Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

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Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

Yes, just out of its shiny wrapping, I have in my hands a copy of the definitive rules of Mornington Crescent. Unfortunately, it appears to be written in an ancient language not dissimilar to Atlantean, so it'll take some time to translate.In the meantime, we can have a little game of Mornington Crescent, to commemorate the appointment of our Elder Rugal to Duke.We shall use the John B Keane Mountjoy Illumination Rules, in honour of the Dublin playwright's contribution to the game. I trust you are familiar with these rules, teams. They utilise the standard MC rules, except for one difference: there will be no unting, flegging or todding while the game is shifting between the beta and gamma phases, or while the moon is in the fifth house, with Jupiter keeping up a steady second. I hope that's all clear to you.Any illegal moves will be, of course, summarily disciplined. I shall start the ball rolling by moving to NEW CROSS GATE. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Scott Alexander
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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Scott Alexander »

Isn't Newcross Gate a todge already? The moon's not going to reach the sixth house until next Saturday, so I would think that you wouldn't be able to move there unless you already had three stations down or the Tremblebolt, which you obviously don't since it's the beginning of the game.In honor of the American rover's landing on Mars, I'm going to pull a the second half of the Martian Extension Duat and move to NORTHWOOD, unless you've got the mana to stop me. "I am a verb" - Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

It would indeed be a todge, if we were using Master William Connolly's Viperous Scandal, which does indeed ban todging in all shapes and forms. But, my dear Scott, the MI Rules clearly ban todding, and if Newcross Gate was a toddey, it would indeed be banned. But since your comment was merely that, I shall let it pass, and not demand my three ounces of flesh, as tradition dictates.I shall move conservatively, until I have sounded out the strategies of my opponents. My legions of hygiene shall scour the station of CANADA WATER. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I see *happy campers* are also in the *moon* space. This makes Orz happy! It is so much *squishy* to party with you.My *fingers* reach through the *heavy-space* and *eat* WILLIAMSBOROUGH. Your *silly words* are too much fun. I like playing this game. I got it! The Necronomicon must obviously be a Mornington Crescent rulebook!

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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

Thank *you*, Ari, you are *too kind*.Your move *angers* me though, so I must funnily move to PETERBOROUGH, and await your *instructions there*. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar, Tivitha e'Taras

Scott Alexander
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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Scott Alexander »

I *see* Ari is *trying* to use psychological *warfare* by creeping us all *out*. Well, *two* can play that *game*. Absent any *bars* or *counters* on the adjoining spots, I will move with a mighty *hand* to ISLINGTON. Ah, Islington...three *counters* and a third-level *diamond* to anyone who can tell me the *book* that features an *angel* named Islington who lives beneath the corresponding ***station***. "I am a verb" - Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

Something to do with Neil Gaiman, I would guess. Did you ever read that book he cowrote with Terry Pratchett? Islington, hmm? Dangerous...dangerous. I move to ELEPHANT & CASTLE! Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar, Tivitha e'Taras

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Ari Rahikkala
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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Ari Rahikkala »

I see you are playing merely on the material plane, my friends. But I have consulted my delicately sensing pineal gland and kenned thatit is time to bring in visions of the Seven Worlds of Plurf Zom to manage an immediate ninety-degree turn of this game's motion in respect to reality. And so, as the crystal spheres are now resonating with the divine music that the Pkunk Singers create, as all relevant ambient forces can be channeled into the world visible to mundanes, as the latent energies in the minds of all the participants have been let loose by the magical ritual of Sham La Luz I performed this morning, I am thus ready to play GLOBE (*). I have already seen this day in a dream several months ago, but that is irrelevant for I see that you prefer to live in the belief that I need to consider my moves.(*) No wriggling and six - yes, you heard that right, six golden tokens. I spend my days enjoying the minty taste that surrounds Erik.

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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

Globe, eh? Well, since you have moved outside the normal realms of space, time and whatsit, I think you have forfeited a very easy and potentially game-shifting move.I mosy on over to FINCHLEY EAST!! Take that. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar, Tivitha e'Taras

Austi Scot
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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Austi Scot »

There are people here who know how to play Mornington Crescent!Can you stand allowing one more into the game?If so, the name of the book is "The Fly on the Wall" by Ima Humble.Therefore I claim the three *counters* and the third-level *diamond* which, under the John B Keane Mountjoy Illumination Rules, permits me to light fracture my turn and move to Asan. Now before you go claiming that is unting I ask you to read page 693 of the rule book for the exceptions and how they can be applied.Can I play?

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Re: Mornington Crescent - Duchy of Hyperborea Edition

Post by Zirandorthel »

An unter you are not, I'll grant you that much. You can join our game, if you think you're up to it, of course.In response to your move, I step over to Baker Street. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus Tinenetuwar, Tivitha e'TarasGrand Duke of Lac Glacei

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