Laws of Elwynn

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Laws of Elwynn

Post by RicLyon »

CHARTER AND SLAVERY LAW [2024]Whereas Elwynn no longer is under Hyperborean rule and Hyperborean laws and decrees of their Duke or Duchess no longer apply Elwynn and whereas Elwynn is de facto and semi-de-jure independent of Hyperborea; it has been decided that Elwynn is suspended to that day the lands of Elwynn return to the possession of Hyperborea. All the rights and freedoms outlined in the Hyperborean Bill of Rights will still apply to denizens of Elwynn. Denizens of Elwynn are subject to the Brida of Hurmu and to the constitutions of the baronies and duchies above Elwynn should there be any. Let it also be known that all laws concerning slavery in Elwynn before this date shall be repealed. This law may only be changed by the ruling duke in charge of the lands of Elwynn.DONATION OF ELWYNN LAW[1820 ]Ardashir Khan Osmani, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Baron of Elwynn, to his subjects and retainers – Greetings and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience. Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Charter which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.May I please the gods by gifting the Elwynnese cities of Eliriashahr & Vijayanagra to my favourite deities B'Caw & Ryvenna as manors for their high priests to hold?If it be so it is hereby decreed within the city boundaries of Eliriashahr upon acceptance by Hypatia Agnesi, there shall be set aside the whole city, administered as fief and trust and manor, for the glory of Ryvenna. Within the city boundaries of Vijayanagra, upon acceptance by Shyriath, there shall be set aside the whole city, administered as fief and trust and manor, for the glory of B'CawThis land is granted continually for all time that Elwynn shall be in the memory of Shireroth or else for all the time that Shireroth is in the memory of Elwynn.It is so enacted by virtue of the Baronial Will.ELIRIA LAW[2024]The capital city of Elwynn is Eliria which in the Elwynnese language shall be Elirissar and in the Hurmu language Elíria, in the Hyperborean Lirish, in the Arminian Elyrye, in the Crandish Elirien, and in the Persian Elirishahr. Any of these names may be used. Tthe ruler of Elwynn shall have his or her residence in said city and all governmental instituted shall be there. This decree can only be changed by the ruling duke or duchess in charge of the lands of Elwynn.MONUMENT LAW[2024]In front of the old Ducal palace in Eliria a grand monument shall be risen to there stand. The monument shall be called “Ode to multiculture” and the monument shall show statues of the Duchess Greenwood and the Baron Raspur holding each other tenderly in a moral and honourable manner. Both figures shall be portrayed smiling, platonically loving and happy. The Baron shall on his head wear a turban of highest rank and the Duchess a ducal crown, both ornaments of equal height. Both man and woman shall be of equal height. Behind the couple a statue of the Goddess of Elwynn shall stand, one-third taller than the couple. She shall be portrayed with an authoritarian smile on her face. Her hands shall be placed in the air over the heads of the couple, as if the Goddess were praying for them. The monument shall be made out of finest marble and be high in detail. Reparations and maintenance of the monument shall be held as necessary. The monument’s name, position or existence may not be changed by count, baron, duke, or any other ruler of the lands of Elwynn. Only the Kaiseress may order a destruction or moval of the monument. This law may only be changed by the Kaiseress if all citizens of Elwynn approve to such change, and such authority is the Kaiseress given. The Gender Law does not apply this law.ORDER OF THE DEAD STAG LAW [1624, amended 2024]Whereas it is pleasing to us to create a order of knighthood founded on the principle of loyalty good service or inadvertant assistance rendered to the Baron of Elwynn to certain individuals known to us.Let it be known that with the capture and slaying of the Great White Stagg of Elwynn we do choose to celebrate by elevating the following to the dignity of Knighthood and membership of this vouchsafed hallowed order:- Balty Majeed- Eoin Dornan- Conrad Cromien- Bahram Ghul Khuramdin- Scott Siskind- His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Tahmaseb Abakhtari.To each goes the entitlement to fortify any portion of Elwynn for their own end and also they shall recieve a haunch of venison on Norwuz each year. To recieve their annual gift Knights of the Order must done the garb of the Stagg in celebration and convene together at the Sodlarity.By the will of the Count of Elwynn, let the following be affixed to this law:The Order of the Dead Stag will from 2024 and onwards no longer be used as knightship in Elwynn, but those already bestowed will be able to use their title and be granted same privileges as stated in this law. SUSPENSION OF ELWYNNESE COUNTY, BARONIAL AND DUCAL DECREES AND LAWS LAW[2024]All laws passed and all decrees written and spoken during the baronial, ducal and Hyperborean county era of Elwynn are suspended, unless republished in this Book of Law.SUCCESSION LAW[2024]The one to replace Andelarion, Count of Elwynn, on his throne shall be David Beckford of Northworthy and Lac Glacei for as long as Elwynn is a fief under the jurisdiction of Arminy. After him the fief shall go to the Ardashir Osmani Khan of Raspur. After him the fief shall go to Harald Thorstein of Stormark and after him the fief shall go to Ozarka Monto of Hallucination. This will only apply if the persons are Shirerithian citizensSECESSION LAW[2024]Should the ruling fiefdom above Elwynn become independent of Shireroth, the secession will not include Elwynn unless so stated by Imperial Law.ATTERAN COMMONWEALTH LAW[2024]Elwynn may at no circumstances be a member or fief of any state or subdivision of the Atteran Commonwealth. APPLICATION OF LAWS LAW[2024]All laws and decrees in Elwynn will continue to apply denizens and government of Elwynn after a new ruler of Elwynn has taken up the throne, after Elwynn has become a barony or duchy, after Elwynn has become a fief of any other barony or duchy or after Elwynn has become a sovereign nation. Elwynn will, however, only be allowed to become a sovereign nation should Shireroth cease to exist. GENDER LAW[2024]In all Elwynnese laws all references to the female gender will not exclude other genders when in interpretation, unless when it is about specific interpretations.INTERPRETATION OF THE MONUMENT LAW LAW[2024]The references to the Kaiseress in the Monument Law may mean Steward, Kaiser or Kaiseress of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.ELWYNNESE PATRON LAW[2024]The patron of Elwynn is the Treesian goddess Elwynn. A temple to her shall be built in Caligae.MURDER LAW [2048]It is illegal to kill or harm any human, animal or other sentinent being except for in self defence. MYCORRHIZA LAW [2048]All fungi have the right to their systems of mycorrhiza as long as these systems do not interfere with the general infrastructure of the human population of Elwynn. OZARKA MONTO LAW [2048]Let it be known as OZARKA MONTO has in the Landsraad of Shireroth violated Elwynn and hurt the people of Elwynn deeply he is no longer heir to the throen of Elwynn. No, he may not ever be heir to the throne of Elwynn. LAW. Richard LyonYansha Elaer Kyon gef ShanPernem kahn gef kuymal per varga stiPernem kahn gef varga per kuymal sti


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