Economic Deletion Act 3962

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Erik Mortis
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Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Erik Mortis »

Whereas the economy is about to be made impotent by the Opt Out Act, and is undesired by a large enough portion of the nation to render it a useless exercise.

Be it resolved that LB: XII be deleted entirely.

Be it resolved that LB: V. D be deleted entirely and the Ministry of Trade be disbanded and archived.

Be it resolves that all forums concerning economic matters be archived.

Be it resolved that the Title Purchasing Act be Canceled.

Be it resolved that Shireroth leave the SCUE Treaty.

Be it resolved that the SCUE bank currently hosted by Shireroth be transferred to the server of another nation or organization.
I figure why dawdle about the topic for months, with angst and rage the whole time. It's the fate of the economy anyway now, so let's just skip the bullshit and just give up. I'm sure this will be cheered with joy by those so vehemently opposed all along. Even the House system has lost a great deal of its point with the killing of the economy, so maybe we should just revert that back to the stone age too.

Erik Mortis
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Erik Mortis »

Mortis, AYE.

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

Erik Mortis
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Erik Mortis »


Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

I would very much like to know what could possibly encourage people to participate or even stick around if they are forced into an economy they don't care about. This was never an issue before.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

Erik Mortis
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Erik Mortis »

It's always been an issue. We've just never really tried to make the economy do something till recently. And we failed. We can't do an economy were some people are in and some not, and the people in have no incentive to stay in, when staying out will get them the same things, with no risk.

I'm just skipping the bullshit and getting things overwith. Just kill the economy now. Shireroth doesn't know how to do it. And never will. Harvey is right. There is no point to trying to do an economy. So let's just delete it.

Kaiseress Anandja II
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

When did this become the Emoraad?
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

Erik Mortis
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Re: Economic Deletion Act 3962

Post by Erik Mortis »


It's not emoness. it's true. The economy is a failure. We tried to make it more then a dysfunctional toy, and people would have non of it.. so it's doomed to be nothing more then pointless, even by Micronational terms.
To work a micronational economy must have large numbers of people and must have demands to be met. A need for money must exist. Land and Titles are actual commodities we have. They aren't required to be a cit, but are nice and people want them. So they make the most feasible basis for economy. Money gets and keeps you lands and titles. That would make a working economy. But Harvey, jake, et al won't have anything to do with it, and people seem to want to rage-quit over the idea of actually making something that works. So. Let's just cut it out.

I've been writing software and pushing the economy in the hopes we might actually achieve something good, at least decent. No one really seems to want that. One side wants nothing, and the other side seems to want to settle for crap, a common trend in Micronations. I want something good. I know we can make something good, we did it with maps, even if the organization itself is a joke now. Why can't we do it with an economy. But, since none want that, let's just give up and focus on other things.

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