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Imperial Decree # 242 - Back on the Rightful Throne

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:56 pm
by Kaiser Meskan II
Fine, fine, already. You got my attention, Baldwin. Amusing that you went to claiming the throne like this, but honestly, you're the last person who I would want to be my heir.

Needless to say, it is completely illegal for Baldwin to claim the throne. While he is (for the moment) Steward, that does not give him the right to be my heir. I have not declared an heir, and there are no rules for this case, even if I counted as died:
The Kaiser before the end of his life reign as Kaiser must pick a successor from among all living individuals, eligible by birthright. Should the Kaiser die or abdicate the throne, the Kaisership shall pass to his successor. Should no heir have been chosen, the successor shall be the closest related, living individual eligible by birthright. The Kaiser may hold no citizenships outside of Shireroth.
The "closest related" would be in the line of succession, which currently is obsolete anyway. *checks* Actually, it would work anyway.
1: Heir

a. If the former Kaiser has appointed an heir, either by decree or by an unequivocal statement of intent, the throne passes to that heir.

2: Line of Succession

a. If the former Kaiser has not appointed an heir, the throne passes to the highest person on the Line of Succession, which is as follows:

1. Erik of Brookshire
2. Nick of Yardistan
3. Scott of Hyperborea
4. Jadie of Goldshire
5. Greg of Amity and Mirioth
6. Joseph of Kildare

b. A person on this list may accept the throne only if they are a full citizen of Shireroth. Upon receiving the throne, a person on this list must resign all other citizenships. If a person cannot be contacted within three days, is not a citizen, holds the office of Provost, refuses the throne, or does not wish to resign other citizenships, the throne passes to the next person on the list.
While the list needs to be updated again, this shows that Greg would have become the Kaiser in my absense if it was possible, not me. While I do agree that we should probably have an inactivity thing for Kaisership if there is no Steward appointed or the like, this isn't the case right now.

As well, the Kaiser cannot create a charter. He can only amend the charter:
The Kaiser may make amendments to this Charter at anytime, with the approval of the Prætor. Should there be no Prætor, the Landsraad must immediately elect one. This charter may not be abolished, dissolved or revoked. Allmendments to this Charter must be documented.
It must be approved by the Praetor, not vetoed by the Praetor.

It should also be noted that the current rebellion decree does not allow people to overthrow the Kaiser.

- Kaiser Nicodemus I has illegally usurped power from the throne. All citizens of Shireroth who do not recongize Kaiser Meskan II as the rightful Kaiser shall be convicted of treason.

- All of the decrees decreed by Kaiser Nicodemus I are hereby revoked. For consistancy's sake and history's sake, they shall still count as decrees for the numbering order, even though all of the decrees were illegal.

- As the Nose Monkey of Shireroth, and the guy who convinced Baldwin to do this in the first place, Moose is hereby declared an honorary citizen as punishment; this will last for a week.

- Baldwin is hereby no longer Steward of Shireroth. He is also removed from his position of MINT. I'm sorry, Baldwin, but what you did was wrong. I could be convicting you of treason right now (Law on the books - mimicking the Kaiser:)

1. It is against the law to impersonate the Kaiser.
2. Punishment will be upon capture, and may include but is not limited to any of the following:

a. Banning
b. Public ridicule.
c. Both of the above.
d. Justice will be served.

4. It is still legal to impersonate the Kaiser or pretend to the throne of the Kaiser if the real Kaiser says you can. But when the real Kaiser returns pretty much anything can happen, up to and including Civil Rec-war, decapitation of yourself and your lieutenants, the ravishment of your women, the burnings of your dwellings and animals, and the merciless slaughter of your supporters.
...but I'm not, because you mean right, regardless. Actually, cancel that, you'll be punished by public ridicule.

And what I did was wrong too. I'm sorry for avoiding Shireroth. However, the reason why I had avoided Shireroth was for obvious reasons - that I would be blamed for the fall of Shireroth. The vacation to California had not reinvigorated me as I hoped, but instead made me hopeless. Few people who I had talked to actually wanted to stay active in Shireroth. With Erik grumbing about how the nation is screwed and for him to be Kaiser for the last time when we're all set to disband, you have to admit that I am in a bit of peril here. Activity begats activity, and unfortuanatly I've always been the type of person who cannot stay if there is no one to talk to, and this is wrong for me to do. Especially since, in Erik's own words, the position of Kaiser is meant to take control of the nation when it is on hard times, and the Landsraad is meant to take control of the nation when it is on prosperous times. Of course, let's just forget the fact that the latter part doesn't actually work, but moving on. :p

On a much more personal matter - Enough with this blaming Bill crap. Enough with this "It's all Bill's fault" and "It's okay to make fun of Bill because he's Bill" or the like. I'm your equal in peership, guys, and I have been getting really sick and tired of people treating me like if I was still a 12 year old. I don't want to be made fun anymore. Cut the tradition.

