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The Kaiser Returns home

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:00 pm
by Kaiser Hasan I

After his rounds to the ship Queen of the Nights repentant Children, The Kaiser had made a series of trips to various locations within the realm. Shireroth and Babkha now composite to his crown, a focus on the economy, the tribulations of a number of insurrections and a war to deal with Hasan decided he needed to return home..

Approaching his old villa which had been restored to its original design. Inside, his regional county office had been staffed since his departure. The return of the Kaiser was an occasion for the staff to show their progress. Moving through the Villa, the interiors had been changed since the last time he had visited. The ungodly murals had been preserved as it had taken quite a bit of skill to prepare them, and as such could not be destroyed. The tapestries remained as well, although the furniture had been replaced with heavy oak pieces which provided for a rather comfortable sitting room. The stained glass had been uncovered, allowing the light to peer through a thousand pieces of multi-coloured glass that played on the equally vibrant colours of the tapestries. After touring the offices which were now co-staffed by Hyperboreans and Babkhans alike, Hasan decided to view the new compound outside.

With aims to respect the culture and way of life of the Hyperboreans, Hasan had ordered a compound to be build just under the ground level of the nearby tundra. While the ordeal had greatly disturbed the Hyperborean inhabitants, Hasan had done his best to keep the noise to a minimum and to build as much as possible during the local hibernation period. As a result, the majority of the populace had barely noticed anything being built at all. From the observation of a casual observer, the area remained a flat green/gray field. A few sod huts sparsely dotting the area and a few returning elk who were brave enough to risk returning to the former construction site were visible.


Upon closer inspection, the observer might note a number of slate covered roadways terminating at intervals into the field. These were the access ports to the compound, where the roads would slowly descend on ramps down to the entries. In one area, closest to the city, construction of traditional Hyperborean architecture had begun, exemplifying the success of integrating the need for the compound with the cultural expectations of the people. Hasan walked toward a general entrance and found that a Hyperborean market had been established at the entry way. Moving inside, he saw that the first room in the compound had been converted into a large bazaar.

"Funny, this was supposed to be a vehicle depot, but I suppose its a good sign" he thought, noting the integration between his own people and those of his adopted homeland.

Hasan had ordered all Babkhans on his staff to learn the Hyperborean language. It had been difficult for some (especially Hasan as he had been away on business for so long) but the order had worked, and the Babkhans had assimilated into the local culture. After only the first week of living there, Hasans staff had been forced to adapt the native clothing, shedding their light Babkhan uniforms and great coats. Now many of them spoke a mix of Babki and Hyperborean in their general speech and Hasan had noted the influence of Babki on the speech of the locals.

to be continued

Re: The Kaiser Returns home

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 10:42 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
I edited your post, because your image was too big and also hotlinked. Please don't throw me in the dungeon. Anyhow, let's get something interesting going.
Avri Aetyurion trudged up the tundra to the Kaiser's villa. The snow was almost gone now, and the nipil flowers were blooming. Still, he was exhausted already, and Hasan's compound was nowhere in sight. The life of a rebel was not an easy one.

Okay, so he wasn't a real rebel like they got in Yardistan. Technically he was one of the Nine, Hyperborea's governing council. But he was the one they considered a firebrand, the one whose proposals usually ended up in 8-1 votes against.

But was it so wrong, that he wanted to restore a bit of the island's former glory? Yes, of course, there would be setbacks. They might have to drink a few cups of red thistle-wine along the way; peaceful negotiations could only go so far. But to have the Khan's Babkhi and the weird Viking-analogues of Wintergleam in control of the green and fertile river valleys of Lirikoth was unacceptable. The Isle had grown strong under Mors V, and stronger still under Hasan. Why were there no moves being made to restore the Empire?

Nithi Kirenion was not interested in listening to Avri. But maybe Hasan Kalirion would be.

He spent twenty minutes looking for Kaiser Hasan's villa before he realized he was on top of it. The compound had been built mostly underground, with only a few small sod houses and roadways to mark its presence. All very impressive. He finally located an entrance point.

"Avri Aetyurion," he told the guard, very slowly, with clear enunciation. "Have appointment."

"Your appointment is recognized. Please enter the compound," the guard told him. Avri realized he spoke excellent Kalasperelin, and mentally smacked himself.

