Kildare Blurb

Kaiser Los I
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Joined: Mon May 20, 2002 5:15 pm

Kildare Blurb

Post by Kaiser Los I »

Kildare is the birthplace of modern civilization and achieved its greatest power in middle-historical times as the Union of Apollo States. After the Khaz Modan Empire collapsed and sent repercussions around the world, which were exacerbated by the sinking of the Five Isles, most of the great civilizations of the past were lost. The Kaisers of Shireroth at that time managed to keep their empire together, but only nominally. It was in Kildare that two great civilizations sprung up side by side, the Audentes and the Automatics, and it was just to the north that the Blackrockers prospered in times of old. It was the Kildareans who colonized many other lands, adding their own ideas and systems of government to those who were already there. The Demesosians, just to the east of Kildare, colonized Tapfer; the Audentes colonized Hyperborea, the Automatics colonized Automatica, and there was even a very strong Audente and Demesosian influence on Shireroth. But the nations of Kildare never got along very well. Their last hope was as a Union of Apollo States, when delegates from many different countries joined together into a single entity. Unfortunately, sovereignists in Jasonia started a number of riots that the government was unable to deal with, and the nation collapsed. In the civil war that followed, thousands were killed, and the incredible infrastructure and massive industrial base of what was once by far the most powerful region in all the world was left in ruins. Finally, the President, a nominal officeholder without much control outside of Apollo City, invited the newly resurgent Shireroth to help regain order. Kaiser Gaelen I was all too happy to oblige, and in a nine-year campaign he brought peace to the shattered region and placed President Foley in the palace of Apollo City as Duke of Kildare, Kildare being the old Shirerothian name for the Union. Today, Kildare has never really recovered from its war. The Apollo Foundation claimed Apollo City as the common heritage of all mankind, and the capital of the Duchy moved to Blackrock Nua. A few half-hearted attempts were made to rebuild, but they all came up against the incredible weight of history that lay thick upon the whole area. Today, the Blackrock Nua region alone is somewhat industrialized, and the rest of the Duchy are either in farming or the tourism industry. Although the current Duke, Fax Celestis, is well-respected and generally obeyed, the unity of the region is divided by ancient hatreds – the people from formerly Audente areas stay away from those from formerly Automatic areas, and vice versa. Los answered furious: "Art thou one of those who when most complacentMean mischief most? Lo! I am also such.One must be master. Try thy Arts. I also will try mine. - from The Four Zoas, William Blake

CINC Patrick
Posts: 108
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Re: Kildare Blurb

Post by CINC Patrick »

Hehe, I am one of the few mentioned by name. -Commander in Chief PatrickMoD#608YC5437RE9GU3F RA"Blood Alone Turns the Wheels of History"

Kaiser Mors II
Posts: 375
Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2002 9:35 am

Re: Kildare Blurb

Post by Kaiser Mors II »

Becuase you were important in the history of Kildare... Kaiser of Mors IINow it is time to see how you die. Remember Death is not the end.......But only a transition.End the pain


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