Stewards Decree LXI : Safe Passage

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Leo Fenrir
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Stewards Decree LXI : Safe Passage

Post by Leo Fenrir »

By the will of the Steward of Elwynn, the following Decree shall be implemented forthwith:

I. Any person (citizen or other [of any race]) is herby granted impunity from Elwynnbrigade forces if they seek an audience with the Duke and my not be detained by any authority but that of the Duke or the Kaiser.
II. The said person/other may be escorted and screened by said forces but beyond this may not impede their journey.
III. This protection lasts so long as the said person/other leaves Elwynn promptly after the audience unless further instructions are given by the Duke.
IV. Should the said person not actually have business with the Duke and abuses this right then he is to be given to the Cudgelers to do with as they please.

So it is written so it shall be.
By the hand of,
Leo Fenrir

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Aurangzeb Khan
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Re: Stewards Decree LXII : Safe Passage

Post by Aurangzeb Khan »

As long as we remember the dichotomy:
Elwynnbrigaden - Ducal (Elwynn-wide)
Gentlemen-Cudgellers - Baronial (Eliria)
Also keep in mind:

Those who enter the realm without clearly stating their purpose and intentions when challenged by a representative of the authorities may be liable to be shot. Those who refuse an escort or who obstruct Panopticon screening procedures may be liable to be shot, those who deviate from their notified itineraries may be liable to be shot, those who display ulterior motives for their journey may be liable to be shot, those who make any sudden unexplained movements may be liable to be shot. In fact travellers under safe passage are going to have to try very hard not to be shot at all. Of course the Elwynnbrigaden will make every effort to deliver its charges to the mandated destination but it is anticipated that under those circumstances where the conditions of safe passage have not been strictly adhered to there will be a necessary pause while the bleeding is staunched.

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Leo Fenrir
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Re: Stewards Decree LXII : Safe Passage

Post by Leo Fenrir »

Oh I did keep that in mind. I think that any punishment that the Cudgelers could come up with would by far outstrip one of mine. But the point of this decree was that people who seek audience can only be screened (checked for weapons) and escorted. None of that shooting stuff until after the audience.
Leo Fenrir


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