Law Profession Regulation Act

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Kaiser Loki III
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Re: Law Profession Regulation Act

Post by Kaiser Loki III »

That is the problem. Qualified by whose lights? Laws should be simple enough for anyone to understand, not so convoluted as to create a legal priesthood.

Again, escapism vs. simulationism. There are too many laws and lawyers in RL.

If this ever passes, let us all pray that we have active and sympathetic Kaisers, or mark my words, a few bad court cases can kill a thriving nation. I've seen it over and over again.
Loki III, Kaiser of Shireroth
"Shireroth sumus. Tempus in parte nostrum est."
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Re: Law Profession Regulation Act

Post by Malliki »

Qualified by those whose "job" it is to interpret the laws. If you don't want a Lovely law system (Be nice, Do good things), sooner or later you get a more or less complicated legal system. Shireroth, having three different levels of legislation, is complicated in that regard, but not in others. Shireroth also has a different tradition from most legalistic nations, like the VC of Cyberia. Cyberia was founded as an American simulation, we had lawyers as lawyers and judges, if you get my point. That is very bad. Here we have two Arbiters without a law degree. The laws are very clearly written, everyone can easily read them. I don't see that problem here. I also have a hard time seeing that there will be a lot of court cases simply because we regulate the profession. This is partly a way to allow people to start businesses and make money. The test for entry into the Mango Bar will be simple, just like Erik posted a while back. If you can't answer those basic questions, you are clearly not suitable to represent anyone in a court case or give advice on the legal system.
His Grace the Lord Brookshire, LK GMNS
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