Petition to the Duke

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Petition to the Duke

Post by andelarion »

My Lord Duke,

I come before you with a petition.

Ever since the people of Elwynn were put in this awful mess when our forests were put ablaze, large "deserts" have been formed. There exists few forests here in our duchy, and those we do have are in danger of being taken down due to the fact that people need wood for housing and for fuel. Wintergleam and Hyperborea were never affected by the atrocities against nature.

So I ask you to put a moratorium on wood-cutting in all counties, except for perhaps Wintergleam and Hyperborea, until such time that the forests regain strength. Houses are to be built in other materials not requiring wood, and find other ways for fuel that are more naturally reasonable, for example we could use dams, or wind power in the vast expanses of emptiness. To do so we would need to connect all major areas with the electrical grid, but that's no problem, as the railway system the previous duke made is electrically powered and connects all major cities of Elwynn. I'll show you a map:


My second petition is of another nature, but connected to it. We should affirm our - what shall I say? - "sovereignty" over the parts of it flowing in the duchy, meaning that we will have full administration over the river as far south as the Shirekeep district. We should have full power over the fisheries and the dams. We will of course cooperate, if we so chose to do, with our neighbours if they would like to use the energy provided from our dams.

Thank you for your time, Sir.


Count Andelarion
Eliria and Utasia

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Harald of Froyalan
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Re: Petition to the Duke

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

Count Andelarion,

It has pleased the Duke look with favour upon your petitions. I will issue the necessary decrees tomorrow.
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
Count of Cimmeria

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Harald of Froyalan
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Re: Petition to the Duke

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

Would you like this matter to be put before the Løgting as well?
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
Count of Cimmeria

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Re: Petition to the Duke

Post by andelarion »

Yes, thank you.


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