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Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:47 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree: Redividing the land.

1. After careful negotiating the Duke decides following land changes within the Dutchy of Kildare:

a. Gong Li goes to the Barony of Antya.
b. Vervollkommnung goes to the Barony of Atterock.
c. The Dalmacija's become one, united, County. The County of Nova Dalmacija is hereby formed.

2. The Count of Nova Dalmacija can call himself Grof. Or if it's a countess, she can call herself the Grofica of Nova Dalmacija.

3. Atterock is allowed to start a civil war to protect Gong Li.

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:48 pm
by Jonas
Ducal Decree: Redividing the land (2).

After careful negotiating the Duke decides following land changes within the Dutchy of Kildare:

a. Vervollkommnung goes back to the Barony of Antya.
b. Gong Li stays a county of the Barony of Antya until the Civil War ends. After this, the Dutch needs to decide that the Barony of Atterock get it back or not.

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:15 am
by Jonas
Kildarian Reform Act 3260

Chapter I. Reforming the Dutchy

A. The land
1. The land is ruled by the Duke. Beneath him are the Barons and Counts.

2. There rights and obligations are settled by the Lawbook.

3. The Duke can also be called Dutch.

4. Kildare is called officialy the Dutchy of Kildare.

5. Recognised languages in Kildare are:
a. Written Halluci
b. Conlang of Gryphon the Pure.

6. Blackrock Nua is the official capital of the Dutchy of Kildare.

B. The governement
1. The Ducal Governement exist out of the Seanad and Council of Mils.

2. The Seanad:
a. The Seanad exist out of the Kildarian Barons, they have each one vote.
b. The Seanad can veto the vote of the Duke in the Landsraad.
c. If the veto get support of the majority, and at least three Barons voted, then the Duke is forced to abstain.
d. The Seanad can get dissolved by the Council of Mils in periods of martial law.

3. The Council of Mils:
a. The Council of Mils rules the army of Kildare.
b. They must support the Duke at all time if it comes to a fight against rebels.
c. A Mil is the highest officer next to the Dant and is promoted in this rank by the Dutch.
d. The Council of Mils can bring the Dutchy in a periode of martial law.
e. The Council exists out of the Mils and the Dant.

C. The Duke
1. The Duke gets a number after his name, like the kaiser has one, and can chose to take another name.

2. Ducal Bloodlines are established and recognised by the Ducal Governement.

3. The Duke appoints his successor. If there is no successor the lower nobles can fight for the power or let the Council of Mils decide.

Chapter II. Civil war

A. Revolts
1. If there is a revolt in the Dutchy against the legitimately appointed Dutch, it is the duty of the loyalist Barons to suppress it.

2. If there is a revolt in a Barony, it is the duty of the Dutch or Dutchess to suppress it.

3. None of these duties apply if the revolt is within a single noble house or if the Dutch announce it isn´t needed to help.

B. Reasons
1. People are permitted to revolt if:
a. it´s for fun (however, a revolt must always be fun).
b. to place a new Dutch, Baron, Count in the Ducal Office.
c. To gain land.
d. if the Dutch permits it.

2. The Dutch decide what happens with the outcome of the civil war.

Chapter III. The Army

A. The Kildarian Ducal Forces
1. The Kildarian Ducal Forces is the name of the Kildarian militias loyal to the Dutch.

2. The divisions are lead by officers.

3. A higher rank can give orders to an officer lower in rank.

B. Ranks
1. The ranks in the Kildarian Ducal Forces are divided in the Higher Officers and Lower Officers.

2. Ranks of Higher Officers:
a. Dant; rank of the Duke.
b. Mil
c. Cent
d. Tweg
e. Caud

3. Ranks of Lower Officers:
f. Dec
h. Striker
i. Wynt
j. Aksai
k. Alt
l. Aspirant

3. Higher Officers are the Barons and/or Duke. Lower Officers are Counts or normal citizens who got there own army.

Chapter IV.rees

A. Decreebook
1. From now on all decrees get bundled in one book: the Decreebook of Kildare.

2. The Decreebook exists out of three different sorts of Decrees:
a. Ducal Decree
b. Baronial Decree
c. County Decree

3. The Ducal Decree is above the Baronial Decree and both are above the County Decrees.

4. The Decreebook is placed in the Hallucigrad Library after it´s rebuild.

Signed by
Duke Jonas I, of the Noble Line of Windsor

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:30 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #3 : Money

Any Baron, count or citizen within the Dutchy of Kildare who withholds his Erbs by moving them to a non-Kildarian account in order to weaken my vote shall be considered in revolt against the Dutch.

