Dream Archetypes

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Dream Archetypes

Post by Zirandorthel »

I started writing in my dream diary again, and have thus started identifying my dream archetypes again. I have this elementary (so elementary it's quite painful) guide to Jung, which sort of shows the archetypes that everyone has, and there's the other one that I found out about in conversations with Archy, like the flying archetype, and the god archetype and so on. But my Shadow arch. is an extremely voluptuous reddish-brown haired woman, who is sometimes young, sometimes disturbingly old, who tries to get me to steer from the righteous path. There's always this air of fear around her, and she distracts me from listening to some very important music, or writing an extremely portentous letter, or something. The Hero archetype is usually the one who bursts in and saves me from her. He resembles this guy I know, NK, and has the same semi-beer belly and glasses, but the difference is that he has a gunblade and basically dresses like Squall out of Final Fantasy 8. The Anima is a very sarcastic little blond-haired eight year old girl, who always points out that I should have done such and such, or that I really made a mistake doing such and such. The Animus looks very like me, except with reddish-brown hair, what I suppose my brother will be like when he's my age, and is always sympathetic and a comrade in times of trouble. I suppose that represents my perceived difference between the sexes, although that'd be more Freudian, right? The Trickster is sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always playing practical jokes, either good-natured or malignant, on myself and the Animus. He's about sixty, spry, and dressed in a black and white jester's motley, and has a face like a human rat.That's all I feel like splurging for the moment. What about the rest of ye? ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

Scott Alexander
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Scott Alexander »

Wow...that's very complete. I have dreams pretty much every night...sometimes up to four or five of them that I can remember...but they're always very fragmented and I have trouble detecting any recurrent personalities in any of them. The only archetype I've ever been able to identify is my anima, who is a very pretty freckled girl with long red hair about as old as I am.Here's a dream of mine from about two nights ago that involves micronations for someone to interpret, because I'm totally stuck on it:I was browsing the Slobovian forums just as I do often. Suddenly, upon reading a long post more closely, I realized that it was evidence of a conspiracy to take over the world. I became very scared. My father came over and asked what was wrong. I knew he would think I was crazy if I told him the truth, so I told him that I was very worried about the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Zirandorthel »

I had a dream that semi-involved micronations, actually, the night before last:There was this community living in my school, which is quite possible, since it has a canteen and space to grow crops and everything. Dafydd was head of this community, and Kuralyov was a member. The community, at night, would come under attack from these vampiric humans, well, they were kind of like these ice daemons I sometimes have dreams about too, except that they sucked blood and could only enter a house when asked in (I've been reading Dracula). Kuralyov was secretly a member of this society called Graedel, which was sort of like the Brotherhood in 1984. In fact, Kuralyov seemed very like Winston Smith and Dafydd like O'Brien. The dream ended before I could find out what happened to Kuralyov. The secret society had a book, though, which demanded war with either the ice daemons or someone else. Kuralyov's involvement was found, and he was under some doom.Well, to find what it "means", Scott, as you know, we have to analyse what your father means to you, and also what the world itself means to you, and Slobovia, presumably ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

unfortunatly, I rarely know that I have dreamt...the last one I remember having was just over a year ago...me and my family were in a sort of cross bettween a train and a roller coaster, I cant remember where we were going, or why a train would be made to loop the loop, but still.....for some reason, my father's coffin was being carried in the train.the train started moving, and for some reason, my sister would not put on her seat belt, or I could not put it on for her....the train went into a loop, ok, forget that one, cant carry on telling that one.easier one..it was a few years back I had this dream, started off as bright golden light, then zoomed out to show that it was part of a wall of a church, all golden, with candles....I was sitting in the isle, the bride, was my daughter, called Lauren (yes, I know i dont have any kids in RL, but somehow, I knew thats what she was) she looked at me, smied, then then looked at the groom.I looked to my left, my 3 sons looked smilled at me (strange thing is, they looked like richerd e grant, hugh grant, and carrey(sp?) grant, though I dont know what carrey grant looks like?)next to me, my eldest duaghter was holding my baby grand daughter, also called lauren, she said "shame Lauren could not be her to day" Laurent, in this dream was my wife, I was a widow.how I knew these people were who they were, though they dont exist, and never will, is a mistery to me. war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Zirandorthel »

