After Action Report

Emir of Raspur
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Joined: Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:04 pm

After Action Report

Post by Emir of Raspur »

On the 14th of August 2004 a SAM missile battery located at the East Elwynn Sluice locked onto an object believed to be heading towards the shores of the Duchy of Goldshire.A missile was launched in order to defend the person of the Duke of Goldshire from the object, identified as a “dragon”. The missile failed to achieve an intercept as the target suddenly changed course and ended up in a different location. The missile fell harmlessly in Hyperion Bay.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The decision to fire was based on the analysis of intercepted flight plan and threatening behaviour of Lord Oz of Hallucination who had ‘started flying towards Goldshire’.Subsequent analysis of communications between Baron Von Scot and Lord Oz of Hallucination show clearly that the later had been ordered to fly towards Goldshire to parlay with the Duke while the Duke of Goldshire was in fact in the airspace of the Duchy of Kildare. The key phrases picked out from the grabbled transmissions picked up by Slobovian listening stations were:Baron Von Scot: “Count Oz – will you head up a mission to go across the big water to both Goldshire and Brookshire”Baron Von Scot: “all of Shireroth has turned against Kildare!”Baron Von Scot: “Dang,”Baron Von Scot: “Count Oz, undertake your missions to Goldshire and Brookshire. If I die before the Dant returns Kildare is in your hands until he does return.”From that point Lord Oz attempted to intimidate the people of Goldshire whilst pretending to address the Duke. Impossible as the Duke was not in Goldshire at that moment.Lord Oz: “Duke of Goldshire! Why have you sent troops to the Kildarian border! I urge you, my Baron is not as easy going as my Baron, if you do not leave, nothing will make it across alive, I urge you and Goldshire, retreat, and we will leave you in peace.”After a threat assessment the Elwynnese battery commander elected to fire in defence of his neighbours. As Baron of Elwynn I stand by the decision to open fire.



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