Decree XLIX - Recitifcation

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Jacobus Loki
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Decree XLIX - Recitifcation

Post by Jacobus Loki »

By the Will and Order of the Duke of Elwynn,

It is our will and appointed purpose to mend the wounds of this noble province. History has shown, however, that healing can only come with the will of those to be healed.


The Council is called into session.

The council shall consist of all of the rank of count or higher who hold land either by the command of the late Duke Iskander, or who were deprived of land by the said Duke.

The council is tasked by the current Duke with restoring or revising the territorial devisions of Elwynn in such a fashion as to sastify the members of the council. My only insistance is that Alalehzamin remain a homeland for the Babko-Shirithians for as long as they shall choose to remain among us, and that the Council not cede any Elwynnian land.

Furthermore, the Duke decrees that for it's current purpose, the council is to produce a settlement by concurrance.

The Duke will then issue a Decree enacting the decision of the council regarding the territorial divisions of Elwynn.

The duke shall be titular head of the Council. However, for day-to-day business, the Steward of Elwynn shall chair the council.

The Duke also requests that the Count of Hyperborea assist with his inestimable knowledge of Elwynnese history and culture.

After the council makes its settlement, the Duke shall make a decsion regarding the sucession.

So ordered,

Loki, Dux.


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