Treaty with Comstokia [2211 ASC]

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Treaty with Comstokia [2211 ASC]

Post by andelarion »

25 Aug 05

(Multi-lateral treaty making the Hertugi of Comstokia a PROTECTORATE of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth for a minimum of 3 months.)

UPON signing by the Kaiser of Shireroth and the acting Hertug of Comstokia, the following will go into effect.

The following clauses are non-negoiatable after signing.

1) Comstokia will become a Protectorate of Shireroth, located in the Duchy of Kildare.

2) All citizens of Comstokia who own Comstokian citizenship while Comstokia is a protectorate of Shireroth are citizens of Shireroth until they emigrate, or their citizenship is officially cancelled.

3) Being Shirerothian citizens, citizens of Comstokia hold all rights given to those citizens of Shireroth except that Comstokians cannot hold positions of nobility in other Shirerithian fiefdoms outside of Kildare while also owning Comstokian citizenship. This can be altered at a later date by the Landsraad.

4) Comstokia forfeits soverignty, granting it to Shireroth. Comstokia is no longer independent in the inter-micronational world.

5) Comstokiaoldings on the MCS map are therefore part of Shireroth while Comstokia is a protectorate. Comstokia must therefore recieve the same protection afforded to native Shireroth territory. All of the Comstokian military is also under the command of the Shireroth military.

6) Comstokia retains complete and unfettered internal autonomy on the same level as other Shirerithian fiefdoms of its status with the exception of obvious civil right violations.

7) All Comstokians are loyal to Shireroth as their own nation.

8) Every 3 calender months from the date of signing by the Hertug and Kaiser, Comstokia can decide to regain its autonomy and retain all of its original land holdings- effectively ending its status as a protectorate. Three months means the exact day 3 months later, not necessarily 90 days. For example, if the treaty is signed on August 15th, Comstokia can regain its soverignty on Nov 15th and Nov 15th only. The claim must be made on Nov 15th PST. Comstokia can regain its autonomy in such a way every 3 months. After one year and no claim to soverignty is made, Comstokia is permanently part of Shireroth unless Shireroth allows Comstokia to leave its jurisdiction.

9) If Comstokia regains its soverignty, all Comstokian citizens remain Shireroth citizens and need to find a new place to relocate (if they meet Shireroth's dual citizen conditions). Comstokian citizens in Shireroth cannot have their emigration impeded if they wish.

10) If Comstokia regains its sovereignty from Shireroth, negotiations must held regarding a peace treaty.

11) An external link on the Shireroth ezboard will link to Comstokiazboard. There must also be a link to Comstokia on Shirerothebsite and ezboard ring. The reverse applies to Comstokia linking to Shireroth. This condition must be met within 30 days of the signing of this treaty.

12) Any changes to this treaty not already specified must be made by both Comstokia and Shireroth.


___________________, KAISER of SHIREROTH
___________________, HERTUG of COMSTOKIA

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