To the Coast

The Shireroth/Natopia/Antica Recwar League
Posts: 92
Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:45 pm

To the Coast

Post by OctaviusMe »

Things look different from the northern side of the Elwynn, thought Christopher. He stood outside his tent in the center of the 1st Battalion's encampment. The other battalions were nearby as well, each having made camp on the banks of the river. The soldiers seemed both happier to leave and sadder to have accomplished nothing. Christopher agreed with them. It was late in the morning, and everyone was packing up their tents. Soon Christopher would too, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy the landscape. Eventually he did and with his adjutant and a couple of assisting soldiers, he took down the last tent of the Legionary Headquarters. The clouds above were cheerful and plump, scattered across the sky, forming a caravan of shapes just as the Legion formed a caravan across the landscape. Musica was another day's march down the river, and tomorrow they would have to enter it in order to reach their transports in the harbor. I wonder what the Musicans will think when we get there, Christopher thought.His staff officers joined him at the head of the column as the day's march began. Lieutenant Lee kept up at his side, showing a little wear but still smiling. Many people were smiling or had a lighter demeanor than when they first came here. Many wondered why they had come after a couple days, but now those fears of a more or less pointless death in some distant land were gone. Memories of home, of the island of Nafticon waiting for them flowed in.

Posts: 92
Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 4:45 pm

Re: To the Coast

Post by OctaviusMe »

Quote:OOC: Oh yeah...Summary: I Legion is following northern bank of the River Elwynn in the southeast direction, back toward Musica.


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