Law Archive

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Law Archive

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Ardashir Khan Osmani, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Steward of Shireroth, Khan of Vijayanagara, Duke of Elwynn & Count of Lesser Zjandaria, to his subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Ordinance which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.

An Ordinance enacting the Compromise of Eliria between the Kaiser of Shireroth, the Duke of Elwynn & the Earl of Eliria and Utasia

On Behalf of His Imperial Majesty the Kaiser in His Capacity as Earl of Eliria and Utasia, I, as Steward of Shireroth render unto His Grace the Duke of Elwynn the gifts of land and water as requested and submit the following oath:

"I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to Duke Ardashir, to never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."

Upon the rendering of homage we confer upon the Earl of Eliria and Utasia our mundeburdium or Kharenah and with that our mandate for them to continue to rule in our name for so long as their service is pleasing to us and to the common weal of this our ducal realm.

Further, as Duke of Elwynn, I pledge the following:

"I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to Kaiser Ayreon, to never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."

Let it be known that the pledge of a Duke to His Kaiser shall take precedence over the obligations of an Earl to His Lord.

In this manner honour is satisfied.

Given this day at the City of Eliria, in Eliria and Utasia, Elwynn

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Law Archive

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Ducal Decree XXII
3264 ASC

Ardashir Khan Osmani, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Khan of Vijayanagara, Duke of Elwynn & Count of Lesser Zjandaria, to his subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Ordinance which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.

An Ordinance for the appointment of a Riksdrot (Seneschal) for the Duchy of Elwynn

1. It is our will that Hesam Jayatar, Earl of Hyperborea, shall be this day designated as our Riksdrot for the Duchy of Elwynn, to exercise stewardship over our ducal realm and to represent us on the Landsraad until further notice.

2. This is to better allow ourselves to invest an appropriate amount of time and energy into the Babkhan elections and the struggle against the Tudeh Kuffars across the two worlds.

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Law Archive

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

Ducal Decree XXIII
3300 ASC

Ardashir Khan Osmani, by the Kharenah of Zurvan, Khan of Vijayanagara, Duke of Elwynn & Count of Lesser Zjandaria, to his subjects and retainers, greetings, and unto the gods of Shireroth undying and unthinking obsequience.

Know that We, Mibaradardam be Khorshid va Mah Minamaz dadanam Zurvan, have in the first place granted to Zurvan this Ordinance which by his Kharenah is confirmed for us and our heirs forever.

An Ordinance concerning the Counties of Elwynn

I. The Counties of Elwynn
1. It is our will that the following changes shall be made to the Counties of Elwynn, as shall be set forth in an accompanying schedule to be issued in due course;
a. The County known as Smjörkýr shall be disestablished, its lands passing to Lesser Zjandaria.
b. There shall be established the County Nesfarvel with its heartland being the city of Caeligae and the Cape of Farewell.
c. The County of Cimmeria shall be disestablished and its lands annexed to County Nesfarvel.

2. All other Counties shall remain unchanged.

II. Appointments & Transfers
3. Earl Anderlarion shall by this instrument, at his own request, resign the County of Eliria & Utasia.
4. Anderlarion, Lord of Cape Farewell shall be granted the title to the County Nesfarvel and shall designate an intermediary to render homage to the Duke in the acknowledged fashion.
5. Iskander Mirkdale having satisfied us of his resumption of citizenship of the Imperial Republic shall be granted the title to the County of Eliria and Utasia and shall render homage to the Duke in the acknowledged fashion.
6. Earl Jayatar shall by this instriument, at his own request, resign the County of Hyperborea
7. Hesam Jayatar shall be granted the title to the County of Bjorngard which has of late been styled for internal purposes as the Byzantipol City State and shall render homage to the Duke in the acknowledged fashion.
8. Wil Nider shall be granted the title to the County of Hyperborea and shall render homage to the Duke in the acknowledge fashion.

III. The Rendering of Homage
9. In accordance with Ducal Decree XIX of 32ASC homage shall be rendered in the following fashion:
2. The Earls shall appear before us bareheaded and unarmed, bearing gifts of earth and water from the lands they hold in our name and shall recite the following oath of fealty:
i. "I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to Duke Ardashir, to never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."

3. Upon the rendering of homage we shall then confer upon the Earl our mundeburdium or Kharenah and with that our mandate for them to continue to rule in our name for so long as their service is pleasing to us and to the common weal of this our ducal realm.
IV. Enactment
10. This Ordinance shall come into effect immediately upon the date of its issue.

Given this day at the Palace of One Thousand Columns in the City of Ardashirshahr, Elwynn


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