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Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:01 pm
by Allot
Be it resolved that the following change be made to the Procedures to the Landsraad:

current text:
1. After a bill has been presented to the Landsraad, there is a period of exactly four days (96 hours) during which the members of the Landsraad can then vote on it. Each member has one vote, which he or she may cast in any unambiguous way to represent a vote of aye or nay. A vote only applies to a bill exactly as it has been presented. At the end of the period, the Praetor counts the votes, announces the result, and if the ayes outnumber the nays, updates the LawBook with the changes.
amended text:
1. After a bill has been presented to the Landsraad, there is a period of exactly four days (96 hours) during which the members of the Landsraad can then vote on it. Each member has one vote, which he or she may cast in any unambiguous way to represent a vote of aye or nay. A vote only applies to a bill exactly as it has been presented. A bill may be passed in two ways:
a. At the end of the period, the Praetor counts the votes, announces the result, and if the ayes outnumber the nays, updates the LawBook with the changes.
b. If, before the period has expired, there is an absolute majority (the number of ayes is more than the possible number of nays remaining) the Praetor may pass the bill immediately and update the LawBook with the changes.
Hehe... didn't want to mess up the one on the floor already... :sheep

Code: Select all

GNARLY - [Goldshire] [Elwynn] [Kildare]
Abstain - [Brookshire] 

Re: Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:04 pm
by Harvey Steffke
Goldshire NAY. People could always change their vote later. Four days isn't all that long - I don't see that we need to be rushing things and depriving people the right to vote simply because other people got there first.

Re: Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:35 pm
by Erik Mortis
Brookshire, Abstain. Traditionally, this is how we do it. *music*... but Harvey does have a point.

Re: Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:50 am
by Leo Fenrir
Ewlynn kicks a donkey.

EDIT: It turns out donkeys 'bray' so Elwynn proceeds to kick a horse as well.

Re: Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:55 am
by Jonas
Kildare votes Nay for the reason Harvey gave.

Re: Procedural Amendment (unrelated) Part II 3757 ASC

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:10 pm
by Allot
This bill fails with 0 for - 3 against - 1 abstaining and there's nothing you can do to stop me. :smashy