I've been thinking...

Kaiser Mors III
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I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I've been thinking of making some changes... basicly... Elwynn would be moved down to Barony status. and Hyperborea up.. JD spoke about it... but I think I might just do it... Scott is a bit more active... and Hyperborea is the older of the 2 lands.... by ALOT... and was once a nation... Just thought I'de let you know... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

*Waves a Hyperborean flag* -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

*waves a Baracao flag* Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

*Waves Yardistani Flag*I worked hard to get Hyperborea into this nation. They deserve duchy position... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I think they had it once... long ago... Not sure what changed.. But we should remedy that... I have the details for the decree worked out.... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

Let's all throw our caps in the air and shout hurrah! Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

And where is the soon to-be-ex-duchess...has she nothing to say? Perhaps she's trying to organise a vote.... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

If she appears in the next 24hours... I may reconsider.. it's partially an activeity issue... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

...and I'm just a baker stree muse!...I can't get out!! -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

Huh? Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

Hmmm, not too far off 24 hours, man.. Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Boy, is she gonna be surprised.... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

Baron Zirandorthel of Elwynn, has a nice ring to it Nah, I think she should be left with that, it'd be humongously unfair and chauvinist otherwise..probably "undemocratic" too... Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Hey, in a place like Shireroth, there is nothing wrong with being undemocratic. -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Mari Greenwood
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Mari Greenwood »

Do what ever you want. You do not want me around? FINE!I will leave.

Emir of Raspur
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Emir of Raspur »


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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

Looks like 30 hours to me, Erik... Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

well...one less blatantly pro-democratic person in the landsraad to worry about...I gave her fair warning that her pro-democratic ways would lead to trouble...but did she listen...NOOOO!! -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

I never said I was getting rid of her.. as long as she didn't go and leave the nation... she's still gonna be Baroness of Elywnn Proper.. Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

david northworthy beckfor
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by david northworthy beckfor »

a while back, some random person said that they cut off some other random person's wings...and everyone got all worked up about it....I was trying to work out why...I can only think that you people take this shit to seriosly, and actually beleive what is posted is real....so, therefore, my responce to this thread is.....*casts spell**appeares in Hypaborea and Elwynn simaltaniosly**plants nuclear device in both places**casts spell**reappeares in negril**lies on beach, drinking pina colada**sets bombs off* war trophy liberated from Babkha by the Federated NORworthic Liberation Devision (FNORD)

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

Quois? People got pissed.. was just Joseph... everyone else got tired of their fighting... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Mari Greenwood
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Mari Greenwood »

What you are proposing to do is highly unfair Erik and you know it. I have been an active citizen and my duchy has a large number of posts.I must assume that you just don't like me.I got into micronations to have fun. And shireroth is becoming less fun by the minute.I gave hyperborea a barony which I believe I could take away along with their votes. Or I could make more of a scene I suppose. But why bother staying somewhere that the Leader of the Nation has no consideration for your feelings? And where other's take glee in the unjust suffering of others?I will find a replacement for Elwynn and hopefully they will be better recieved. Edited by: Mari Greenwood at: 12/7/03 8:35 pm

Gryphon Avocatio
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Gryphon Avocatio »

Think what you will Mari... -Gryphon Avocatio- Lord Governor and Duke of all Yardistan - Minister of Research and Education, Shireroth - Shirerothian Elder - SAVE THE KIWI!! - Lover of Llamas "You're intense and driven. That can lead to a lot of good things. It can also lead to high blood pressure and a closing of the arteries." -Mr. Mathews -- "I think that people who drive Hummers are clueless, and that they just have enough money to advertise it." -Peter Camejo -- "Skanky-Deutch-Ho-Bag!!" -Mike

Emir of Raspur
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Emir of Raspur »

Quote:And where other's take glee in the unjust suffering of others?Excuse me? This from the woman who refuse to allow Menelmacar to die? There is nothing that could happen to you that would be unjust LONG LIVE THE KAISER

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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

Quote:I gave hyperborea a barony which I believe I could take away along with their votes. Or I could make more of a scene I suppose. But why bother staying somewhere that the Leader of the Nation has no consideration for your feelings? And where other's take glee in the unjust suffering of others?Oh you could, could you? Well believe me, things would not be made pleasant for you if you did. Because you know what we'd do, and what the Elder would probably recommend to do? Move! To somewhere else! Like, I dunno, Lothlaria or somewhere, which I'm sure would gladly make the Barony of Hyperborea. And guess what? Without us, Elwynn hasn't got enough citizens to remain as a Duchy! Boom goes Elwynn! Erik has valid reasons for changing the arrangement of the subdivisions, he's not just a big mean kid who pulls your pigtails... Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Scott Alexander
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Scott Alexander »

Okay, everyone, BE NICE! I would like to be a Duke but not at the cost of people leaving and having bad feelings et cetera.Mari, I assure you that if this goes through I will allow you to keep Elwynn, have three votes, and continue governing it as you always have. If there is something else I can do so that this isn't as much of a problem for you as it now seems to be, please email me at ssiskind@hamilton.edu and we can discuss it (unfortunately, I don't have MSN on this computer). I'm sure this can be solved in a way that makes everyone happy.

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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Zirandorthel »

*puts on false baritone*3 votes, Elder?? Why, is that one more vote than Elwynn gave us? I believe it is, how lovely! And would Mari be allowed to remain as Baroness? Excellent! And would everyone have raspberry tart for supper? Capital!!You see, Mari, we're not all mean like me. Zirandorthel I of TreesiaThe Golden DarknessBelde of the Far Reaches.Niirus TinenetuwarLet the fates burn!

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

My main reason it that Hyperborea is much older than Elywnn.. which is really.. quite new... it only exsisted since Tymaria.. I've always wanted Hyperborea as a Duchy.. it is the right of that land to have that status.. it was once a great nation, ally to Shireroth... This isn't an issue of me trying to mean to you.... It's an issue of more of less.. age of some places over others.... And their status and stuff... Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth

Phoenix the Risen
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Phoenix the Risen »

1388509405Quote:I have been an active citizen and my duchy has a large number of posts.Of the 1388 posts in your Duchy, 405 were generated by an outdated party. 509 of those posts were generated by a dead party game.This leaves how many? ...carry the three... 474?That's less than any other Duchy, less than the Barony of Hyperborea, and if I'm not mistaken, Elwynn was around as a Duchy long before Hyperborea was a Barony... Phoenix the Risen - Dutchess of Kildare - Political Nuisance but at least She gets the job done. - Official Genkher of Gryphon Avocatio's Cool Short Sig and Gryphon the Pure's Awesome Tables! - COME BACK, STEVE!!! -"To quote a former Kaiser.... 'Shireroth doesn't give up land....'" ~UEC (Quoting Kaiser Letifer I), In response to claims on the Raynor Isles"To paraphrase a former Kaiser: 'Here! Take Amity for free! And that other half of Mar Sara too!'" ~SaiKar LumEth, (Paraphrasing Kaiser Mog I) In response to UEC"To paraphrase a former angry mob "DOWN WITH THE EVIL LAND-GIVING AWAY KAISER! REVOLT! REBELLION! CIVIL WAR!" ~Scott Siskind, (paraphrasing the Letifer Rebellion group) In response to SaiKar LumEth"I HEARBY QUESTION THE KAISERESS AUTHORITY!" ~Gryphon Avocado (Switching Day)

Kaiser Mors III
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Re: I've been thinking...

Post by Kaiser Mors III »

On these boards it is older.. yes.. I think.. Mortis BrookshireKaiser of Shireroth


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