Decree LVI - Enforcing the Line of Succession

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Decree LVI - Enforcing the Line of Succession

Post by Allot »

In order to prevent the events that created the White Lily Revolution, and following the consensus of the Council of Eliria, we find it most honourable and right to add the following to the laws of Elwynn. By the will of His Grace the Duke of Elwynn, let the following Decree be implemented forthwith:

(I) Should the Duke of Elwynn ever meet the requirements described in (II), the Council of Eliria (hereinafter referred to as "the Council") is given the power to vote on forcing the Duke to step down and allowing the next in the Line of Succession to take the Ducal throne. For the vote to pass all Counts and Barons must vote and the bill must pass by a 3/4 majority. The Duke may not vote on the matter.

(II) The council is only granted this power in situations where the Duke is on an unannounced absence for an extended period of time three weeks (Earth time ie. 1.5 Shireroth weeks) or more and has neglected the Duchy.

(III) In the event of proceedings being initiated in Council for the deposition of the reigning Duke, the Duke shall be prohibited by this order from undertaking such measures that might permit the establishment of a body of client voters, with the effect of subverting the Council & diverting it from its intent. Such measures are deemed by the Council to include:
a) Ordering the dissolution or suspension of the Council whilst proceedings against the Duke are ongoing;
b) Appointing or dismissing Barons and/or Counts whilst proceedings against the Duke are ongoing;
c) Enfranchising other denizens and residents of Elwynn, including both Counts and Commoners, or naturalising outlanders into Elwynn with a view to enfranchising them similarly to vote on the Council whilst proceedings against the Duke are ongoing;
d) Any other action which the Council by unanimity vote considers to be similarly hostile in subverting its intent.

By the Grace and Will of Elwynn,

Isabelle Allot Kalirion


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