Elwynn and Greed

Wil Nider
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Elwynn and Greed

Post by Wil Nider »

What has happened in the last few days is a stunning example of avarice and cynicism. It hasn't even been sugarcoated in the idea that we need less Duchies. Perhaps we do, but not like this. Not by seizing the opportunity when someone makes an unreasonable announcement that even they don't expect to stick.

Enough is enough. I am joining with the people of Goldshire to defend its land against Elwynnese rapine.

From now on, there is a state of war between Elwynn, myself and all who would wish to join me.
Wil Nider
Protector of Goldshire
Harbinger of the Aureate War

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Re: Elwynn and Greed

Post by Cho'Gall »

My response is such
En taru adun

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Re: Elwynn and Greed

Post by Allot »

Mr Nider,

I think you are Eoin. If not, oh well. I have never disguised my desire to annex Ynnraile for the sake of my own cartographical sanity. We even started a war over it (albeit one that fell apart). This has never been disputed. When we were offered the chance to take Ynnraile, naturally we said yes, although I agree we're not the Duchy that needs it most. I do, however, disagree with the absorption of Goldshire, and I hope that doesn't happen. I would rather not have an Elwynnese hegemony, as I said in the Landsraad. Therefore, while I urge you NOT to take this irrational stance, if you continue with this war-mongering attitude, I will have to echo the sentiments of his Grace.

On the other hand, I am more than happy that you have decided to support Goldshire. Keep up the good work.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion


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