Imperial Decree #465: Counties

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

Moderator: Kaiser Fish XII

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Kaiseress Anandja II
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Imperial Decree #465: Counties

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Imperial Decree #465

A Decree to Amend the DecreeBook with a Section on the Granting and Revokation of Counties

1. A new Chapter shall be added to the DecreeBook, "Chapter VI: Land". It shall read as follows:

"A. Imperial County

1. Territory
a. The Imperial County consists of the City of Shirekeep and the surrounding area, as well as the Skyla islands.

2. Governance
a. The Imperial County is governed by the Lord Mayor of Shirekeep.
b. The Lord Mayor is tasked with the development of the Imperial County, and especially the capital of our great Empire, Shirekeep.
c. The Lord Mayor is directly subordinate to the Kaiser and appointed directly by the Kaiser.
d. The Lord Mayor has the privilege to write Edicts that apply to the Imperial County and its governance.

B. Imperial Lands

1. Administration
a. All counties that are not currently assigned to a House shall be directly administered by the Kaiser.

C. Granting of Counties

1. Historical Grant
a. An individual belonging to a house may apply for a developed county to be awarded to zir House, provided that
b. zie has participated in developing the county on Shirewiki, in posts on the board or in storylines involving that county, and
c. the Head of the applicant's House assents to the application.

2. Link to Individual
a. If the person to whom a county is linked in this way leaves the House, zir linked counties will leave with zie and be automatically granted to zir new House.

3. Development Grant
a. An individual belonging to a House, aspiring to develop a county, may apply for an undeveloped county to be awarded to zir House, provided that:
b. zie has passed zir minority period,
c. zie resides in the county in question, and
d. the Head of zir House assents.

4. Developed County Grant
a. Individuals may also apply for a developed county, but it will be granted at the Kaiser's pleasure.

5. Applications
a. Applications shall be sent to the Imperial Judex, which shall determine each case based solely on its merits.
b. Appeal from a decision by the Imperial Judex may be heard by the Kaiser.

6. Core County
a. A House is entitled to one core county, held by the House to serve as its capital.
b. If two or more Houses merge, the new House shall assign core county status to one of the old core counties. The other former core counties shall be held as ordinary counties by the House, or be returned to the Kaiser.

D. Revokation of Counties

1. Core Counties
a. The core county of a House reverts to the Kaiser if the House is dissolved.

2. Individual Counties
a. The counties linked to an individual as prescribed in C, 1. shall revert to the Kaiser if
b. the individual ceases to hold Shirerithian citizenship, or
c. the individual for a period longer than seven days does not belong to a House.

3. Insufficient Development
a. If the governor of a county is deemed to not have developed the county in a satisfactory manner, the county will revert to the Kaiser.

4. Fraud
a. A House forfeits the right to hold a core county if it becomes apparent that the House was formed for the sole purpose of being granted a core county.

E. Exceptional Cases

1. Reserve Powers
a. The Kaiser reserves the right to grant or revoke counties for other reasons than those stated above."

2. Chapter II, E shall be repealed in its entirety.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

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