The Kaiser was sitting in a reception room filled with heavy but stylish oak furniture. The design was neither particularly Babkhan nor particularly Hyperborean, but rather displayed a luxurious form functionalism, without any obvious national design marks. Probably best for a man who ruled as many areas as he did, Avri thought to himself. Even his crown was a fusion style, displaying both Shirerithian and Babkhan motifs.

"Your Niftiness," said Avri, and bent down on one knee.

"Truth and Beauty warm your spirit," said Hasan. "Arise, and speak."

"Right," said Avri. "I come to you with a proposal. You currently hold the title of Count of Hyperborea. Yet it seems to me improper that the Kaiser, especially a Kaiser as auspicious as yourself, should hold merely the lowly title of Count. Was not your illustrious predecessor Mors V the Duke of Brookshire? Was not Kaiseress Carol I a Baronness in Kildare? You have spent the first several years of your reign looking after the interests of your populace. I believe it only what you deserve that you take a few moments to look to your own interests."

"Go on," said Kaiser Hasan.

"Lirikoth," said Avri Aetyurion. "The Duchy of Elwynn, or, if you will, Froyalan, under Duke Harald of Wintergleam. Three Baronies, that of..." he twisted his tongue around the foreign syllables "of Opplysta Smørvirket, of Fórntida Kærleikalanden, and our own, the noblest and most ancient lands of Elwynn united in the Barony of the Elw."

"The ruler of the Barony of the Elw is Richard Andelarion of Eliria, who as you know as been sickly these past several years and in no condition to rule. His own people declared him legally dead, an event I believe you had a hand in. Therefore, the Barony of the Elw is currently without proper leadership."

"Therefore, let us petition Duke Harald together, to make you Baron of the Elw, and unite the peoples of the Elwynn River under Hyperborean rule. It would give the strong leadership that northern Froyalan needs, and it would give our island the glory that it deserves. And I hardly need to point out that, by Shirerithian tradition, upon your death the Golden Mango Throne will most likely pass to a noble from another bloone. Would it not be proper to leave your own heirs a domain worthy of the Kalirion name and of your own great deeds?"

There. The die was cast. It was not the whole of Lirikoth - not even the islands of Cimmeria, which should have been first in any restoration effort. But with the help of the Bronze King, Kaiser Hasan I, it would be an excellent start.

Re: The Kaiser Returns home

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 5:45 pm
by Kaiser Hasan I
(OOC: The villa is a part of the city, the compound exists in the surrounding tundra. I'm going to assume the story from the compound though. As well, we can consider this a continuation of the meeting of the nine story)

Avri Aetyurion and the Kaiser had walked through the interior of the compound for over an hour discussing the proposal of Hasans retirement. Hasan had mostly noted that the compound nearly in all of its entirety had been used exactly NOT for the purpose for which it was built. The market which had begun around the main entrance stretched back into the two hall ways which were intended to turn off to offices. Instead it seemed the Babkhan staff and their new families had taken up residence in these areas. Hasan had intended to make a command compound, however during his neglect, he had in fact built a new quarter of the city.

Avri's proposal had some merit to it. Although it seemed the majority of the council was content to retain its quiet mysterious way, Hasan knew that which ever the council decided, there was little chance he'd be able to protect or help Hyperborea after his abdication if he were a mere Count.

He had been adopted by these people, despite the usual (pun) cold reception given to foreigners, Hasan had ultimately been accepted. A foreigner yes, but respected to a point. He had thought that upon his abdication he would appoint himself a Duke but to go about doing that might cause a great deal of strife. A solution would have to be found in any event.

"Avri, we should travel to the council, as a whole, we can decide"

Avri thought, this did not bode well for him. His reputation at the council was not considered the median. However, the trip back would give him plenty of time to think

"we travel, I think, you listen" Avri said,

Hasan had thought about the expansion of Hyperborea, it was possible, but not practical. He considered a more short term goal, that of Leng. If Leng could be obtained and gifted to Hyperborea, that would surely be a greater prize. For decades nations far and wide had claimed the existence of colonies on the island. On a recent report, Hasan had learned that the only thing actually present on the island were the ruins of approximately ten research stations, placed there from its various owners over the years. Leng would offer Hyperborea more than an expansion, perhaps not directly, but the benefits were written between the lines of anyone who knew the history of that island.

"yes, we'll travel, I've a plan which might interest them. But I have to warn you, I haven't much time to engage in ritualistic time consuming journeys. The Imperial Republic is still technically at war and Shirekeep turns to anarchy when I am absent for more than a week"

The two returned to the villa to establish what documents and equipment would be required before setting off.