New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Moderators: Jonas, CJ Miller

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Hypatia Agnesi
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Re: New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

It is not within my powers to allow non-nobles into the Landsraad, aside from any ministers who may be summoned (in this case, the MiniInfo). I will, however, copy your post and start a discussion thread in the Front Gate to see if anyone still has any arguments or concerns.I further request that all nobles refrain from voting until at least Sunday or Monday, to give us a chance to discuss this in a more serious and public fashion than has happened in the MiniInfo forum itself (and so that I don't have to worry about it while I'm out of town this weekend).Still further, I request that nobles refrain from debating in this thread at all, and to direct their comments to the Front Gate thread. I do not have the power to close this thread, but this is a serious request. Please don't post here until Sunday. *throws grenade for the hell of it*BO0O0O0O0/\/\!!!!!!

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Fax Celestis
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New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Post by Fax Celestis »

Naudia'Diva recognizes that the forums we have with ezBoard have been our home for quite some time, but asserts that Shireroth as a whole would be better served with a different form of forum: phpBB.With the server switch that is pending, we will be able to host our own fora with little to no difficulty. We have several intelligent and capable members of our society who know php very well, and I would ask that the Praetor grant admission to those who are not already allowed into the Landsraad.Naudia'Diva also recognizes that members of this congregation have also had "problems" in the past with phpBoards. To this, I reply that the Wiki is based in php and has no problems. In fact, it is even expandable without damaging any existing part of the object itself.The fora should be much the same.That being the case, Naudia'Diva proposes that the Imperial Republic of Shireroth move to phpBB once our grasp on the new site is firm.This would also allow for several different kinds of expansion on our own parts. For one, this would allow us to easily segue into a post-based economy. For another, this would allow us greater control over our fora and security. For a third, our current fora's look, feel, and interface can be ported to phpBB with little effort. For a fourth, interlinking between Wiki and Fora would be easily done, more easily than it is currently.The main way to combat stagnation is to make change easy. And this makes changes to our fora and our feudal society easier--much easier--than they are currently. Viatax Sitadi Axdivijink Regigoraauk

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Re: New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Post by Hypatia Agnesi »

This bill has been untouched for a month, so I will archive it unless someone starts a vote or objects in favor of debate. *throws grenade for the hell of it*BO0O0O0O0/\/\!!!!!!

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Re: New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Post by darthmiho »

I've talked with Fax about this before, and have been involved with some fourms that run as post based economies, I know the problems involved in them. Primarily people posting nonsense in order to get gold. But I believe that could be controled by the moderators. Considering we somewhat use a system of meritocracy why not reward those that would already benefit by this system.

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Re: New Forums Proposition A (Minfo)

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

I dont like the idea of controlling "spam", which is one of the reasons I left Apolyton... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

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