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Decree XXXIV - Concerning Nordland

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:26 pm
by Iskander Mirkdale
By the will of His Grace the Duke of Elwynn, the following Decree be implemented forthwith:

A Decree concerning the appointment of a Baron for the Barony of Nordland, and an expansion of the said Barony

From this day forward, the following appointment is made thus:
Leo Dine, Count of Wintergleam, shall be the Baron of Nordland

From this day forward, the Barony of Nordland shall expand by the following means:
i. The neighbouring county of Cimmeria in the Barony of Kai-Raikoth shall be transferred to the Barony of Nordland and united with the county of Agnesia to form the County of Cimmeria and Agnesia;
ii. The county of Hyperborea in the Barony of Kai-Raikoth shall be transferred intact to the Barony of Nordland.
iii. The county of Illumination shall be transferred to the Barony of Eliria.

By the Order of...