The harp seal

Moderator: Scott of Hyperborea

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Scott of Hyperborea
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The harp seal

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

According to legend, back in the days of myth, before the unification of Hyperborea, a family of traders used to sail each summer from Midhoth to Sidar to sell their wares. Every year around mekonamítoran they would start the trek northward, entering Sidar's frosty harbor and managing to leave just before the terrible winter storms. It was a lucrative business, but dangerous, because sailing was a risky business at this time, and if the winds did not hold out, food stores could run out when a ship was in the vast unsettled expanses between cities.This particular family had a young boy, who kept a domesticated white fox for a pet. One spring, against the express prohibition of his father, he took the fox on the boat with them. He fed it from their food stores each night. Eventually, he was caught. And his father, enraged at the depletion of their precious stocks, threw the fox overboard into the sea.The boy muttered a prayer, and the fox turned into the first of the race of tabural, or harp seals. The animal is considered sacred to the Blue Wanderer, is associated with good sailing for mariners, and is considered very unlucky to kill.Later, this myth was relocated and adapted into the Cycle of the Threefold Threefolds (more on this later) and the story of Samakh Kabar.The point of all this is that Care2 now has a Race for the Harp Seals up. You can raise money for the campaign to stop them from getting hunted by clicking for free each day. It'd be a very nice and Hyperborean thing to do.

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