A Benacian tale, part 3

Kaiser Mors IV
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Joined: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:27 pm

A Benacian tale, part 3

Post by Kaiser Mors IV »

In the fastness of the ancient city of Shirekeep, a pale, blue-eyed man, sitting upon an ancient throne, crushes a piece of paper in his fist. Though his face is expressionless, his aides know that he is angry.Mors IV "Nerrolar", the Kaiser of Shireroth, abruptly stands up and walks to his private chambers at a brisk pace.This has gone on far too long, he thinks to himself. The very island where I was born is in an uproar; the people are against an established noble. Therefore, they are against ME.The message, sent by the Count's adviser, had asked for assistance in the matter. Mors is not an emotional man, known for his cold, clinical outlook; but this news has inflamed a desire for punishment.In his quarters, he quickly pens an Imperial Decree establishing an heir to the throne, and hands it to a waiting squire. "Take this. Have copies sent to all the Duchies of Shireroth." To another, he commands, "You! Get to the barracks. I need a good-sized strikeforce from the Imperial Army. And boats, troop ships to carry them down the Elwynn and over open water."He opens up a locked cabinet with the key only he has. Inside is a suit of black armor, a shield, and an ancient sword with a dark, wicked-looking blade, a weapon kept in his line from the earliest days.He will attend to this matter personally.-----When the small fleet arrives in Port Benacia to start disgorging its troops, things have entered a sorry state.The spectacular failure of the Count's weapons raid two weeks ago had turned the people of the city against him. With no tangible grounds to detain the many merchants who had been arrested, unrest was growing here, and slowly spreading to the countryside; the crackdown had disrupted business coming into the city from the outlying villages.Now reports are starting to come in of rural rebel groups as well, and militia forces are spread thin.As Imperial troops begin quelling unrest around the harbor and downtown, the Kaiser and his enior military advisors stride into the government house to meet with the Count.-----Shyriath finds himself on bended knee before his Kaiser. Rising when it is indicated that he should, the half-dragon sounds nervous. "M-my Kaiser... I am grateful for your help, but I hadn't expected-""I was asked to come, Count Shyriath."The Count looks perplexed."The note was from your advisor?"Shyriath looks to his aide Kantir, who fidgets. "Sire, I knew the Kaiser would want to know. With the militias stretched so thin-"Shyriath sighs. "Yes, yes."Mors continues. "At any rate, we will shortly be in control of the situation. Once the city is secure, we will push into the outlying areas and keep this from escalating."-----Rynnu leaps to his feet. "The Kaiser is HERE?!?"The traditionally-dressed woman, Caré, nods stiffly. "He arrived in Port Benacia just a few hours ago, my lord."The fundamentalist leader shews his lip. The appearance of the army was not supposed to have been so swift... and not with the Kaiser leading it. Why had they been drawn so swiftly to events in this backwater?"Change of plans," he informs the woman. "I'm taking the scientist to the Sky Pillar to get control of it. If you see our friend in the hooded cloak, tell him to go to there as well. Meanwhile, you tell our people to start their revolt now. Draw the Kaiser here, to the villages... that will distract them."He tries to calm himself as he goes to the stables. This was an unexpected development; nothing more. It can still be dealt with. The Sky Pillar is the key. Not even a Kaiser's might can stand up to it.Over the skies of Benacia, the storm clouds gather, and the sky darkens.



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