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:47 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #4 : Destrykara

The City of Destrykara, currently located in the County of Automatica, is the economic center of the Dutchy of Kildare.
All financial records of Kildare needs to be located there. The BLACKROCK BANK's headquarter is also located in this city.

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:21 pm
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #5 : Thanedom in Lumina's Light

The title and traditionall role of Thane are hereby reestablised to administer and safeguard those counties which do not presently have a count in residence. The Thane's function will be to ensure safety, justice, and the rule of law to all the people under zir care.

This decree is only valid in following Baronies:
- the Barony of Lumina's Light

So let it be written; let it be done.

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:21 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #6 : Kildarian Holiday

December 31 is a Kildarian holiday, named the Day of Unification with and Integration in Shireroth (in short DUIS or Unification Day).
Let us remember 513 ASC, December 31 of the year 2000, the day we became Shirerithians!

Jonas Windsor
Duke of Kildare
Baron of Antya

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:42 pm
by Shyriath
Ducal Decree #7: Kildare Judiciary Act

In accordance with Chapter VII of the Imperial Lawbook of Shireroth, the Nobles of Kildare are part of the Imperial Judex and are responsible for the administration of justice throughout their lands. Therefore, I the Dutch hereby enact the following:

I. In accordance with Lawbook VII.A.1.c-d: the Barons of Kildare shall each have immediate jurisdiction over their Baronies, and it is the pleasure of the Dutch that they determine how best to administer the law in their jurisdictions; but that in all parts of the Dutchy not defined as lying within a Barony, immediate jurisdiction lies with the Dutch. At the time of this Decree, the Dutchal jurisdiction consists of the main Dutchal forum itself and the Economy forum.

II. A trial over which the Dutch presides shall be known as a High Court. Though there shall be no restriction as to who may petition for a matter to be considered in High Court, it shall be at the discretion of the Dutch to convene, or refrain from convening, the High Court for consideration of a matter. Such matters may include, but not be limited to: infraction of Dutchal or Imperial law within the Dutchal jurisdiction; legal settlement of disputes that have occurred within the Dutchal jurisdiction; cases originating from the Baronial jurisdictions that are being appealed or have otherwise not been ended at the Barons' judgement.

III. If a case is accepted, the entire method of proceeding with it shall be determined by the Dutch; predefined standards may be used, but these shall not be binding. Once a decision is rendered in High Court, it shall be binding upon those involved in the trial; but the case may be appealed to the Judex after the decision is rendered. An appeal may also be made if the case is never accepted in High Court at all.

IV. Any decisions arising from the judgment of the High Court shall be considered as precedent in future cases.

Done in the year 3567 ASC by the hand of
Count of Sunderspray,
Dutch of Kildare

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:09 pm
by Shyriath
Ducal Decree #8: Baronial Empire of Sermolot

Be it ordered, as per the request of Baron Jonas of Antya, that:

I. The Barony of Antya is hereby DISSOLVED;

II. The Counties of New Jasonia, Demesos, and Audentior, formerly of Antya, are hereby reconstituted as a new Barony, to be called Sermolot, with Jonas as Baron;

III. Sermolot, though a Barony under Imperial Law, shall have permission to use the equivalent nomenclature of "Baronial Empire" for "Barony" and "Senechal" for "Baron", with the understanding that no pretense of other status is being made;

IV. Sermolot shall be considered the successor to Antya for all intents and purposes;

V. The former Antyan Counties of Blackrock, Vervollkomnung, Schlangen, and Automatica shall be released and reassigned to other Baronies, according to the agreement of the Barons.