Shireroth can only survive if the people want it to survive. The people who are too guilty to stay in this nation because it is on hard times are a shame to the nation. Including myself. But it's not only myself - it's quite a lot of people. The hobby has changed a lot over the past couple of years. Not all for the better - in fact, in general, for the worse, given the lack of activity and quality in micronationalism as a whole. This can only work if we are together. Unfortuanatly, even though I say it time and time again, it doesn't seem to get through peoples' heads.

It's sad that I can no longer be optimistic. I remember a time back in the old days when my enthusiasm was the only thing keeping our factions alive. Those old days are gone, because we have unfortuanatly killed it.

If you want reforms, fine. But remember that for the love of the gods, we need to actually get reforms that are productive rather than just blanket useless statements. That's part of the reason why I have been afraid as Kaiser - because I felt that there was nothing to do to change the nation that could actually make it active again.

I will repeat what I have been saying - I will not abdicate until there is a person I feel is qualified to be the next Kaiser. I'm not going to screw this up, but I'm not going to let the nation die in the shambles of another person, either. Nor will I ever let this nation be disbanded by one man, founder or not.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:00 pm
by WolvinX84
Does this mean I'm still a citizen here. Because he kind of approved me and all that.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:03 pm
by Kaiser Meskan II
It was as his power as MINT, so sure.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:05 pm
by WolvinX84
Cool. So. Can I be a Count? I made a request for some islands I saw on the map.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:56 am
by Conglacio
yo! welcome back!

oh, and have I said hello, wolvin? if not...

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:29 am
by WolvinX84
Hi. I think you did.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:34 am
by Gman Russell
Only in Shireroth. Welcome back Bill. *HUG*

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:13 am
by osmose1000
You know, that Nose Monkey thing is really wierd and annoying.


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:13 pm
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
Aww come on, disband already! Or we Anticans could absorb you...


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:18 pm
by Kaiser Meskan II
PRH no. The last couple of days proves why Shireroth, while good friends with Antica, can never become part of it. :p

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:55 pm
by WolvinX84
Our friends are trying to absorb us? What are they, the Borg?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:07 pm
by Kaiser Meskan II
To be fair, it's usually just the opposite. We're the borg. :p

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:17 pm
by WolvinX84
Really? Rock on. So. When do we get to assimilate people and technology?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:52 pm
by hypatias mom
Actually, we try to lure them to Shireroth, and pick their brains after they join. By the time they've been here a while, they are more than happy to tell us what we need to know.

Seriously, though, people who join usually bring a freshness and spark to Shirerithian culture and cause an upsurge in activity in the fora, just as has happened with your joining and with your interesting new perspective.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:44 pm
by WolvinX84
I have a perspective?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:53 pm
by hypatias mom
It's your quirky comments that are building interest in your immigration to Shireroth. It brings out the nut in all of us.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:58 pm
by WolvinX84
Yay! People are paying attention to me!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:52 am
by osmose1000
WE can only take too many quirky comments. :knife

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:15 pm
by WolvinX84
Should not that be "So many" not "too many"?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:25 pm
by Gman Russell
Time to burn something.

*looks to the right, burns the stand next to him to the ground, moves over*

*looks over again...*

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:27 pm
by WolvinX84
I shall not be burned, if that is your intent.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:34 pm
by Gman Russell
Uh... hug? :love

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:35 pm
by WolvinX84
I like hugs.

Somebody needs a hug!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:45 pm
by Gman Russell

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:48 pm
by WolvinX84
YAY! I have been huged!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:51 pm
by Gman Russell
Hugs are nice. I don't get them enough.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:03 pm
by WolvinX84
Neither do I? No one must love me. Everyone must hate me.

Wow, that sounded Emo. Stupid Emo kids.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:03 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
Baldwin was doing something. I'm not blaming you for inactivity, but I will blame you if you don't do anything about it *and* block anyone who is going to do anything about it from doing so.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:05 pm
by WolvinX84
The grumpy man cometh!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:08 pm
by Gman Russell
Hey! I'm an emo kid! Well.. not really. I dont blog or pretend to cut myself.