Feudalism 5: Duchy Government

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Kaiseress Semisa I
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Feudalism 5: Duchy Government

Post by Kaiseress Semisa I »

Discuss: Different forms of leadership within a Duchy. If a Duchy is a democracy, dinarchy, anarchy, or something other than the "Shirithian Standard Monarchial Regime" (SSMR), how does that translate into the Landsraad? Do we handle that on a case-by-case basis? Penalize for not following standard procedure? Disallow it? Allow internal structure to be free but require all actions outside the fiefdom to be within the SSMR?

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Re: Refining The New Feudalism V

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

All external affairs must be done by the SSMR system imho. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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Re: Refining The New Feudalism V

Post by Bill3000 »

IMO, a duchy should be able to do what it wants to do, up to a point. Take for example a direct democracy duchy. There would still be a duke. A duke there could be elected or whatnot as through its own legislature, and I would think that if it wants to, could vote on what the duke would vote in Landsraad votes. However, it is the duke zerself that would actually make the decisions; e.g. who to appoint, what to vote. A duke would be bound by his own laws, but in the end, the duke would still follow standard procedure. Restricting forms of government is just not good, especially for those who are more politically minded in Shireroth.To summerize: No real restrictions up to the point where it comes into contact with interducal matters, which the duke would have to make the decisions, although he can be restrained by the form of government he set up for his duchy. Edited by: Bill3000 at: 12/7/05 6:50

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Re: Refining The New Feudalism V

Post by Shyriath »

I more or less agree with Greg and Bill here. The Duchy needs to retain the outward trappings of the SSMR so that it can fit into the overall Imperial structure, but apart from this there's no reason not to leave it up to each Duchy just how the internal details are arranged. As long as the Duchy in question isn't doing anything really separatist, there's no point in trying to restrict it too much.

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