Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Announcements by and petitions to the Kaiser of Shireroth.

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Kaiser Mors VI
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Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

The following Counties are transferred to direct Imperial Jurisdiction.

Duchy of Yardistan
-Musica (Doesn't Goldenbrook have that? meh)

Duchy of Straylight
-Much Rejoicing
-Backbone Site
-Deep Trouble
-Sanctuary Dome
-Wave Manifold
-Incremental Search

Duchy of Elwynn
-Eliria and Utasia

Duchy of Kildare
Gong Li
Raynor Isles
Kitanus Fields
Nova Dalmacija
New Jasonia
Lesser Attera
Halluci Nua

As mentioned, some of these may be redistributed once we get the Houses set up and the Duchies officially dissolved.

By my hand,
Kaiser Mors VI.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Done. Most of the counties in Straylight don't even have forums.... *shrug*.

Any mistakes people noticed?
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

I still held Cimmeria and Avaldnes before this Decree.
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

crap... You weren't on my lists... Lemme fix.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

fixed. Crap.. I forgot to do Kildare. and only have 15 minutes... I think I can pull this off.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Harald of Froyalan »

Kaiser Mors VI wrote:fixed. Crap.. I forgot to do Kildare. and only have 15 minutes... I think I can pull this off.
Thank you, Your Niftiness.
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu
Count of Cimmeria

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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

There.. Kildare is done.

I remind, All Dukes are still Dukes until I get the houses in order. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. Alos, I made Mike a Duke for a week so we have an odd number, and cause he'll head a large house soon.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Jacobus Loki »

Any mistakes people noticed?

:D :D :D :fish :D :evil :evil :evil

Either two pages or stop here.

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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Jonas »

I'm rather annoyed that these things didn't need Landsraad approval, while changing the flag without a vote by the Dukes was a disaster.
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

I tried to get Landsraad approval. And honestly, our form of government has changed so many time, Duchies come and gone, it's not really as big a deal when it changes. (which is a good thing). Also, I didn't just decree it without consulting others. I spent a week consulting.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Jonas »

Kaiser Mors VI wrote:I tried to get Landsraad approval. And honestly, our form of government has changed so many time, Duchies come and gone, it's not really as big a deal when it changes. (which is a good thing). Also, I didn't just decree it without consulting others. I spent a week consulting.
WHAT?! You can't compare these slight changes of merges between duchies with changing the whole system like you did! This is a major reform and should have passed the Landsraad, which it hasn't.

I just want to say that the reason you gave me here, annoys me and makes me eager to rebel against everything you did, that while I want(ed) to give the system a chance. ;)
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Shireroth 1.0 Direct Democracy
Shireroth 2.0 Duchies, No constitution/Charter
Shireroth 3.0 The Hegemony
Shireroth 4.0 Yardistan completely takes over during Tymaria, We become a Corperate Republic
Shireroth 5.0 Duchies again, but different ones. and now a constitution that became a charter.
Shireroth 6.0 New Feudalism (Similar to this system in some ways)
Shireroth 7.0 Duchies again
Shireroth 8.0 This.

And there were myriad changes and shifts and mergers and splittings and charters... and.... Starting to see what I mean? And some of those even rebuilt the Imperial Government. But many simply shifted how we deal with land and people as this change did. So honestly, this isn't that alien. A whole new flag, was. We had the same flag for 9 years, unchanged aside from a few clean ups and touch ups.

We've redone the landsraad more times then I can count. We've created and destroyed ministries...etc.

So, as you can see.. More then merging and branching Duchies has occurred. So I CAN compare this to our past work. You may not have been around for some of it. But for some reason I thought you were around for the end of New Feudalism. This is exactly like what we have done in the past. Exactly. If this upsets you, I'm sorry.

And like I said Jonas.. I TRIED to work this through the Landsraad. I tried to get their input.. Not a single duke said a word. So I gave up and went with what I was hearing from people in my court, general approval. I honestly nearly gave up on the whole thing several times, but other encouraged me to push on and give it a try.

Further, much of it currently IS before the Landsraad. The new Procedures, Lawbook stuff that actually implements the system. All before the Landsraad currently. And there will soon be even more.

