Decree XXVII - Concerning Iserdia

Iskander Mirkdale
Posts: 270
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:11 pm

Decree XXVII - Concerning Iserdia

Post by Iskander Mirkdale »

By the will of His Grace the Duke of Elwynn, the following Decree be implemented forthwith:

A Decree concerning the renaming of a County, the appointment of a Baron and a Count and the foundation of a Settlement in the Duchy of Elwynn in the Age of the Megamod

1. From this day forward, the following renaming is made thus:
The County of Frieden shall henceforth revert to being known as the County of Smjörkýr

2. From this day forward, the following appointments are made thus:
i) Nathan of Smjörkýr shal the Baron of Iserdia
ii) Rai Avon-El shall remain as the Count of Cape Farewell
iii) In accordance with Decree XXV, the Baron of Iserdia shall also be the Count of his respective Counties, unless granted otherwise by Baronial, Ducal or Imperial Decree.

3. From this day forward, the following settlement is made thus:
The County of Smjörkýr shall found a new settlement named Frieden, the size and location of which shall be determined by the incumbent Count.

By the Order of...
The Earl of Eliria and Utasia


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