Ducal Decree #22: Non-Apolloness And Non-Soloralism

Erik Mortis
Posts: 7238
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:37 pm
Location: County of Monty Crisco

Ducal Decree #22: Non-Apolloness And Non-Soloralism

Post by Erik Mortis »

Brookshire hereby proclaims its lack of Apollo roots. Brookshire recognizes that Shireroth and all its holdings are NOT part of the Apollo sector. All of Brookshire and its holdings are NOT part of the Apollo sector. Brookshire, does however recognize that Kildare was once Apollo land untill it was gloriously claimed by the Republic and freed of the curse of the name Apollo. It saddens this Duchy to see Kildare lower itself and the culture which it currently represents by declaring itself to currently be Apollo. To help stem the tide of the curruption of Apollo and Solorist propoganda. No Soloralist Temple or shrine shall be constructed inside the Duchy of Brookshire.Brookshire furthor supports and recognizes the efforts of the Inquisition.And Solorism/Solorist shall be interchangable with the correct spelling..Signed,Eriik Mortis Brookshire,Duke of Brookshire.Ps: MUAHHAHAHA.. I love being evil now and again. This inquisition thing oughta be fun! Erik Mortis BrookshireCount of Monty CriscoCommoner of AlexandrettaHeir to the Line of Metzler/Mortis/RaynorMember of The Programmers' Guild of ShirerothShirerithian ElderGeneral in the YACEdited by: Erik Mortis Brookshire at: 3/15/05 16:49


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