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Back in business

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:47 am
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
Foghorn stepped out of his headquarters and turned to his bugler. "Sound assembly, if you please." The bugler let fly a shrill call, and the battalion raced to form their ranks in the parade ground outside. 500 men, the best Antica had to offer, stood in the morning sun on the slopes of Novi Nigrad. Their newly issued rifles stood at the ready beside them.Foghorn took a few steps towards the mass of soldiers, and admired them like a father admires his children. "Men, when we left Antica, I told you that if you wished to remain in Antica, we'd gladly drop you off at the nearest town. I also told you that for those who remain, the only thing I could offer was hard work, sacrifice, and isolation in a foreign land. "Today I'm here to add to that list of promises. For within the week, Babkhan blood witll be on your bayonettes. Yes, men, we are invading Brookshire!"A cheer rose from the line, but Foghorn motioned for them to quiet down. "There is a ferry to Musica leaving at noon. I want your gear packed and ready to move by 1100 hours, is that clear?"A resounding "Yes, sir!" rang out from the men. "Dismissed!"Foghorn walked back into his headquarters. On the far wall hung the weapons he had brought to every battle; his sword and his pistol. He walked towards them, picked them off the wall, and strapped them onto his belt. "One more time, boys. This time, for vengeance." ________________It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word.-Andrew Jackson

Re: Back in business

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:30 pm
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
The ferry landed on schedule in Musica, laden with it's precious cargo. 500 Naval Infantrymen, rifles in hand, piled out of the craft and lined the shore. Foghorn stepped off the ferry and onto the dock. He took a look around and motioned to Chief Tyrol, his second in command. "Everything loks so... new.""Because it is new. The city is razed about once a year.""That would explain the stench of charcoal, then. Have the men spread out, posting at least two to guard every road into town. We need to make sure this city is secure until the reenforcements arrive from Antica.""Yes, sir. May I ask what the rules of engagement will be?""We recieved those from Moose a week ago:1.If it isn't ours, check to see if it moves.2.If it moves, shoot it.3.If it doesn't move, annex it.4.If it moves but doesn't hurt you, annex it and tell it to go to step 1."Tyrol smiled. "Yes, sir. I'll get right on it. Where should we set up the headquarters in the meantime?""Oh, the usual place. Somewhere with food and a deep, deep cellar." ________________It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word.-Andrew Jackson