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Renunciation and Abdication

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:03 am
by Rai Avon-El
The arrival of the Prince to Cape Farewell had brought Rai many feelings. He remembered so many bad times, all the rows, tears and goodbyes. They promised each other, "In peace go, never come back."

With the Prince's quest to unite the Elw - he had after all already united the Elw of the Northern Reaches - he would be in the heals of Rai forever. For he had the apples of Idunn.

"I, RAI AVON-EL, do hereby renounce all title, right and claim to Cape Farewell in favour of my former friend, Ísur-Ai of the Elw."

And by that, Rai travelled to Yaanek where he hoped he would be able to forgive, to heal his scars by the Prince, the new and the old.