stuff?

also, i may be reading it wrong... but baronies are still mini duchies if they wish to remain baronies, correct?
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Post by andelarion »

No contracts... please...

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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

No, no contracts, and no independent baronies. If the Kaiser wishes, sometimes a barony can be promoted to a duchy (which then takes land away from the parent duchy but has happened), but otherwise a barony stays a barony, subject to a duke.
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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

very well . . .
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

So no problems aside from what Hypatia said?

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Post by WolvinX84 »

I would suggest that Barons get no vote, but do get a voice in the Landsraad. and that Dukes are the only ones to get a vote. A single vote.
Count of Modan-Lach
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Kaiseress Carol
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Post by Kaiseress Carol »

Can we get some discussion, and then vote about this, please?
Kaiseress Carol

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Gman Russell
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Post by Gman Russell »

*watches tumbleweed blows through*

That's some crazy weed...

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Post by H4773r 3lfs0n »

I heartily disagree seeing that it will no longer allow me to flex the little say I have.
Elder of Vorpmadal, Lunaris & Lac Glacei & Concurrent Lands
"Blessed" of Melvin and High Preist of B00/\/\ism
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Hypatia Agnesi
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Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

Since my main goal is to make this as similar to the old feudalism, which worked just fine until it was changed, I want to keep voting privaleges for Barons. They should not get votes automatically, but they should be able to cast the votes their Duke gives them.

I will rewrite this bill to incorporate the changes I proposed (which I presume were acceptable to everyone?), then hopefully post it tomorrow. I have classes starting tomorrow, so tonight isn't so likely.
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Post by WolvinX84 »

So, back to 10 votes per Duchy?
Count of Modan-Lach
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