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Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:39 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
Our own economy outside of Shireroth would be associated with an attempt at sovereignity - an economy that Shireroth doesn't participate in that involves other nations would I believe fall under the category of 'illegal'

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:11 pm
by RicLyon
I don't think so, it is about creating a sense of Elwynness, and it will make us seen in the world. And activity in Elwynn is only better for Shireroth.The law says:D. Minister of Trade.The job of the Minister of Trade shall be to see to all economic affairs within Shireroth, to maintain the currency of Shireroth, and maintain the Imperial Treasury. The currency of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth shall be the ?rb.Which in my interpretation would be something like there might be a Shirerithian currency, but nothing forbids us from having a currency of our own, side by side the Shirerithian one. The minister "see to all economic affairs" - meaning that he'll observe and propose necessary regulations. But at the moment, no regulations have been passed. Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:16 pm
by RicLyon
Should Elwynn join MX2?Problem is how we get stuff to sell and buy...Just a litte thought.

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:35 pm
by RicLyon
Bill,Of course we are loyal to our Kaiseress. Have we gone against her? We support her. We have petitioned her and her answers followed. We are all her subjects and we respect her voice. If she says no, then no it is.But right now we are looking at what we can do and not do. Nothing's official. Just exploring possibilities. Here we are pondering about how to make Elwynn stronger. Is it something wrong in believing in once duchy?

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:35 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
I myself think it's a great idea. No one wants to go through the trouble of creating a nationwide economy, and we're worried that it would fail. So let Elwynn create their own, if it succeeds then we have an excellent opportunity to expand it into something nationwide, and if it fails, we know what NOT to try next time we're trying to do something national.I haven't seen any law lying around prohibiting Duchies from having their own economy.

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:41 pm
by RicLyon
That was my very idea, Scott. I'm glad you agree. Are you stil the Trade minister? Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:24 pm
by Bill3000
You'd probably have to 1) Get a Minister of Trade, and 2) Get a Kaiser to decree to allow it.As well, remember that one's loyalty is to Shireroth and the Kaiser first and their duchy (barony, county, et cetera) second. It would go against the spirit of Shireroth. I would understand if Elwynn was soverign, but it isn't, nor will it ever be. Bill Dusch - Archon of SoloralismCitizen of ShirerothBaron of AntyaProud to be Apollonianvar txtList = new Array()txtList[txtList.length]="'Whoa! You're now? You got...older! I guess that's what happens when time passes, but still...' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'The Hindenburg Uncertainty Principle, by contrast states that before you get on a blimp, you can never be certain whether it's going to catch on fire or not' - Scott Siskind";txtList[txtList.length]="'We.....are.....not....FANTASY!>?!POE' - Scott Siskind, on hearing Bill Dusch say that Shireroth's theme is percieved to be Fiction-Fantasy based";txtList[txtList.length]="'me to. well almost, we have to worship the living god, Bill3000.' - Hubert";txtList[txtList.length]="'Y'know what? I am never going to get out of micronations. I think I need to be assassinated or something.' - Jason Steffke";txtList[txtList.length]="'Bill, you are STILL young and stupid.' - Jason Steffke, Control of Destiny 1";txtList[txtList.length]="'I think we've gotta promote you. You now have slightly more diplomatic skills than a random rock.' - Sirithil nos Feanor, to Bill Dusch";txtList[txtList.length]="'Wow. I'm this close to admitting you're no longer young and stupid.' - Scott Siskind, to Bill";txtList[txtList.length]="'ow! I've been thrwappen! Now I have a sudden urge to enter politics...' - Gryphon the Pure, after being hit by a shard of Pure Mischief";txtList[txtList.length]="'I could probably date Hypatia's Mom. Now THAT'S scary.' - Ryan Caruso"; j=parseInt(Math.random()*txtList.length);j=(isNaN(j))?0:j;document.write(txtList[j]);Edited by: Bill3000 at: 11/28/05 17:26

Re: Economy

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:20 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
No. As far as I know, there is no trade minister currently (Shacia is gone). You should take this up with the Kaiseress himself.

Re: Economy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:04 am
by RicLyon
And we would need a name for the economy...

