Jaris War - The Break

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Jaris War - The Break

Post by extreme007 »

The transport aircraft from Babkha finally touched down at York airport and out stepped Air Commodore Ahmad Arash. His long stealth journey had taken him to Kapisa in the great state of Kanishka in Karnali. There he said his goodbyes to Ajay Singh Rathore and had picked up a transport to the Commonwealth Territory. There, he met the rest of the Karnalian members of the team, the Special Forces and the six lovely ladies of the Dancing Lady squadron. Whereas, he was headed back to TDR, the others were headed back to Karnali. A quick party and a quick goodbye later, he was back in the air towards Babkha and from there, directly to York. Now he wanted to meet the man who had made it possible - extreme007. But first, his rumored arrival had spread like wild fire in the 11th Air Force and there was big party arranged. For his return as a legend and the extremely successful bombing mission on Norfolk.11th Air Force had reached a stage, where their enemies were few, and threats far away. Heroes were returning as legends and heroes were leaving to serve under other commands. The news about the eight navy pilots being transferred back to their Admiral's command had been greeted with some discomfort. Mainly it was because these pilots had formed an emotional bond with the men and women of 11th Air Force and perhaps, to some extent of working for a naval fleet which had no carrier to support them. But orders were orders and their transfer was complete. Both transfers were complete - they were under their old command again and they were now heroes, having bombed Norfolk.Extreme007 was still in his office wondering where the war was going to go now. The war had started on Jaris, and now it had switched in a completely different direction relative to York. From North in Jaris, it had started in the south near Acre. Reports were coming in that the enemy had now got control of Miska. Or so it was believed since the loss of communication with Miska. Further, after mission debriefing from the Norfolk bombing mission had revealed that the enemy was preparing a landing in the south. Luck must have been with the 11th Air Force for they had stopped the landing troops at their home port itself. It might have only delayed them a little, but it was a delay nonetheless. And far worse was that the entire coast along the south of TDR was now aware of another military unit that the enemy had to make a landing. The first one, now heavily in loss, was still outside Acre under the protection of the Natopian fleet. How the 11th Air Force had made a mockery of the Natopian and Shirerithian fleet still amazed even the best of the minds in 11th Air Force. The fleets could not even touch the 11th Air Force, save for that one loss. But one loss for five kills, bombing Norfolk shipyard, and sending the Shirerithian fleet out of the picture is not much of a loss at all. Infact, itÂ’s the opposite, a huge success it was definitely and also worth the price. But now, 11th Air Force was left in quite a state. It had no idea what to do next.The war had changed places. That was for sure. Performing missions in the North near Jaris would be inconsequential, as the Commonwealth forces would not be able to capitalize on it. Performing missions in the south would help ease the Commonwealth forces from the burden of a larger enemy force gathering nearby. However, the south was south and it was too far for the fighters of 11th Air Force. Only a few tens of minute of combat would be possible and that was not enough to be effective and at the very best. extreme007 knew it and had already proposed plans to overcome. He had already begun duplication of Shireton airport into another airport the 11th Air Force could operate out of. He had the planes divided almost evenly, with more emphasis on Shireton. Shireton would then be the base from where he would launch all his missions against the enemy in the south. A few calculations had shown that the change to Shireton would give the 11th Air Force enough presence in the southern war to make itself a member of it. Perhaps even end the war in the south. And to make sure the might of 11th Air Force was felt to the enemy; extreme007 had asked that Chaddington and Richmond airports be also improved and that they be given a few facilities that could aid the 11th Air Force if extra bases were needed. Going to Chaddington or Richmond would allow them more time to be spent on the waters of Acre and thus, provide the 11th Air Force with a greater fight and punch capability against the enemy naval fleets.Extreme007 didn't stop just there. He had called the Babkhans and asked them to provide the 11th Air Force with some more advanced weapons. He had specifically asked for smarter weapons and for more powerful ones. He had already suggested a few names, some of which were controversial due to environmental concerns and some of which were in the development stages in the Karnalian Air Force. But wars are the best testing grounds of newer weapons, extreme007 thought. And this war was now a show of force and might for the 11th Air Force. And extreme007 wanted to utilize the most of it. He wanted to be prepared. He wanted to end the war in the south. His officer door opened and there was the man who would be in command of half of 11th Air Force, when the bases were ready - Air Commodore Ahmad Arash. extreme007 smiled and shared his new plans with the Babkhan legend.Summary: mostly backstory... and bringing back characters that were left out in other parts like the team made for the stealth stealing mission are back/on their way back to their home nations... Ahmad Arash is back at York as a legend!most importantly, 11th Air Force is now going to come from Shireton soon, instead of York. since its more close to the war in the south. also, the airports in Chaddington and Richmond are undergoing small changes to accomodate facilities for the 11th Air Force.. this just so that should extra bases be required, it will be ready. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 9/11/05 18:52