Done in the year 3587 ASC by the hand of
Count of Sunderspray,
Dutch of Kildare

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:11 pm
by Shyriath
Ducal Decree #9: County Redistribution


-The County of Blackrock shall be transferred to the Barony of Lumina's Light;
-The Counties of Vervollkommnung and Schlangen shall be transferred to the Barony of Hallucination;
-The County of Automatica shall be transferred to the Barony of Atterock.

Done in 3602 ASC by the hand of
Count of Sunderspray,

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:26 pm
by Shyriath
Ducal Decree #10: Relocating the Seanad

BE IT ENACTED that the Seanad of the Dutchy of Kildare, by agreement of the Barons and the Dutch, henceforth maintain its permanent seat in Apollo City, ancient and beloved among the cities of Micras. Let it also be the recommendation of this Dutch that, in keeping with its past history and new status, it be reconstructed and rebuilt to its ancient glory, to inspire awe and resentment across the face of the world.

Done in 3609 ASC by the hand of
Count of Sunderspray,
Dutch of Kildare

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:09 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #11 : William for Baron

I hereby appoint William Payne, Count of Vervollkommnung, as the new Baron of the Barony of Hallucination. May he become a fair and good ruler.

Signed on 3730 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of tthe Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:20 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #12 : Kildarian News Agency

I hereby establish the Kildarian News Agency. The first director will be William Payne.

Signed on 3733 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of tthe Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:59 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #13 : Mr. Kildare Award

I. Outstanding service to Kildare.
II. Can be awarded to anyone, Kildarian or not.
III. Awarded by the Dutch.
IV. Dutch must wait at least 1 month in between awarding the award before awarding it again, but must award it at least once every 6 months.
V. 200 erb awarded with title of Mr. Kildare (insert Month and Year)
VI. The Dutch must state reason for awarding the Award.

Signed on 3739 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of tthe Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:11 pm
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #14 : Coat of arms

The following socialist-styled picture, with the Kildarian flag in it, will be the coat of arms of Kildare:


Signed on 3751 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of tthe Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:33 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #15 : Mil Al'Magroth

Al'Magroth is hereby appointed as Mil of the Kildarian armies and gets full access to the Ocean Palace.

Signed on 3779 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of tthe Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:25 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #15 : Baron Al'Magroth

Al'Magroth is hereby appointed Baron of the Barony of Atterock.

Signed on 3779 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:05 pm
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #16 : Mr. Kildare Award

The Mr. Kildare Award of 3789 ASC / December 2009 goes to William Payne, Baron of Hallucination.

Signed on 3789 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:10 am
by Jonas
Ducal Decree #17 : Baron of Lumina's Light

Gareth Arthur is hereby inaugurated as new Baron of Lumina's Light. The symbolic title of Thane, used by Lady Carol, will (for the time being) not be given. May the Gods bless his efforts in developing the Barony!

Signed on 3791 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:50 pm
by Kaiser Leto III
Ducal Decree #18 : Dutch William

William Payne is hereby appointed as the new Dutch of Kildare. Long live the new Dutch!

Signed on 3792 ASC,
Jonas Windsor
Dutch of Kildare
Senechal of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot
Count of Audentior

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:52 am
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #19

This is to be the new way that the government of Kildare works:
Kildarian Reform Act 3792

Chapter I. Reforming the Dutchy

A. The land
1. The land is ruled by the Duke. Beneath him are the Barons and Counts.

2. There rights and obligations are settled by the Lawbook.

3. The Duke can also be called Dutch.

4. Kildare is officially called the Dutchy of Kildare.

5. Recognised languages in Kildare are:
a. Written Halluci
b. Conlang of Gryphon the Pure.
c. Vervoll

6. Arrangement of the location of the capital
a. Blackrock Nua is the official capital of the Dutchy of Kildare.
b. The Seanad, however, is located in Apollo City.

B. The Government
1. The Executive Council:
a. The Executive Council is the governing body of the Dutchy of Kildare.
b. The Executive Council consists of the Dutch of Kildare, the Dant of Kildare and the Marquess of Kildare. Both are appointed by the Dutch.
c. The Dutch of Kildare is the Chairman of the Executive Council.
d. The Dutch may, at any time and for any reason, dissolve the Executive Council.

