Decree XXXV - Creation of a Barony

Iskander Mirkdale
Posts: 270
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Decree XXXV - Creation of a Barony

Post by Iskander Mirkdale »

By the will of His Grace the Duke of Elwynn, the following Decree be implemented forthwith:

A Decree concerning the creation of a Barony and the appointment of its Baron

From this day forward, the following Barony is made thus:
The Barony of Loki, comprising the counties of Araxion and Alalehzamin, the former to be transferred from the Barony of Iserdia, and the latter to be transferred from the Barony of Eliria.

From this day forward, the following appointment is made thus:
Andrew Allot, Count of Araxion, is hereby appointed as the Baron of Loki.

By the Order of...
The Earl of Eliria and Utasia


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