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Safe Airway

Post by extreme007 »

Safe AirwayAhmad Arash walked into extreme007's office and noticed his superior officer sitting at his table filling out some papers."Air Commodore Ahmad Arash," extreme007 began with a happy mood, "Tell me. Did you enjoy your mission? I know it went perfect. That's why I am not asking how it went.""First of all, sir, thank you. Thank you for sending me on that mission. It was awesome and... umm.. yeah, haha.. I can see why you are THE LEGEND. I read and heard about you all the while.""Ah. I see that Ajay is a very talkative fellow huh?""That would be an understatement, sir."The two officers began laughing. extreme007 got up from his chair and prepared two Treesian drinks. He gave one to Ahmad and with his in his hand, got back behind his table."Sir. Um... I came here with a proposal. A mission idea really.""I see that you are charged up on duty. Looks like that mission made you very serious and objective minded in a way.""Yes sir. But it's more likely to do with the nationalistic fever that's running in the crew after Norfolk bombarding and perhaps some credit to Ajay.""Ah. Yes. Yes. These three would certainly be the interesting new ingredients in you. So tell me, what's the plan?""Sir. I was thinking that we could do similar strikes like Norfolk, at uh..." Ahmad put his glass on the table and both his hands on the ACM's table, "Nafticon."Extreme007 couldn't believe it at first. Nafticon? That was a military island and thus a perfect target."I know it's a military place and that it would be har...""Looks like the three ingredients made a devil out of you. Your ON. But we'll have to limit our targets. Nafticon is a big naval base with too many targets.""We'll bomb them all sir. Send the planes back there immediately if need be.""No. It would be a waste. Hmmm. See the thing is... Our ground forces are not in the region to make good use of our attack. So, bombing their base would be a bad idea. Right now, our priority is the enemy who is in the south. So...""But look sir, Jaris has one airport and the Stomark navy blew it up. The enemy now had Nafticon airport to use against us. US sir. We are the enemy's main target now. Norfolk showed that to them. It's US. Not the ground forces. We have to bomb Nafticon so that that threat is gone too. Limit the enemy's capability to attack us sir. Isn't that what you said in one of your tactical classes at Kapisa Air Force Academy?"extreme007 sighed and began to speak again, "told you a lot did he. That Ajay. Hmm... you are right. I am forgeting my role here. I guess I must admit. The Norfolk success reason fell into my head and I wanted to go more on it against the enemy fleet in the south. But you know what? You are right. Philban airport is useless. Nafticon is their airport for now. And Caerulea, the Antican border city, and Arahova. If these three airports were to be.." extreme smiled as he said the next word, "wasted, then the enemy would be left at the Antican capital. From there..""It would be impossible to attack us here without refueling tankers or fuel tanks." Ahmad smiled as he knew what extreme007 was planning."Get on it Ahmad. I am putting this mission in your hands. That should increase the pride and confidence in the pilots. Orders from their legend. They would certainly even try and score the bonus goals, who knows.""Thank you sir. Just before I leave, I would like to go through the mission with you first.""Make it similar to Norfolk. High above their defenses. Five planes, all bombers, to Caerulea. Eight planes, five bombers and three fighters, to Arahova. The fighters, should be able to provide safety for the Caerulea bombers as well. If not, then let the Caerulea planes make a run for home. Caerulea is close. We can always bomb it at our free will. Then uh.. Nafticon. Send ten planes. Eight bombers and two fighters.""That would leave one plane with us at York sir. What if the Natopians attack us?""How would they know that all our planes are gone?""True, but I still don't like the idea of having just one base defense plane.""Well, then what good use are those HUMRAAMs? Tell all the HUMRAAMs to our south to be on high alert for the duration of this mission. Perhaps, send one avekshak south to keep an eye at the natopian aircrafts, but out of their range and first sign of trouble to make a run for base. Oh. And uh, could you tell the officer in charge of these SAMs that uh.. get those ten HUMRAAMs back from Jaris to TDR and that S-300 units at Chesterfield down to Chaddington. Also, once this mission is done, send the S-300 unit near Norwich on the other side of the lake to Richmond.""Okay sir. Will do. That should give us some protection from the natopian aircrafts.""Yes. And uh.. regarding your mission. Keep the targets at the airbases only. Put uh, say GPS guided bombs and cluster bombs for the runway.""Sir. Yeah, um. I was thinking that since some of our GPS bombs were most likely jammed at Norfolk, I was thinking that if the weather permitted, then perhaps use the laser guided ones this time or the TV/IR guided ones.""Hmmmm.. Yeah that will be good. Whatever the case, make sure the pilots know what weapons they are using and also what targets they have to bomb. Satellite pictures and the works.""okay. Anything else?""I don't know. This is your mission isn't it? Well? Off you go then. Good luck."extreme007 smiled as he saw Ahmad Arash leave the office. After the door closed, extreme007 went back to his request order that he was filling out. He wanted to send it to the Shah of Babkha directly as it involved his city of Miska. The request order was simple and just as devilious as Ahmad's mission. extreme007 also wanted to ask for a few special weapons that the Karnalian Air Force was researching. For this, he had already sent the report directly to Karnali Air Force and had recieved a reply that the weapons were highly lethal and it would be quite dangerous. They had yet not perfected its handling and thus if the Babkhans really wanted it, they would have had to fly them from Karnali to 11th Air Force. Realizing the danger involved, extreme007 expressed his concerns in the order and wrote in that should Babkhans accept bringing the weapons, then they should bring it to Shireton. extreme007 didn't want to risk York airport and as an added incentive wanted the first mission of Shireton to involve the huge mission that the weapons called for. The Karnalian Air Force, in their letter, had expressed concerns that the weapons if dropped accidentally would cause huge explosions and could also melt the heavy armor of the aircraft hangers. extreme007 smiled as he finished writing the request order for the mission on Miska and the smart incendiary weapons list. He called the cadet inside and told him to send the order directly and only to the Shah of Babkha himself. He further told him, that he expected an answer as soon as possible.Summary:Attacks on Caerulea, Arahova and Nafticon. Targets are only airports. Same strategy as before (on Norfolk).5 bombers on Caerulea and Arahova. 3 fighters defending them. 8 bombers and 2 fighters on Nafticon. 1 aircraft left to defend York.Movement of ground SAMS. the 10 HUMRAAMs that were sent to Jaris before the stealth stealing mission began are being called back. S-300 units are now coming to Chaddington and Richmond from Chesterfield and the one near Norwich on other side of lake.orders sent to Shah to request missions on Miska and for few smart incendiary bombs that are in researching/testing phases in Karnali Air Force.. only a few are being brought.. so, its not like a whole new thing... and by few i mean like 5 or 8.. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)