I know, I have dreams like that sometimes, where things just click, and you know exactly who they are, and can even remember things that happened in the past with them. ZirandorthelThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus Tinenetuwar"In order to find his equal, an Irishman is forced to talk to God."-Stephen Braveheart

Emir of Raspur
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Emir of Raspur »

I'm afraid I did have one micronational dream a little while ago. I dreamt that I was conned into thinking that Bobbesian Airlines was a real budget airline and was left at the airport wondering how the hell I was going to get on holiday.

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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Zirandorthel »

Wow, Bobbesian Airlines, I remember them. Isn't there a forum for them somewhere?Well, I think that one I mentioned up above was about the only micronational dream I remember, I'm not certain whether I ever had more than that.. Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Philip Locke
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Philip Locke »

I have a couple of recurring characters in my dreams, all of whom are people that I know in real life (or what I've been told is "real" life).The first is my Italian teacher. He's a crazy guy with intense mood swings, an extensive knowledge of history and art, and a number of foreign languages under his belt. Usually he's a frightening or critical force in the dream.The second is a girl who I've been friends with for many years. She usually ends up being sad or making me sad, and often disappears into mist just when the dream is reaching its climax. The dreams that she appears in are usually very confusing.I'm not sure what which of Jung's dream archetypes these represent, but...Maybe someone can take a swing at it?Quote:Wow, Bobbesian Airlines, I remember them. Isn't there a forum for them somewhere?Er, the bottom of the board, I believe.Only once have I had a micronational dream--I died and was reincarnated and I was so excited that I ran around for the entire dream attempting to find Scott and tell him that Buddhism was the true path to Enlightenment. Locke.

Emir of Raspur
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Emir of Raspur »

Wow, I just realised that all my dreams are frightening or critical. How credible are Jung's Archetypes these days?

Emir of Raspur
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Emir of Raspur »

Another thought. "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" In light of Jung some aspects of the Menelmacar that once was are a little clearer.

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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by TonerMan »

All I know is that ALL my dreams have conflict in them... ussually combative.. Holy Warrior of Nee

Emir of Raspur
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Re: Dream Archetypes

Post by Emir of Raspur »

Which does not matter so much as long as you dream that you win?

Hesam Jahandar
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Post by Hesam Jahandar »

I've not had a dream in a long time. I had two very meaningful ones and then that was it. I've waited to have them again. I cant remember which one I had first but one of them was only a scene. The Dream started with a black man, dressed in a black leather Jacket and an Islamic scull cap on his head (I forget what they are called), Also black. He was extremely angry at me, over something I had done, as if he was disapointed with me, frustrated to the point that he did not want to speak to me. It was in the doorway of a single room, the door led out to the night street. The Room itself had several wooden tables and benches set up but was completely empty except for one person.I was trying to convince the man in black not to be angry with me, asking him what I had done. But he walked off. I indentified him as an angel of some sort. The Person in the room was a women, I indentified in the dream as an angel as well. She wore white and had redish curely hair. She was not glowing but there was light from a window on the wall behind her that silouetted her image. The window was not clear, it was opaque white, but the shadows of a few people could be seen against it. Anyways I dont remember the lady telling me anything but I knew what she meant or was thinking. She said (without speaking) that that was his nature, and that I was not the reason he was angry. That I should just let it go. It was quite comforting. But at the same time, I had felt that I had let that other person down somehow. Then I looked at the silouettes of the figures and the dream ended. The other dream I had started with me looking up at this lady with three eyes. The lady was of indian (asian not native) decent. At first I was frightened and thought she was hidious, then I saw the faces compassion and knew that this person would not hurt me. It was very emotional. For some reason I thought I was a dog or something. Like a domesticated pet, and that this lady was my "master" in the pet/owner sense of the term. For some reason she was very proud and happy with me, and I identified her with pure love. And the Hindu god Kama. It was odd because I had not studied or known anything about Hindue beliefs before that dream, I didnt even know who Kama was or even the name. But I knew it in the dream.

