A messenger from Monty Crisco

Erik Mortis
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A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Erik Mortis »

*A messenger stands before the duke, bows and begins to speak*

By Order of the Baron of Dolor, Count of Monty Crisco, I have been sent here to parlay with the Duke of Goldshire.

Most honourable Duke, the Baron Dolor sends his felicitations, and well wishes. The Baron would let you know that he considers you and your people among his respected friends. Further, the Baron would have me tell you that he has no hostile intent toward you or the people of Goldshire, and wishes no blood between our two realms.

This said, the Baron is sad that he must inform you that he will take arms against all that stand between him and his query. While he will give full quarter and humane assistance to the brave fighting men of Goldshire, he will not be turned from his goal of Shirekeep by their presence there. Nor will he violate Goldshire lands in his quest, unless forces move against him from those lands.

The Baron's fight is against the demon upon the throne in Shirekeep, not the righteous and noble men and women of Goldshire. It is my Barons hope that you will see to the defense of your own realm in these dark times and not send aid to the Demon. He knows you will not take arms against Shirekeep, and as such he will not ask you for such aid.

My Baron asks no reply to my entreat to you, save that of actions, so I shall take my leave from your noble court.

*the messenger bowed and turned to leave*

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Harvey Steffke
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Re: A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Harvey Steffke »

The following reply is delivered via messenger:

To the Baron of Dolor and Count of Monty Crisco, I bring you greetings.

I know that you are a man of actions and not words, and that you requested no reply, but there are important matters beyond the obvious at work here.

No doubt as you have observed, the forces I have sent to reinforce the capital have halted in the country of Holwinn, just east of the river crossings into Shirekeep. They have been ordered to defend the entryway into Goldshire and not attempt to interfere with your own forces conducting your siege of the capital. There they will remain indefinitely until this crisis abates or until they are called into combat directly by the Kaiser himself. Should that unfortunate day come when they must bear arms against the forces of Monty Crisco, may the gods forgive us both.

This is not the reason for my reply, however.

I fear that we are both being led astray by the politics that have surrounded this situation. The true danger to Shireroth as a whole right now is neither the rebellion nor the Kaiser that sits on the throne, but the eyes and the cannons that cover all our lands with in a shadow of fear. I refer to, of course, to the weapon systems controlled by the ISI, under the command of the Elywnnese and based in Yardistan. While I have every bit of faith in the Kaiser, I do not trust this corporation he has allid with one bit, and I fear that the day is coming when the man who controls the launch codes for these space weapons is more powerful than any of us, even the Kaiser, and we will have no hope but to submit.

As you and your men are being especially vocal against the Kaiser, I fear that you have made yourself a target of the ISI's irresistible fury. Goldshire is likely safe for the moment, having sworn allegiance to Shirekeep, but living in fear against retaliation is a poor fate for any man.

I risk much by sending you this reply - should it be intercepted by forces loyal to the Kaiser, it would no doubt be seen as treason against the throne. I have no intention of joining your rebellion as I find many of your causes illegitimate, but the risk is there to be targeted as a rebel anyway for doing what I believe is the right thing. Yet it is a risk I feel I must take for Shireroth.

We must find a way to stop the ISI before any of our countrymen, be they loyalists or insurgents, are made an example of via terror from the skies! Goldshire is open to any collaborative effort we can muster. Feel free to involve your Duke in these plans as well - despite the circumstances of the rebellion, I still trust him as an ally.

Signed, your friend and ally,
Harvey Lekuan
Duke of Goldshire

Erik Mortis
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Re: A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Erik Mortis »

"A message from Monty Crisco Sire."
Duke Goldshire,

By order of the Kaiser. ISI shall begin destroying the coast of Yardistan. This your Kaiser, in his "legitimate" power, has himself ordered. Even when we destroy ISI, the Kaiser in his madness will find a new weapon of destruction to turn upon the people. And now you have sent troops to defend this monster. I agree that ISI must be stopped, but the hand behind the gun must also be silenced. I will not lift my siege of Shirekeep. My men have orders not to fire upon the Goldshire banner, lest fired upon first. But we will not be discouraged by your presence. It will have to fall to other forces to save Yardistan, for I must severe the head, to save us all.

Baron of Dolor, Count of Monty Crisco.

Santelran Rottsaa
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Re: A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Santelran Rottsaa »

Erik Mortis wrote:
Even when we destroy ISI, the Kaiser in his madness will find a new weapon of destruction to turn upon the people.
*shifty eyes*

...Won't...won't find anything like that around here...no sir...

*shifty eyes*
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Malliki Tosha
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Re: A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Malliki Tosha »



Malliki Tosha
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Harvey Steffke
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Re: A messenger from Monty Crisco

Post by Harvey Steffke »

The duke seems highly disturbed by how close to home this message hits, but sends no reply.


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