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Re: Safe Airway

Post by AngelGuardian93 »

(*shudders*) There are no flowers, no not this time. There will be no angels gracing the lines, just these stark words I find.

Dugobert Wurmser
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Re: Safe Airway

Post by Dugobert Wurmser »

yeah... thats right... get scared you Shirerithian! Admiral Dugobert Wurmser,Commander of the Central Fleet, Grand CommonwealthChief of Staff, AerligField Marshal, Aerlig

Osman Shahanshah
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Re: Safe Airway

Post by Osman Shahanshah »

Tyre, Palastina:Coitus interruptus was never something that the Shahanshah of Babkha was terribly fond of, especially when the cause of the afforementioned interuption was a barely post-pubescant cadet errand boy sent by Air Marshal Extreme, military genius he may be but a pain in the arse nonetheless... 'damn it why couldn't he just text me like normal people do?' Ardashir muttered to himself as he read the message handed to him by the cadet who was shaking like a leaf in the prescence of the Osman Shahanshah. Come to think of it the whelp looked as though he was in shock, perhaps even a chance he was going to be sick. At that moment the Shah realised it might be a good idea to put some clothes on, stepping briefly back into his commendered hotel suite the King of Kings slipped on a black silk kimono. Reappearing at the door the irriatble Shah called the terrified cadet into the room as he sat down to the desk to read the message from Extreme. It was a request from Extreme of some kind or another. Extreme, by all accounts spoke farsi fluently, however he made the mistake of writing in the spoken style and as a result the message was atrocious to read. Surely there was someone in the 11th TAF who could type for the man. The note was some kind of request for permission to use an advanced bomb, something the Karnalians had been working upon that even they were reluctant to handle. The Shah was thrilled, a bomb that the Karnalians were afraid to touch must have amazing potency, for some reason he imagined a cross between white phosphorus and napalm, a sea of flames and burning flesh, burning Shirerithian flesh. How they would scream, burning in the Shah's fury, men, women and children, caught as though in hellfire. It was enough to make Ardashir drool. Drooling. It had not escaped Ardashir's notice that this was something that the cadet was doing in his presence while making eyes with the Tyrean whore who the Shahanshah had noticed had not felt the presence of a third party in the room to be sufficient reason to cover up her ample charms."Cadet?" The Shahanshah enquired, breaking the spell the whore held over the callow youth for a moment "You can deliver my reply to Extreme verbally." Though the boy, who met the Shahanshah's gaze in a manner that was almost insolent, did not realise it his life had just been spared from the most wretched and ignominious death. The boy was one of Extreme's brood now, and by all accounts he cared for each and everyone under his command. Even a cadet would be missed. The hired help lounging lewdly in the royal bed on the other hand, no one would miss her, nobody would enquire as to her ultimate fate. She did not realise it but she was already an unperson, deleted from all police records and social security files, awaiting a few hours of torture and then dismemberment, with remains to be disposed of in the de rigour acid bath. All of this laid in the future however and in the meantime she played idly with the gemstone that had been given as her payment, a payment which the Shah had every intention of reclaiming."What is your message, Majesty?" The cadet replied."You can tell Extreme...007... Zurvan preserve us... that he has my full authority to carry out this operation, and to import whatever materials he deems necessary for the mission's success."With that the cadet saluted smartly and left. With some sense of relief no doubt. What he had seen of his lord and master, the Osman Shahanshah, was probably enough to scar him for a life time.The door to the hotel suite now once more safely shut and bolted Ardashir returned to the bed and the indolent red haired girl who obligingly pulled back the bedsheets to reveal to the Shah the treasures he was renting."You know", the Shah said, as he whispered into the girls ear, now he had laid down beside her, "by Monday Miska will have fallen to my armies and a thousand Antican heads will be paraded on pikes through the city of Richmond, then to be dipped in tar and flown to Kamalshahr for further celebrations. Of course you'll not breathe a word of this to anyone. Will you now?"The girl who had every intention of selling her sexploits with the Babkhan Shah to the View from Benacia nodded obediently as, unseen by her, Ardashir opened the draw of the bedside table to produce a knife...Summary: Extreme's latest plan is approved. Edited by: Osman Shahanshah  at: 8/18/05 15:24

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Love The Smell of Napalm

Post by extreme007 »

