The Batman Routine

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The Batman Routine

Post by Allot »

A cheer from outside roused Allot from his pondering. As he rose to investigate, a guard burst into the room.

"My lord! Duke Iskander has abdicated!"

"Wonderful!" exclaimed Allot. "Because of the Council?"

"No, my lord, of his own accord! And he has named Jacoubs Loki as his successor!"

The guard looked confused as Allot's face froze, and he fell back into the chair.

"My lord?" said the guard. Allot's manservant, Albert approached him and led him away gently.
"i don't get it," said the guard. "Isn't that what he wanted?"
"Not really, lad," said Albert. "Not really at all."

Allot stared into nothing for a very long time. After a while, Albert approached him.
"What was the point, Albert?"
"My lord?"
"Why? Why did we bother raising a flag? Just to replace one fool with another..."
"i know it's not what you wanted, my lord, but at least it's someone new..."
"This is exactly what Iskander wanted! I... i guess Elwynn doesn't need as much help as I thought." He stood up.
"My lord?"
"If the people of Elwynn are happy to accept another pawn of Iskander's, so be it. But i will have no part in it." said Allot. He strode to the fireplace, ever burning, and gathered a handful of dust from the mantelpiece.

"Where are you going?"
"Away. And I may be gone for some time. I should hope that when I return, Elwynn will have come to its senses."
"My lord, you can't just leave! What about Araxion, and Loki-"
"If they can survive with Loki, they can live without me. I will not serve a purpose under Jacobus Loki."
"Thank you, Albert. Tell Steve and Steve that they can sleep in front of the fireplace now."
"my lord, wait!"

With that, Allot was gone, in a flash and a puff of smoke. Where, Albert did not know. For now he could only go and announce the news to the castle staff. he saw no point in telling the populace, no doubt they would have a new count soon. But deep in the old crust of his heart, Albert knew Allot hadn't given up. It wasn't over, not yet.

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Scott of Hyperborea
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Re: The Batman Routine

Post by Scott of Hyperborea »

In comes Eiri Alumion, Priest of Ainai. He looks around and frowns. No sign of Andrew Allot. He takes a pouch from his pocket and sprinkles crushed opal dust on the ground in a circle. He speaks some words in Kalas Elithelin. There is a reverse puff of smoke, and Allot is back.

"Excuse...hey...what?" says the disoriented Baron. "How did you...?"

"No time to worry about that now," says Eiri. "Look, you're angry. No surprise. You've got two choices. You can either cut off your nose to spite your face - destroy everything you've worked for here in the hope it'll make Jacobus and Iskander feel kinda bad - or you can stick around. I'm here to tell you you're going to do the second one."

"I think not," says Andrew. "I've had it with this place."

"This place," says the Priest "has not had it with you. Did you think the White Orchid Goddess is someone you can serve when the urge strikes, and then abandon when things get tough? Did you think all that stuff about you being the chosen one of Utas was just propaganda someone dreamt up for the rebellion? And what about all that stuff Nehani told Iskander about how the truest measure of a man is how he behaves when he's under pressure? You seemed to approve when it was making the old Duke uncomfortable. How about now? What's your true measure, Andrew Allot?"

"This place doesn't deserve me," the Baron objected. "I'm heading over to somewhere I'll be appreciated."

"If you were truly the sort of person who would do that," Eiri said softly, "you would not have been Ducal material in the first place. Yet I do not believe that is so, in the end."

"Well then, what's your plan?" Allot shouted. "How do you think I should deal with this?"

"I don't know" Eiri admitted. "I'm a Priest of Beauty, not of Truth. It is not my place to strategize, or hold council, or tell you what roads through probability are or are not the Shortest Path. My job is only to protect the hidden beauty of things, the secret harmonious destiny of the world, and to stop people from shattering it through their ignorance. I am no politician, but a mere singer of songs. Would you hear a song, Andrew Allot?"

The Baron stared at him.
Say not the struggle naught availeth,
The labor and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not nor faileth,
And as things have been they remain.

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars.
And maybe in yon smoke concealed
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
And but for you posess the field.

For while the tired waves vainly breaking
Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back through creeks and inlets making,
Comes silent flooding in the main.

And not through eastern windows only
When daylight comes comes in the light.
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly.
But westward look; the land is bright.
"In the name of Elwynn, whom it is my honor to serve, and Araxion, where she once dwelt in happiness, I trust you will make the right choice."

Eiri bowed to the Baron, collected his opal dust, and walked out.

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Re: The Batman Routine

Post by Allot »

Albert stepped from the shadows as Allot turned to leave.

"That was fast," said Albert.
"Don't start with me," said Allot. "What did you tell him?"
Albert smiled. "Nothing, my lord."
Allot frowned. "I didn't realize how it would appear to everyone. I hope you didn't think I was running away."
Albert smiled again. "No, of course not. Steve and Steve did, though. They cried themselves to sleep."
Allot smiled, then frowned again. "This doesn't change anything. I'm still being rebellious."
"Of course you are." said Albert, as he led the count away. "Now why don't you go to bed and you'll feel better in the morning."
"I'm leaving again tomorrow..." protested the Duke softly.
"of course you are, lord. Now, to bed with you." Albert pushed the count into his chamber and shut the door. He smiled into the shadows. "Thanks, lad. I told you he liked music." he said. Then Albert turned away and walked back down the corridor.
The Priest of Ainai smiled, and vanished back into the shadows.
Isabelle Allot Kalirion

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Jacobus Loki
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Re: The Batman Routine goes Galactic

Post by Jacobus Loki »

An old man in a tattered fur cloak sat in front of a CRT screen. He was quite pleased as having been able to plant siurveliance devices in his adversary's dwelling.

"Ahhh, he knows my routine!!" he spoke to another dresed all in black, weaking a black plastic helmet."He threatens to walk out in a huff!"

"The Farce is strong with this one, Milord", wheezed the other.

"Lord Vapid, we must dispose of him!"

"If he can be turned, he would be a powerful ally."

"Yes, you must bring him before me!!"

"But I thought you were first. Why should he be before you, oh Master?"

The old man sighed. Good minions were scarce in these parts.

"No, no, bring him to me!"

"But there is only one of him, Milord."

"Never mind."

"Then I need to be paid for the pizza, Milord."

Minions were hard to come by indeed. 'Twould be the last time he would try to recruit the Dominos guy.


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