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Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:09 pm
by Erik Mortis
So I want a census of all counties.

Dukes I want a list of all counties that are currently actively controlled and all that are not.

A county will be considered inactive for the reasons of this if it either has no directly assigned count or if that count has been inactive for one or more months with no stated LOA. If a county has no count, but does have a Lesser-Noble over it, let me know.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:16 pm
by Erik Mortis

Barony of Dolor (Erik Mortis)
-Woodshire (inactive)
-Monty Crisco (Erik Mortis)
-Kralizec (unoccupied)

Barony of Greater Lakhesis (Malliki Tosha)
-Benacia (unoccupied)
-Amarr (unoccupied)
-Lakhesian Tribal Nation (Malliki Tosha)
-Highpass (unoccupied)

Barony of Khorze (AryezturMejorkhor) LOA
-Elsenar (Inactive)

-Isle of Azarea

-Crestfall Downs

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:57 pm
by Allot

Barony of Eliria (Khan)
--Eliria and Utasia (Iskander Mirkdale - no one know where the hell he is ever. He lurks around occasionally to fill in the census, but doesn't appear to contribute. Hmm?)
--Alalehzamin (Khan)

Iserdia (Allot)
--Araxion (Allot)
--Cape Farewell (Empty - but anything done to this county will call down the Wrath of Ric, who has sort of unwritten ownership over it. He just can't legally hold it because of Brookshire's Xenophobia Law)
--Smjörkýr (Nathan of Natopia, who isn't a citizen. WTF)

Kai-Raikoth (....Scott...who's Duke of Straylight... WTF)
--Hyperborea (Scott... see above)
--Bjorngard (Eoin... who's gone...)
--Cimmeria and Avaldnes (Harald)

Nordland (Kvothe... who's on unannounced LOA)
--Illumination (None)
--Wintergleam and Wolfraven (Leo)
--Agnesia (Cho'Gall)


Re: Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:19 pm
by Erik Mortis
Now you see why I'm calling for this County by county Census info. We have lots of counties held hostage by various people for various reasons. But let's let others post their info.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:55 pm
by Harald of Froyalan
Allot wrote:--Cimmeria and Avaldnes (Harald...who's not a citizen... WTF)
I'm still a Citizen of Shireroth.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:54 pm
by Allot
Oh. Well, you live in BrookGoldThing, so no county for you.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:56 pm
by Erik Mortis
He does? I don't have him on my charts...

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:24 pm
by Allot
oh buggeration. he moves around a lot. we'll sort it out.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:29 am
by Harald of Froyalan
Allot wrote:oh buggeration. he moves around a lot. we'll sort it out.
In January I personally informed you, after a brief perid in Brookshire, that I was back and haven't moved since then.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:21 am
by Allot
I do recall... well, that's that, then.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:54 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
Your Niftiness, as far as I know, the occupied Sancts of Straylight are as follows:

Sanct of Discontinuinty (Icebreaker)
Sanct of Sunderspray (Shyriath)
Sanct of Gensym (Kathbad)
Sanct of Lightwave (Ryan)

You would think Ari has a sanct, but I can't find any documentation on this. Harvey may or may not have one. I myself am nowhere, not anywhere.

Likely empty sancts include McCallavre, Pohjankaupunki, Sargassum, Much Rejoicing, Backbone Site, Deep Trouble, Sanctuary Dome, Wave Manifold, Clonmacnoise, Blavatsky, Incremental Search.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:58 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
The funny things about your Sancts... they aren't actually counties... As you all just built them at your leisure. A definite advantage.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:14 pm
by Ryan
Yardistan (Ryan)
-Holy Lands of Shireroth (Greg)
--Mirioth, Amity, and So Sara/MASS (Greg)
--Yardistan (Gryphon)
-The Saran Isles (Ryan)
--Mar Sara (vacant)
--Florencia/Florin Sara (Ryan)
--Penta Sara (vacant)
-Absentia (Jacobus)
--Western Absentia (vacant)
--Agningas (Corey)
--Poketto-shotō (vacant)


Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:24 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
By Gryphon you mean Nick?

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:35 pm
by Ryan
Well Gryphon is the name/account that has mod powers over the Yardistan forum, so if that's Nick (I think it is...) then yes.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:22 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
Right... so inactive/non-citizen. Very good. Now I just need the numbers for Kildare.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:56 pm
by CJ Miller
Ryan wrote:--Earldom of Kanto (CJ Miller)
Behold the might of De Facto. :smashy

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:31 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
Kanto is not a recognized County. Outside of a name and a forum. It does not exist.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:34 pm
by Jacobus Loki
Outside of a name and a forum. It does not exist.
Then it fits right in.

Are you a citizen, CJ?
Kanto shows up as part of Absentia, so, the Baron requests that you use that forum and brief me about whats happening.


Re: Fief Census

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:23 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
I still need Data for Kildare.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:24 am
by Andreas the Wise
Fine, I'll do it. So much for ignoring the Imperial level :p

Barony of Atterock
-- Gong Li
-- Norfolk (Foghorn *)
-- Melangia (Andreas - Practically active)
-- Raynor Isles (quasi-Andreas)
-- Automatica
Barony of Lumina's Lights (Gareth Arthur somewhere in here - Inactive)
-- Kitanus Fields
-- Nova Dalmacija
-- Blackrock
-- Greater Audentior (Bill - ?)
-- New Jasonia
Barony of Hallucination
-- Old Hallucination
-- Lesser Attera
-- Halluci Nua (Austi Scott seems sadly to be gone long term :( )
-- Schlangen
-- Vervollkommnung (William Payne)
-- Protectorate of Hawshire-Dura (William Payne**)

And Jonas is undoubtedly there somewhere, but since Sermolot folded (I thought you were keeping one county and working up?) I don't know where he is. Maybe back in Blackrock.

Thus citizen list:
Andreas the Wise - Practically Active
Jonas - Active
William - Less active of late
Austi - dead :(
Bill - ???
Gareth - Gone inactive, I fear
Foghorn - Chronically inactive.

* There could be multiple interpretations of Foghorn's status. For my part, I would say that in my two years in Kildare, all he's done in Kildare is a couple posts during the civil war, and he said he'd secede recently because he ignored all the comments about Tymaria to the SC. All he's done in Shireroth seems to be appear out of the blue in time to fill in each census and maintain his citizenship. So I'd class him as chronically inactive. But others may tell a different story.
** There was some deal with the Kaiser that his nation, Hawshire-Dura (a little island near Kildare) would be annexed and he'd get to keep it. Hence a county and a Protectorate.

Re: Fief Census

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:43 am
by Kaiser Mors VI
Okey.. So my guesses weren't to far off.