Ahmad Arash held the briefing after the mission of bombing the nearby enemy airports. The team had met with great success. All three airports, Caerulea, Arahova and Nafticon were bombed and made useless for the enemy. The runways had huge holes in them, the hangers were blown open, fuel storages were blown up, buildings to house the crew were torn down. Any and all facilities required for efficient handling of an airforce fighting wing were destroyed. The enemy had lost all hopes of successfully attacking the airbases of the 11th Air Force from the North and West. 11th Air Force had now ensured that the enemy would have to use refueling tankers and extra fuel tanks to get to strike at 11th Air Force. That meant that the enemy either had to waste time for refueling before attacking or they would have to carry less weapons due to the extra fuel tanks. Ahmad Arash walked back to the communications room and wanted to personally convey the good news to his Air Chief Marshal extreme007, who had personally gone off to Shireton to see the arrival of the transport carrying the lethal incendiary bombs."Sir, this is Air Commodore Ahmad Arash.""Go ahead Ahmad. Give me the news of your first strike.""Much better than we expected sir. The three airports are useless now.""Excellent job Commodore. Continue with such success and I ensure you that your Shah will make your life royal.""Well sir, I'll be glad to just have my position in the air force. But enough of that. For now, we have maintained air supremacy in the north once again sir.""No Ahmad. We are still at air superiority in the north. There's uh.." extreme007 waited for the transport to come to a complete stop and switch its noisy engines down. "Ahmad, I got an intelligence report on the emergency channel. The Shirerithians had an emergency meeting of its front commanders. One of them was an air force officer.""Ozarka?""No. Not that guy. Well, he was there, but we know he's not much of a concern. The Shirerithians have brought a new officer, smarter i guess. He's got a whole new line of aircrafts at his disposal. Not much newer compared to Ashavan but its definately more agile than those halluci fighters we fought before. Anyways, the point is that he is moving towards us. Where? I do not know. The intelligence report just said the planes took off from Halluci and flew towards Jaris front.""So they are headed somewhere in the north huh?""Yes. My first thought is Nafticon, or one of the Antican airports, but..""But we blew them up.""Yes. There in lies the problem.""Don't worry. I'll keep two Ashavans in the air at all times. Also, the Mother Goose and Black Raven will remain in the air constantly.""Good. Just as I expected my officers to do.""Anything else sir?""Yes. Ahmad send me two Ashavans. Four AAMs, four mines, three ASMs. Leave one hardpoint free. I am going to put one of these weapons on them.""Yes sir. I'll send two right away. If you don't mind me asking, where are they headed?""No. Not at all. I don't mind you asking. And to answer your question, they are going to test the bomb on one of those battlecruisers in the North.""Ah yes sir. Good target. Might I recommend hitting the one that is not already blown by our mines?""Offcourse. What do you take our pilots for huh?""Yes sir. Anything else you would like to do?""Yes. Before we use these weapons on the ground troops, I would like to know about their positions, not to mention that some army officers are expecting us to bomb Miska.""Bomb Miska?""Yes. They do not want to enter until we bomb it. They say the enemy forces within are elite and experienced Antican troops.""Ah, the three e's - enemy, elite and experience. Bad combination indeed. Let me guess here sir, three planes. Four AAMs incase Natopians show up, seven dumb bombs and an extra fuel tank?""Yes. That should do. Actually make it six dumb bombs and two extra fuel tanks. Make them take a route farther away from the Natopians. Let them fly over the wilderness. Once over Miska, instruct the pilot to whatever height they want. The enemy does not have air defense. Make them pay for this mistake.""Yes sir. I'll