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Raikoth history timeline

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:32 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
Before this place becomes too Hesam-centric, let me start up some new culture work. The problem so far is that I have a lot in my head and in notebooks, and not a lot actually written up in any accessible format. So my goal is to use this timeline as a sketch of where I'm going, and then detailed wiki articles for all of this stuff at some point. Towards that end, I make an offer: if any of these catch your interest, post a question about it on this thread, and I'll try to give an in depth explanation. The information here should be considered canon and takes precedence over all other sources of information, except when it doesn't.

10000 BC: Beginning of Raikothlin civilization. City of Shinomai founded.

6000 BC: Mythological age begins. Founding of seven cities. Stories of the Kalirion dynasty. (I could swear I posted the story of Authi Kalirion somewhere in Shireroth, but I can't find it for the life of me.)

3915 BC: Conquests of Narsi Nodorian, unification of Raikoth.

3898 BC: Kadham Ragum achieves control of government. Beginning of Hyperborean calendar.

3892 BC: Construction of Tala begins.

3884 BC: Death of Kadham Ragum.

3790 BC: First revolt against central government in Tala. War lasts about twenty years, ending with restoration of Talan authority.

3710 BC: Kaimidi (national song) written

3450 BC: Time of the prophet Coriolander.

3400-3100 BC: Coriolandrist Conflicts. Supporters of pure Kadhamism clash with the supporters of Coriolander over national religion. Conflicts occasionally flare into full scale war.

3100 BC: Coriolandrists win partial victory in conflict. Coriolander's precepts adopted as state religion.

3000 BC: Silver Age of Hyperborea begins. Coriolandrist renaissance in various arts.

2670 BC: First encyclopedia written.

2550 BC: Age of the "transcendence cults", leading to mass suicides and religious persecution. After a few decades, these cults are successfully reabsorbed into the mainstream.

2450 BC: Writing of the Book of Two Stars

2200 BC: At the height of the Silver Age, the Council of Nine in Tala proclaims that complete self-perpetuating happiness has been achieved and there is no further need for government. Council disbands itself and goes home.

2189 BC: Conflicts that arise immediately after the disbanding of the Council end the Silver Age and force the Council to reinstate itself.

2000 BC: Fishermen and mariners from Anshir fully discover and map the island of Valsi (Baffin Island), the first new territory known to the Raikothlin in millennia.

1800 BC: Metallurgists working against the express prohibition of Kadham's Book of Cold Rain learn how to make starmetal (iron). Iron Age begins.

1750 BC: Age of Mikol Rugal, one of the greatest Koredi. The government is restructured and strengthened, ending the period of minor chaos after the end of the Silver Age.

1600 BC: Expedition reaches Oraikoth, the North Pole. (I have a bad feeling this should actually be written Airaikoth, but I'm going with the version in the wiki for now)

1600 BC: In the 17th century BC, the discovery of iron leads to a "technological revolution" of improvements in farming methods, weaponry, and many other areas.

1600 BC: ((Discovery of printing?))

1300 BC: A group of Rhavakal sent by Tala establish a beachhead on Valsi and claim the northeastern half as Raikothlin territory.

1100 BC: Settlers and shipwrights on Valsi use the island's great forests to produce a new class of oceangoing vessel, the so-called "White Ship"

1000 BC: Expedition to Baltakoth (Eastern Canada/New England)

900 BC: Expedition to Virikoth (Iceland)

600 BC: Great Expeditions of White Ships reach areas of Europe, East Asia, and the United States. Raikothlin send a yearly tribute of amber to Delos in Greece, identifying the Greek gods Artemis and Apollo with the Raikothlin gods Ainai and Elith.

480 BC: Under the leadership of the brilliant barbarian tactician Vidroji Kalsekion, the Valselin revolted against the Raikothlin domination of their island. Raikothlin forces under Rhomni Talamion resisted the revolt and restored a semblance of peace to the island that lasted until the Loss.

451 BC: Kaikaje (Loss). The volcano Yaanek erupts, destroying Tala and most other cities. The Raikothlin flee to their colonies in Talatik (Ireland) Baltakoth (Eastern Canada) and Kyyvakoth (Northern Scandinavia).

410 BC: The Psidion Kaje (Book of Loss), the last great literary work of the Raikothlin civilization, is written in Oromon, Baltakoth by Iauli Aulegdion.

350 BC: The colony in Talatich is destroyed by invaders.

200 BC: The colony in Baltakoth is destroyed by general decay, assimilation, and occasional invaders.

Re: Raikoth history timeline

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:53 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Just wondering ... how does BC fit in with ASC?

Re: Raikoth history timeline

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:45 pm
by Scotsman
Because Raikoth is parallel with ASC

Re: Raikoth history timeline

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:37 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
I'm mostly working on Raikoth as a real-world-based culture now. Our beloved Kaiser's in charge of the Shirerithian bit. BC is real BC, and no conversion is possible to ASC dates except the hard way (ie 3898 BC would be a LOT of days before ASC started in 1999)