2. The Seanad:
a. The Seanad is the legislative body of the Dutchy of Kildare.
b. The Seanad consists of the Dutch of Kildare in addition to any holder of a Ducal Seanad Lease.
c. The Dutch of Kildare is the President of the Seanad.
d. The Seanad will decide, by simple majority, the position of the Dutchy of Kildare on all matters that come before the Landsraad.
I. The President of the Seanad shall inform the Seanad any time a new issue comes before the Landsraad.
II. The President of the Seanad, in the interest of expedience, shall set a timespan for voting at the commencement of the issue.
e. The Dutch may, at any time and for any reason, dissolve the Seanad so long as Chapter I, Article B, Section 3, is honored.

3. Ducal Seanad Leases
a. The Dutch may, at his will and at the conclusion of every month, offer for sale to the Barons of Kildare the lease of not more than ten seats in the Seanad.
b. The Dutch may also award, for exemplary service to the Dutchy of Kildare, not more than ten leases to seats in the Seanad.
c. The Ducal Seanad Leases will begin on the first day of a calendar month and expire on the conclusion of the final day of the same month.
I. The Dutch may, in the interest of continuity, offer leases for multiple months at the same time.
d. The Dutch may suspend any or all of the leases without cause.
I. In the event that the Dutch suspends a Ducal Seanad Lease, the owner of the lease will be refunded a prorated amount of the cost of the lease.

4. Landsraad Vote Apportionment
a. The Dutch shall cast the entirety of Kildare's alloted Landsraad votes in support of the Seanad's decision.
b. This section will be suspended should Chapter I, Article B, Section 2, Subsection d be invoked.

C. The Dutch
1. The Dutch gets a number after his name, like the Kaiser has one, and can chose to take another name.

2. Ducal Bloodlines are established and recognised by the Ducal Governement.

3. The Dutch shall maintain an heir to succeed him in his office.

Chapter II. Civil war

A. Revolts
1. If there is a revolt in the Dutchy against the legitimately appointed Dutch, it is the duty of the loyalist Barons to suppress it.

2. If there is a revolt in a Barony, it is the duty of the Dutch or Dutchess to suppress it.

3. None of these duties apply if the revolt is within a single noble house or if the Dutch announce it isn´t needed to help.

B. Reasons
1. People are permitted to revolt if:
a. it´s for fun (however, a revolt must always be fun).
b. to place a new Dutch, Baron, Count in the Ducal Office.
c. To gain land.
d. if the Dutch permits it.

2. The Dutch decide what happens with the outcome of the civil war.

Chapter III. The Army

A. The Kildarian Ducal Forces
1. The Kildarian Ducal Forces is the name of the Kildarian militias loyal to the Dutch.

2. The divisions are lead by officers.

3. A higher rank can give orders to an officer lower in rank.

B. Ranks
1. The ranks in the Kildarian Ducal Forces are divided in the Higher Officers and Lower Officers.

2. Ranks of Higher Officers:
a. Dant, highest officer and appointed by the Dutch.
b. Mil
c. Cent
d. Tweg
e. Caud

3. Ranks of Lower Officers:
f. Dec
h. Striker
i. Wynt
j. Aksai
k. Alt
l. Aspirant

3. Higher Officers are the Barons and/or Duke. Lower Officers are Counts or normal citizens who got there own army.

Chapter IV. Decrees

A. Decreebook
1. From now on all decrees get bundled in one book: the Decreebook of Kildare.

2. The Decreebook exists out of three different sorts of Decrees:
a. Ducal Decree
b. Baronial Decree
c. County Decree

3. The Ducal Decree is above the Baronial Decree and both are above the County Decrees.

4. The Decreebook is placed in the Hallucigrad Library after it´s rebuild.
Signed on 3793 ASC

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:58 am
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #20

1. I decree that Gareth Arthur is to be the Marquess/Steward of Kildare.

2. In the event that the Dutch is on an LOA or disappears for more than 4 days then power over the Dutchy shall be transferred upon the Marquess.

a. If the Dutch has not named an heir, and has been gone for more than 10 days without declaring an LOA then the Marquess shall be given the position of Dutch of Kildare.