Re: Economy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 5:51 am
by RicLyon
A few ideas:If you want to erect a city, town, whatever, that costs. Counts may trade pieces of land between themselves.Having a militia costs, depending on its sizeBuilding railways, Maglev things, roads, communications will be contracted.Hiring mercenaries in times of warBuying votes in the Landsraad (if a Barony wants more votes for a particular bill he may buy one for that bill.) An individual person may buy all the votes of Elwynn for a bill, but thatÂ’s more expensive.Writing up a good wiki article for Elwynn will give you money.Representing Elwynn in Judex will also give you money.Being supportive of Elwynn's causes.Doing an Elwynnese web-site will give you money.Import of Novaya Zemlyan vodka costs.A barony that wishes to have its own forum will have to pay forum tax.Being employed by Elwynn gives you salary (on which you pay tax of course! ).Sales tax For example. I, as a private individual, sell some land. Ardy buys it for 500. So 10% of that will go to the Duchy Bribery is also good economically.And we can start investing in other countries too. Edited by: RicLyon at: 11/29/05 5:53

Re: Economy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:21 pm
by AngelGuardian93
The Kaiseress has plans in the works... don't jump the gun yet. There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Re: Economy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:37 pm
by RicLyon
O right. But that doesn't mean Elwynn can't have this too Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti

Re: Economy

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:40 pm
by Osman Shahanshah
Ah the rise of the Elwynnese Dinar-Krona (eDk)

Re: Economy

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:43 pm
by RicLyon
Goodie goodie name name.

Re: Economy

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:41 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
(goodie^2 name^2)

Re: Economy

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:35 pm
by AngelGuardian93
A seperate currency? I don't think thats a wise idea... There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:39 am
by RicLyon
And you wish to have the Shirerithian erb's exchange rates governed by a small duchy?It's like having the dollar ruled by Arkansas.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:31 am
by UEC
From the DecreeBooka. Subdivisions may make no treaty with powers outside of Shireroth.This would in spirit (if not leter) qualify as a treaty with powers outside of Shireroth. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 2:55 am
by RicLyon
How would that be a treaty? No form of contract or treaty will even be signed.What we're trying to do here is to work out an economy that could work. Will it work then we should expand it to the rest of Shireroth, but it is better to start small and from there see how things go.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:19 pm
by UEC
" Should Elwynn join MX2?"MX2 is an international organization. E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:27 pm
by RicLyon

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:35 pm
by RicLyon
At least there's a decision here We were just exploring ideas.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:34 pm
by Kaiseress Semisa I
I'm afraid I've got to do this guys:Subidvisions are not allowed their own form of currency, nor are they allowed to enter into international organizations without the rest of the nation.Either you find a way for your economy to work with Shireroth as a whole, or you do something else. Edited by: Kaiseress Semisa I  at: 12/2/05 16:34

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:10 pm
by UEC
if they simply used the erb.... I'de say it was fine.... and don't enter any international orgs... E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 10:58 pm
by Osman Shahanshah
Right in Elwynn the erb shall be known as the Dinar-Krona because we do not like the name those other yokels use for the currency.

Re: Economy

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:10 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
A very Ardashirian (Ardashirerithian?) solution

Re: Economy

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:22 am
by UEC
however it does have the effect of seeming like you are trying to create a different currency... E. Metzler (UEC)Duke of Brookshire"Never use a BOO/\/\ist as a diplomat" -- GSClicky Clicky..., Tiss for your own good ya know.

Re: Economy

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:22 am
by Osman Shahanshah
Quote: however it does have the effect of seeming like you are trying to create a different currency...Well duh. (Occassionally Americanisms convey a point accurately) But technically it would remain the erb and would register as such when traded outside of Elwynn (in other duchies and abroad) and would of course derive as capital supplied initially by the Shirerithian central bank.When is a rial not a rial? When they form a to'man. Does a to'man exist as a unit of currency? No it is simply that Iranians think of ten rials as a To'man. So lets say 10 erb equals a dinar-krona.

Re: Economy

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:33 am
by Kaiseress Semisa I
Let us say that ten dinar-krona make an erb.

Re: Economy

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:34 am
by Osman Shahanshah
Lets not