All I decreed was a revision to the Decreebook that CAN'T go to the Landsraad, and the actual administrative work to move forums. All that, I've done slowly, tentatively and with full input from others. This isn't something that Just happened in one decree over night. This was built up to for a week, with debate and discussion. You weren't around for it, I'm sorry. But it wasn't just some whim of mine.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Jonas »

So, as you can see.. More then merging and branching Duchies has occurred. So I CAN compare this to our past work. You may not have been around for some of it. But for some reason I thought you were around for the end of New Feudalism. This is exactly like what we have done in the past. Exactly. If this upsets you, I'm sorry.
These changes are not comparable with the current situation: duchies have been an integrated part for a long, long time. Not always as a body that had to vote and representate smaller fiefdoms, but they existed and some of them had a culture.

The fact is that we have a large, pretty active population nowadays and you can say what you want, but it's wrong to have done this all by decree.

I would call you a hypocrite, but I'm not going to. As you're the Kaiser and I'm your servant. :worship
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

I take it you haven't been looking at the Landsraad lately?

Like I bloody well said Jonas. I talked with people. Decrees were used because they have the level of authority required for many of the changes.

And YES.. those examples ARE pertinent.

Under the Hegemony the Duchies ceased to exist. Under Tymaria they effectively ceased. New Feudalism removed all duchies in the same way that they have been removed now.

Duchies as lands held by a Duke still can and do exist. Land is just not the central organizing feature of the nation, people are. We've done similar things to this before. If you wanna start calling me a hypocrite (And you did, don't try to play word games with me.), then at least read some history, or realize this sort of change is nothing new.

And, realize that your argument falls flat. The Landsraad was given its chance. It failed. So I worked without it. Not once did the dukes come together and pass a resolution against what I was working with others to do. Not once did it even try. It had sufficient Time. I even put forth a resolution ASKING that they voice their opinion. I got silence as my response. So instead I worked from the court, asking opinions of the general populace, asking for input, taking suggestions. And at any time someone could have said, "No, this should be passed through the Landsraad." Not a single person did. I gave people AMPLE chance to come together against the plan. The majority, after asking questions, seeking clarity, supported the plan, even embraced it.
I was planning to wait longer before implementing things, trying to lay out an outline and then put it all in place once everything was ready, but people started moving forward without me. So I made decrees, moved forums and made the changes to get things started, before chaos set in.
THEN I went the Landsraad put forth 2 bills. One to create new procedures, and another to erase Duchies and the old system from the Lawbook.

So disagree with what I have done if you wish. I am listening. Put forth a resolution to reverse the change. If it passes I would abide and reverse what I have done. From the start of this reign I said I would listen. I have and I will do so. But don't you dare start calling me a hypocrite, or accuse me of things that are just plain not true.

I was fully aware of the ramifications of what I was proposing from the start, and twice almost aborted. I know what the history of Shireroth is, and I know where this change fits into that history. I am no fool. I remember what we have done in the past, and why. And I am fully aware of the strife this may cause.

Now if you truly have an issue with the system then say so. But if your issue is that I have been able to do in my reign, what you would not have been able to do in your own reign, I am sorry.

And at this point. It's 2am, and I'm not completely sure you actually are mad, or just messing with me, so I'll end my augments for now. But if you are messing with me, stop. If you have an actually issue, the Landsraad is now rebuilt and active. You have the means to address your issue, and I encourage and support it. The Landsraad once again has the ability to function, please use it. I don't want to have to make decrees on these issues, for the very reason you may be upset here. I would rather use the Landsraad, when it is an option. You are now a Duke of House Kildare. You have a vote. Please, use it. I will listen.
Kaiser Mors VI,
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Jonas »

While I disagree, I want to offer You my apologies: I was (and still am) a bit bad-tempered after my trip to Barcelona. :worship
From a distance I'm concerned about the rampant lawyerism manifesting itself in Shireroth currently. A simple Kaiserial slap on the wrist or censure by the community should suffice. - Jacobus Loki
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Kaiser Mors VI
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Re: Imperial Decree #444: The Reclaimation

Post by Kaiser Mors VI »

Apology accepted. And I would like to apologize if I was a bit quick tempered myself. This entire process has been kinda stressful for me. Much to be done. I still hold you in high regard and as a friend.
Kaiser Mors VI,
Head of House Mortis.

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