Steward Semi-Decree #2: Yardistan and Votes


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Steward Semi-Decree #2: Yardistan and Votes

Post by Shyriath »

As Steward of this good land, I hereby decree the following, in the name of the Duke-who-shall-return:-That, as Nick as Count of Yardistan has noted his preference for his County to be numbered among it former fellows in the Barony of the Holy Lands, and signed the great Contract of the Rainbow Isles with this in mind, Yardistan's place in HOLY is hereby confirmed;-That, as Count Nick has previously expressed that he shall not be active in Shireroth, the addition of his County to the Duchy of Naudia'Diva should not affect the Duchy's overall vote count in the Landsraad, for we already have the most votes anyway, and not all Duchies are as fortunate as we;-That I am of the opinion that even though no legal barrier exists to claiming an extra vote in the Landsraad because of Yardistan's addition, neither is there a barrier to refraining from claiming one;-That therefore, unless and until a judgement of the Duke-who-shall-return or the Imperial government renders this Decree invalid, the Duchy's total Landsraad vote count shall not change because of Yardistan's addition.

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Re: Steward Semi-Decree #2: Yardistan and Votes

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

Aw, but I like loopholes. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.


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