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Commission: Elwynnese literature and culture

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:11 pm
by Daniel Farewell

Here will commissions on Elwynnese, Hyperborean and Kalirion lirterature and culture be posted.

All four parts.
[*]publish (pdf)
[*]make it navigable, preferably through a system of line numbers
[*]detailed summary if possible

Payment: 1500 erb per part if all conditions are met. Less if they are not met. For more information, contact your Kalirion duke.

Re: Commission: Elwynnese literature and culture

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:14 pm
by Daniel Farewell

[*]clean up
[*]publish as pdf

PAYMENT: 400 erb.

It was long ago in a time that almost none alive remember. For those were days when the earth was young and so too was the race of man. Humankind lived in those days around a small and isolated garden in small numbers.

But the race of Elves were many and their magick was mighty. They could raise mountains with the mere wave of a hand!
And there were other beings some that are what men now call Angels. And it was in the time before the great flood. But that is a tale for another day.

The Elves like other beings were in charge of helping with the earths very formation. Deciding where mountains should rise or fall. Where trees should grow. Where fish should swim.
And although this would seem to be a perfect time of peace and wondrous things.

It was not. For already darkness lurked in hearts. And greed hid in dark and secret places waiting and lurking to seize the day.
For some the thirst for power cannot be sated and it drives them to do terrible dark deeds.

Elwynn was a place of light that shown out like a beacon to those with a thirst for power. And in those glorious days the Duke Of Elwynn along with the Duchess of Elwynn ruled in Peace and prosperity and power. And the stag was their totem but it was red in those days.

But a Dark Lord whose totem was the bull. Came to seek the death of the Duke Of Elwynn and his throne. And so it was that the first darkness ever touched the land of Elwynn.

They met in an appointed place on the summer solstice in that time long ago. But only after the Dark Lord had kidnapped the Duchess of Elwynn who escaped him by turning into a red doe.

But for such an affront the Duke of Elwynn took up his elven sword and fought the Dark Lord and after a bloody battle he won.! But as he called the Duchess of Elwynn to him and she stepped into the clearing and started to change back from doe to Elf. The Foul Lord of the Bull threw his sword and slew her!

Because she was not doe nor elf but something in between she died. A cry came out across the land as her life's blood spilt out upon the soil. And her immortal soul was cast back upon the wheel of life. To return one day reborn.

But the Duke of Elwynn was so grieved that he could not sit upon his throne for endless ages waiting without her at his side. Sorrow ridden he passed the throne to their son. And turned himself into a White Stag to await the day that he could return and sit upon the throne again with her at his side.

But for ages that have past and gone and time that no one alive remembers the White Stag of Elwynn has protected the Dukes and Duchesses of Elwynn and has sounded out a warning when danger threatens the land.

This was the legend of the White Stag of Elwynn but it is a story about today. For the White Stag of Elwynn still guards this place, the land of the ever young. Waiting. Always waiting for his lady love to be reborn.

ADDENDUM - Ardashir:

Let it be known that this purported immortal White Stag was brought to bay at Eliria where my henchmen did through the contrivance of placing a virginal maiden before it entice it into a cage - in accordance with folklore suggesting the stag was looking its kindred spirit - therein my men did slay the maid before the stag's very eyes causing as much distress as possible before my fellows did run it through with their hunting spears.

It is the meat of the White Stag we do enjoy this day.

The slaying occured on the Thursday of last week that was St Swifthin the Innarticulate-Stammerer's Day.

Re: Commission: Elwynnese literature and culture

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:09 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
I went looking for the originals of these and found this as well which amused me greatly.


Edit by Daniel:

[*]clean up
[*]publish as pdf

Payment: 400.