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Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:15 am
by Philip Locke

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:22 pm
by Scott Alexander
That is the most awful comic it has ever been my distinct displeasure not to have been able to avoid acrosscoming.Excellent comic: (thanks to David for pointing it out to me) "Scott, you're so evil you should be Babkhan!" - Tahmaseb Shah"In order to find his equal, a Shirerithian is forced to talk to God" = With apologies to Steven Braveheart

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:39 am
by david northworthy beckfor
Thank Jadie for putting it in her census form, so I could find out about it "Disclaimer: Whatever is in the above post is probably a result of my blind following of Kieran Bennett, because I have even less of a brain than Kieran. Don't even get me started on my lack of independent thought."

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:04 pm
by Philip Locke
How is it "awful"? It's fucking hilarious, not to mention right on target. Some of the earlier strips aren't as good, but all in all -wow, just great.Person 1: Oh my God, this War on Terrorism is gonna rule! I can't wait until the war is over and there's no more terrorism!Person 2: I know! Remember when the U.S. had a drug problem, and then we declared a War on Drugs, and now you can't buy drugs anymore? It'll be just like that!Person 1: Right! God, if only that War on Drugs hadn't been so effective! I could really use some fucking marijuana right now!Priceless. Locke.

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:59 pm
by Scott Alexander
Well, I just thought:1. Nine tenths of it wasn't funny and was just rude and obscene without purpose for being so.2. It contained lots of nasty political insults without any suggestion of a better course (so should we not have a war on terrorism and just let the terrorists do whatever they want? Should we have a war on terrorism but devote fewer resources to it? What does the author suggest?)3. Most of what was funny was stolen blatantly from the Onion or some other similar source.

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:32 am
by Philip Locke
Quote:1. Nine tenths of it wasn't funny and was just rude and obscene without purpose for being so.Rudeness and obscenity go hand in hand with the absurdity of the issues they focus on.Quote:2. It contained lots of nasty political insults without any suggestion of a better course (so should we not have a war on terrorism and just let the terrorists do whatever they want? Should we have a war on terrorism but devote fewer resources to it? What does the author suggest?)It's a comic, not a book.My view - Strategic strikes against terrorist training camps, pressure on governments that support terrorism, and a strong homeland defense (step one is to eliminate the rivalry between CIA, NSA, FBI, etc.). An endless line of foreign wars will get us no where. Each attack just breeds more hatred and creates more fanatics willing to die for some ghost story.Quote:3. Most of what was funny was stolen blatantly from the Onion or some other similar source. Or vice-versa. The styles have never struck me as being very similar. Locke.

Re: Operation: Enduring Freedom is in the house!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:54 am
by Zirandorthel
Quote:Or vice-versa. The styles have never struck me as being very similar. Or original, come to that.AND SLUGGY RULES!! Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!