Signed on 3793 ASC

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:20 am
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #21

1. Al'Magroth is to be the new Dant of Kildare, with all of the powers and responsibilities that come with that position.

Signed on 3796 ASC

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:01 pm
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #22

1. The entirety of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot is to be assimilated into the Barony of Lumina's Light.

a. The counties of Demesos and Audentior are to be combined into the Grand-County of Greater Audentior.

Signed on 3802 ASC

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:45 pm
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #23

Chapter I, Article B, Section 2 is amended by adding the following after Subsection c:

d. The Seanad will decide, by simple majority, the position of the Dutchy of Kildare on all matters that come before the Landsraad.

Chapter I, Article B, Section 2, Subection d is renamed Subsection e.

Chapter I, Article B is amended by creating Section 4 and adding the following:

Landsraad Vote Apportionment
a. The Dutch shall cast the entirety of Kildare's alloted Landsraad votes in support of the Seanad's decision.
b. This section will be suspended should Chapter I, Article B, Section 2, Subsection d be invoked.

Signed on 3803 ASC

William Arthur Payn
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:51 am
by Gareth Arthur
Ducal Decree #24
On Behalf of His Grace, Dutch William I

1. The Dutchy of Kildare hereby lays claim to the color blue.

2. Attempts to claim the color blue by parties other than Kildare will be viewed as an act of WAR!

3. The Dutchy of Kildare also retains its claim to the color gray.
  • 3.1 However, if you want to take gray, we're totally cool with that. We've been trying to get rid of gray, but it keeps coming back...
Signed on 3815 ASC,
Gareth Arthur
Marquess of Kildare

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:47 pm
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #25

1. In the event that a tie comes about in the Seanad, the Dutch may decide what to do about the tied issue.

2. Lady Gaga's Paparazzi is to be the new Ducal Anthem along with those other ones... :yay:

Signed on 3818 ASC

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:14 pm
by W.Payne
Ducal Decree #26

The Mr. Kildare Award of 3818 ASC / January 18 goes to Leto III, Grand Count of Greater Audentior.

Signed on 3818 ASC.

William Arthur Payne
Dutch of Kildare
King of Hawshire-Dura
Baron of Hallucination
Count of Vervoll.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:45 am
by Jonas
House Decree #27 - 3951 ASC
The Seanad Constitution

The Seanad is the governing body of House Kildare. All are equal within its halls; and all seek the glory of the House; in war, history, magic and economics; for the good of the inhabitants of Kildare.

1. The Seanad is comprised of all nobles of House Kildare.
a. All members shall have equal voice within its halls.
b. All members shall have equal vote within its halls.
c. A member may choose not to exercise zir voice or vote within the Seanad. This is their right, and they shall not be disadvantaged for it.

2. The Seanad has the power to determine all policies and actions of House Kildare.

3. Where there is contention on an issue, the matter shall be put to a vote.
a. For normal matters, if a majority of the voters support it, the matter shall be considered approved.
b. For matters concerning this charter, if at least two thirds of voters support it, the matter shall be considered approved.
c. For matters which cede any powers or authority of the House or the Seanad, such as merger or dissolution, all voters must support it for the matter to be considered approved.

4. The Dutch shall be the Head of House Kildare and Leader of the Seanad.
a. The Dutch is empowered to make decisions regarding policy without consulting the Seanad.
b. The Dutch is empowered to represent the Seanad in the Landsraad and in other official matters.
c. The Dutch has the power to declare war, with or without the approval of the Seanad.
d. The Seanad reserve the right to take any matter decided by the Dutch and bring it before the whole Seanad; and decide it as per section 3; save the case of 4 c.
e. As per section 1, the Dutch shall have no extra voice or vote within the Seanad.

5. The Seanad shall meet in Apollo City, in the normal course of affairs.
a. In emergencies, the Seanad may meet wherever is appropriate.

6. The Seanad shall always act to ensure the good of House Kildare and of the inhabitants of Kildare.

Re: Ducal Decreebook

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:51 am
by Jonas
House Decree #28

Let it be known that the House Kildare will use yellow as forum colour.

Signed on 3951 ASC,
Jonas Win'Eth
Dutch of Kildare