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

Quote:And the Hindu god Kama. It was odd because I had not studied or known anything about Hindue beliefs before that dream, I didnt even know who Kama was or even the name. But I knew it in the dream. That's happened to me before too. Once, I was a kappa in my dream, which is a Japanese water daemon who you can trick by making him bow to you, which tips all the water in the bowl in the top of his head out, thus rendering him powerless. I couldn't tip my head over for fear of losing all my abilities. It was only after I described the dream to Scott that he told me about the kappa. Collective unconscious, eh? Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: X

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I think I tend to win.... or maybe there is not resolution... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

The wierd thing about your styled "collective Unconsciousness" is if you read all of our posts, there is a constant theme of a girl with red curely hair. Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

Mine has blond curly hair, I think.Did you ever check any descriptions of that Hindhu God? Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

Well I looked it up, but there is a descrepency. It is Shiva (Creator and Destroyer) that is described with three eyes and not Kama. Shiva seems to fit in more with the other dualistic dream I had, but I am sure that it was Kama that I saw. this could mean one of two things: 1. My subconscious just jumbles all Hindu god descriptions together and that is what I got. 2. That is was Shiva, but I associated it with Kama as I had chosen the creators path. I draw this conclusion from the goodness and comfort that surrounded being in the gods presence. I prefer the second reason, but the first seems more likely. I usually try not to read into dreams. I mean, I could end up with any conclusion I like depending on how I interpret them, so I find its best not to in my view. Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

Emir of Raspur
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Re: X

Post by Emir of Raspur »

Hesam one of the dodgy old books I've got kicking around at home has a bit that is sort of relevant to this... but not reallyKama and Shiva are associated together because he had the task of distracting Shiva into viewing a woman called Parvati and thus ensure all manner of fornication which would produce a child capable of killing a demon called Taraka. Two versions of the myth exist. In one Kama played cupid and shot Shiva with an arrow which caused prompted him to do the necessary. In the otherone Shiva got bored with Kama's antics and blasted him to death with his third eye leaving Parvati to do all the hard work of seduction herself....[/rambling]

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

Yes I think i have a copy of the second one, I remember Kama dying at one point. Which makes me wonder about the Hindu definition of gods but anyways. That actually did help a bit but as usual I will have to ponder its meaning for a few years and then it will come to me. Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

And then, of course, it will never occur ever again! Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

yes well I've been waiting, but you are right, I never had that dream again. Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

I used to always have recurring dreams, but then I started to record them, and that all ended. Now I have dreams I can't make head nor tail of. I think it's my subconscious reacting. Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

My dreams used to be quite vivid, but since the world crushed me, I dont remember them anymore. Now that I think of it, I think those dreams I told you about were the last ones I had Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

Now you dream of yuppies subverting native cultures, right? Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Hesam Jahandar
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Re: X

Post by Hesam Jahandar »

No Yuppies subverting Native cultures is called reality. A perfect example is seeing a sporty car with a yuppy at the wheel and seeing a "Dream Catcher" in the windshield, A psuedo-Native creation that is a total insult. Or Yuppies that have their homes "Fueng Shwea'd" for furniture harmony. The list could go on. Allow me to remind you that your own Celtic culture has been hemogonized into Yuppy culture with such greats as "Celtic Knot tatoos", and the reintroduction of "quant fiddle music". Yes friends, Disney is spreading..... Even the few elements of pride in my own nation have been sold. A few years ago, Dis-nee bought the rights to the famous Mounties of Canada, I'm not exactly sure how it works but it allows Rickey Rouse to wear a red tunic for special occasions. Rickey Rouse and the name Dis-nee are considered unique characters unrelated to the Disney corperation or its trademarks (all rights reserved) Proud Owner of a Real Horrorshow High-Speed, Low-Drag Sig!

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Re: X

Post by Zirandorthel »

Well in Ireland itself Celtic culture is allowed to be celebrated by one and all, and in fact it is usually forgotten in pursuit of some other trend or "spiritual" thingy. Sun Bless, Earth KeepZirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessNiirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

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