Imperial Decree #464: Repeal of Imperial Decree 403 2.

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

Moderator: Kaiser Fish XII

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Kaiseress Anandja II
Posts: 631
Joined: Thu May 13, 2010 2:42 pm

Imperial Decree #464: Repeal of Imperial Decree 403 2.

Post by Kaiseress Anandja II »

Imperial Decree #464

A Decree to Repeal Part of Imperial Decree #403

1. I hereby repeal section 2. of Imperial Decree #403, regarding the declassification of certain documents. The repealed text is included here for reference:

"2.0. Automatic Declassification of State Archive Material
2.1. Any topic or thread in Secret Evil Plans, Classified Archives, Imperial Advisory Council, or any other Imperial-level secret forum whose first post is older than six months old, shall be scheduled for automatic declassification and release to the general public via a Shirerithian State Papers Archive;
2.2. These declassified threads shall be released in batches commencing from the 25th of December 2009, a Christmas present to the nation, and every six months thereafter;
2.3. In the intervening period between releases any user with access to Secret Evil Plans, Classified Archives, Imperial Advisory Council, or any other Imperial-level secret forum may request that the Kaiser grant permit for named threads to retain classified status after the mandatory six month limit has expired;
2.3.1. Requests for maintaining classification may be made at any time that a thread remains in a secret forum.The petitioner must state his reasons and it is for the Kaiser to decide whether the request is approved."

2. Furthermore, I wish to make it clear to past and future Kaisers that permanent Imperial law issued by the Kaiser should be recorded in the DecreeBook.
Anandja II Shika
Kaiseress of Shireroth
Lady of the Golden Mango Throne
Countess of Shirekeep
'Ananita, Shika Shilota'i

Erik Mortis
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Re: Imperial Decree #464: Repeal of Imperial Decree 403 2.

Post by Erik Mortis »

Yay! *Wanted to do this during his reign, but didn't need any more controversy. *

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