Edict V-3340: Concerning titles

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Location: Brookshire Hamlet

Edict V-3340: Concerning titles

Post by Malliki »

Edict V: Concerning titles

1. The titles that are recognized within Brookshire are Duke, Marquess, Baron and Count, in order of precedence.

2. Only Dukes, Marquesses and Barons are addressed as "Lord".

3. The Duke is addressed "His Grace the Lord (of) Brookshire or [Last name]".

4. The Marquess is addressed "The Most Honorable Lord (of) Goldshire or [Last name]".

5. Barons are addressed "The Right Honorable Lord (of) [Subdivision] or [Last name]".

6. Counts are addressed "The Honorable Count [Subdivision] or [Last name]".

7. There is no legal obligation to address title holders with their formal title. No one may use a title without having one.

8. Only the Duke may bestow the titles of Marquess and Baron within Brookshire,

Signed this Losday, the 5th of H'Graasreign, 3400 ASC.
His Grace the Lord Brookshire, LK GMNS
Arbiter, Imperial Judex
Duke of Brookshire, Baron of Lakhesis
Knight of the Dragon
Fan of SOAD


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