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New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:57 am
by Kaiser Malarbor I
We have a good complement of treaties already, but I was wondering if there could be more things for the SC nations to do together than just work out treaties. For instance, we never did use the organisation to fulfill one of the original tasks that was envisioned for it: Collaborative work on the history of areas on Micras that have been held at different times by different SC member states. That is, mostly areas that at some point were Shirithian. I'm not really sure how much of this *can* be done - the biggest overlap of previously Shirithian land with currently other-SC-member land is Arminy with Gralus, and I'm under the impression that Gralus already has their history pretty much squared away, in a way that Arminy doesn't really fit in (correct me if I'm wrong).

But, hey, I'm sure the SC is open to suggestions, and if not, then I am. What fun things should the SC do together? :)

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:44 am
by Andreas the Wise
My intention was to work Arminy in in the gap in our history, and I have a gap all ready ... but I've never got around to actually doing it.

On new things for the SC in general ... voluntary standardisation would actually be nice. There are a lot of things that used to be done similarly by a majority of nations (eg recwars or foreign diplomacy), but now are either done in a variety of very different and conflicting ways; or not done at all. There are also things (like international recwars, trade, disaster simulation etc) which can only viably be done if a number of nations agree on a system - but the likelihood of one nation inventing a system and everyone else agreeing on it these days is virtually nil. So nations working together to do some things similarly, and then be able to interlink ... I think the SC has an important role to play there.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:07 am
by Jonas
A small note: in fictional history, the Khaz Modans reached one of the islands of Batavia (the Regenteneilanden, you can see it on Erik's map) and set up their own little empire which survived the collapse of the real Khaz Modan Empire. Much of the south-Batavian culture has been heavily influenced with Khaz Modan culture.

And I had liked to work together with Ashkenatza: in our history we have a Benacian Empire (500 B.C. - 489), a bit equal to the Roman Empire, that overlapped both our countries. In the past I told this to Maksym and there was some interest but we never got further then that.

The tricky part of fictional history is that some use the ASC-timeline and others don't (like Batavia).

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:12 am
by Andreas the Wise
Some? I thought only Shireroth and Apollo-based nations use ASC anymore?

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:13 am
by Jonas
Andreas the Wise wrote:Some? I thought only Shireroth and Apollo-based nations use ASC anymore?
Nelaga? :document

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:14 am
by Andreas the Wise
Nelaga is linked to Jasonia; therefore partly qualifies as Apollo-based ;)

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:17 am
by Jonas
Andreas the Wise wrote:Nelaga is linked to Jasonia; therefore partly qualifies as Apollo-based ;)
But then it are 'some' nations, aren't it? :document
And I thought that Gralus sometimes used it?

Nonetheless, we should need a way to easily calculate the years: a formula in which we decide that, for example, 500 B.C. is equal to 1500 bASC.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:21 am
by Andreas the Wise
I get around fictional histories by having quite complicated metaphysics about competing timezones; claiming time flows at different rates on different parts of Micras at different times; and basically saying that whatever I need to happen when happens then. I've attempted to link a few bits of Shirithian/Jasonian history in with Gralan history, but we certainly never adopted ASC (otherwise Andreas the Wise would have died four times over by now, instead of having aged about 15-20 years, ten of them in the macro time period of a week)

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:48 am
by Jonas
And maybe we can make an agreement about the seize of the population. I want to calculate the number of citizens of Batavia but I prefer that it isn't too different. Let's say that I say that Batavia has 250 million, and in Shireroth they say that they just have 50 million. Then there's something wrong, even if you're sparsely populated.
This doesn't need a treaty, but maybe some institution can calculate and collect information like this.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:21 am
by Dr Bjorn Olsen
If I am right in my thinking I believe there is also an overlap with Shireroth and the Victorian Colony of Amokolia in parts of land, working out a shared history there would also be good.

If the SC was able to have uniformed and interlinking data on histories and time zones I believe it would have a great benefit to all Micra based nations.

Having recently returned with Victoria and having delved into the foreign affairs side the most important facets of which I believe to be are diplomatic protocols and a form of accountability on member states when entering into treaties. I really believe that the SC could take advantage of its current form and get the ball rolling in this regard.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:18 pm
by Allot
Micronational Foreign Affairs = bad joke.

The SC can possibly bolster them via... god knows what. Recwars would help, although we're going to have to give Andreas a good talking to before we let him near his magic again, and idk, possibly some sort of expeditionary force to the Polish sector? I don't like to use the term "Annexing Committee", but yeah, fly around the internet, find micronations and get them up and running with the help of the SC.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:08 pm
by Erik Mortis
How do we deal with other organization? like the OAM or the MCS, or what have you. Not sure we need to bother with dealing with them. But it might be a thought.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:10 pm
by Malliki Tosha
In order for the SC to not become a supranational entity, any decision regarding foreign affairs would have to be unanimous. So, why not make it so that the SC can act as a organisation, but only via a unanimous vote in the Commonwealth Assembly. The voting period on this would have to be rather long, say at least a week.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:45 pm
by Erik Mortis
The problem with doing united foreign affairs is it might dissuade some nations who feel that even the ability to do it reduces their sovereignty. I see how unanimous would remove that, but then, I don't see us getting unanimous votes, making it a pointless procedure that just make things look messier then they are.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:47 pm
by Andreas the Wise
I thought we're not saying "The SC would do foreign affairs as a whole", but rather "The nations in the SC would discuss appropriate standardised ways to do foreign affairs, and many nations would agree, and a representative of that treaty would encourage non-SC nations to do foreign affairs that way."

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:56 pm
by Erik Mortis
Yes? Maybe I misunderstood.

Re: New things for the SC to do?

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:38 am
by Maximilian
There was some idea about making allied SC forces and about SC military zones of occupancy. I still like the idea.