do that immediately.""Oh. Get four of the pilots well rested. They are going to carry some more bombs in another few hours before sun comes up again. I want the enemy to remember this night when they saw a fiery inferno in the dead of the night, courtesy of the friendly neighbourhood 11th Air Force."With that, extreme007 turned off the communications with York HQ and walked towards the window. The C-130 transport of the Babkhan Air Force was in the far corner of the airport. Crews, kept to a mimimum, were taking the bombs out of the aircraft and putting them onto the bomb cart. The bombs were handled separately and when a bomb was put on the cart, the cart was immediately taken away and put into the hardened hanger. Already, extreme007 could see, four of the bombs were inside the hanger, while a fifth was enroute and the sixth was just being put on the cart. extreme007 walked towards the water container and picked up the small plastic glass that was kept there. The Babkhan heat was dry and it made drinking water very essential.The fifth bomb was placed in the hanger and the driver took the cart back to the plane for picking up more bombs. There were nine in total and only two carts to the job. The driver parked the cart as usual next to the stop. After ensuring he had parked it correctly, he signalled the crew inside to begin with the seventh bomb. The crew inside the transport, all Babkhan, were instructed by the Karnalians on how to handle the bombs. It was still in developing stage and thus, there were no safety locks on the bombs installed. The crew put the bomb on the cart, and one of them signalled to the other to begin the process of unlatching the bomb from the crane like mechanical system. The crew member in charge of the mechanical crane saw the signal and lifted the latches, just as the procedure had stated. Unforunately, the driver of the cart also saw this signal and began to drive the cart away. The confusion was enough to throw the bomb off the cart and onto the onramp of the cargo plane. Without safety locks, the bomb confused the drop with an actual drop on target. The chemical containers within the bomb soon broke, and began the chemical reaction.extreme007 watched as the explosion occured at the seventh bomb's transfer. Red and black smoke rose up from the end of the transport aircraft. The explosion had almost shaken extreme007 who was standing extremely far from it and inside a building. But this shaking was mainly due to the unexpectedness. But that was soon to change. Two more bombs were still inside the transport. The explosion from the first had thrown massive amounts of liquid fuel, the one that powered the bomb, inside the aircraft. The fuel quickly ignitied and caused an explosion within the aircraft. This was followed by two powerful blasts inside the aircraft. extreme007 knew these two were the incendiary bombs. These explosions had infact managed to literally shake extreme007 and the furniture around him. Small movable parts of the transport aircraft's fuselage were thrown out of the aircraft an towards the airport. Had this explosion occured nearby, extreme007 was sure that those pieces would have flown straight through the walls. That was the power of the explosion. That was the power of the bomb that was going to be dropped on the enemy. extreme007 smiled. He knew what was going to happen soon.Summary: strikes planned against octavius's ships and Miska. from now on, 2 ashavans are going to be in the air at all times. also Mother Goose (awacs in North) and Black Raven (awacs in West) are going to remain in air (they offcourse will be replaced at the end of their fuels)but MOST IMPORTANTLY, the incendiary weapons have arrived at Shireton.. 6 of the 9 remain. 3 were blown in the transfer process.. i told the Babkhans these were dangerous and in research stage only! EDIT:.. forgot to mention... Caerulea, Arahova and Nafticon airports are destroyed. Discover, Invent, Theories, Experiment,Advance Science,Advance Extremism,(in Karnali, Republic of)Edited by: extreme007  at: 8/19/05 14:31


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