Fundamental Law of Hurmu

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Daniel Farewell
Posts: 1104
Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:49 am

Fundamental Law of Hurmu

Post by Daniel Farewell »

We are Hurmu.

We want people to be happy.
We are Hurmu.

We say love is beautiful and strong.
We are Hurmu.

We are equal.
We have same value.
We have same privalages.
We are Hurmu.

We want peace.
We want no wars.
We want evil to be conquered by goodness.
We are Hurmu.

We have right to belong to faith.
We know science can’t expalin all.
We shall respect people of faith.
We are Hurmu.

We can be different.
We still remain in union.
We love everyone.
We respect differences.
We are Hurmu.

We shall seek friends.
We shall keep them.
We know that friends enrich lives.
We shall have good friends.
We are Hurmu.

We are born young from mothers.
We cherish parents.
We respect them.
We have been given life from them.
We are Hurmu.

We say karjak-ka are the crown of creation.
We can be said to be karjak-ka.
We say because of that,
We have a responsibility to take care of creation.
We are Hurmu.

We have the privelage of education.
We must use it.
We know that from education,
We can see two sides of all.
We seek objectivity.
We are Hurmu.

We see misery in worlds.
We want people to see hope.
We want solidarity.
We know that true solidarity is when
We give up esstential stuff for someone else.
We shall help one and another.
We are Hurmu.

Toj mar be-Hurmu.
Toj boyn kassma.
Toj mar be-Hurmu.


§1. Reflecting the dreams and wills of the Hurmu karjak-ka to create a common destiny based on the ancient Hanwen u-Brida, the Senators of Hurmu, in the Arion Elenaran assembled, hereby establish this Law of Laws of Hurmu, the Fundamental Law of the land.

§2. The Fundamental Law is the supreme law of Hurmu, forming the constitution of therepublik and is above all other laws.

§3. [repealed]

§4. Hurmu has an inalienable right to determine its relations with other states and communities in its political, cultural and economic life.


§5. Hurmu is founded on the beliefs that all karjak-ka are equal to each other, each one being of immeasurable value, irrespective of their states, endowed with indisputable freedoms and rights, but also duties, in according with the ways of living of our people.

§6. Hurmu shall remain open to all those karjak-ka wishing to dwell here and respecting the common values of those who call Hurmu their home. Holding that Hurmu is an open society, forming both a community of free people and a sovereign state within the community of nations, we assert the right of every peaceful Brida-respecting karjak-ka to wander among the lush landscapes of Hurmu, and to settle, within the constraints of law, among these lands.

§7. The Republik of Hurmu exists to promote peace, Bridaism, and the well-being of the people under its wings. It shall be a safe harbour for all those who flee evil and shall offer
its inhabitants freedom, justice and security. No internal frontiers shall exist in Hurmu’s lands.

§§8-22 [repealed]

The Rights of the Individual

§23. All persons are born equally free and independent, and have unalienable dignity as well as rights, among which are the enjoyment and defence of life and liberty and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

§24. Therefore no person in Hurmu, whether born in the country or brought over from across seas or borders, or any person in Hurmu's protection, may be held, either by law, tradition or other force, to serve any person or entity whatsoever as a slave or labourer, unless bound by the affected person's own clear, objective and continuous consent or by a conviction from an impartial court of law for an act that explicitly is an offence by law, and for which there is a determined period of time for such forced labour or servitude. Likewise, no person may, under the same provisions, have his or her freedom, independence or liberty suspended or terminated. Trafficking of karjak-ka is prohibited.

§25. No person may be condemned to death. The right to life of a person is inviolable. Therefore no person may be subjected to any torture, whether it be corporal or psychological, or to any degrading treatment under any circumstances, for all persons own the right to security of person.

§26. Having throughout history longed to know the unknown, all individuals enjoy the freedom and right to engage in scientific research, educational activities, the arts, all according to law and constitution, and the peaceful practice of religion. The practice of eugenics is forbidden.

§27. No entity of the State, the media, nor any individual, nor any group of people or entity may compel a person to adhere to any religion, nor to any religious or irreligious beliefs and practices.

§28. All persons, being equal to one and another, have the freedom of conscience. They may believe what they will and express such views in a peaceful and considerate manner, or not to express them at all. Therefore no entity of the State, nor any other entity, individual or power, may compel a person to reveal his or her feelings on a matter, whether it be politics, religion or personal. Courts of law may, however, compel persons to reveal facts that are relevant to a case in question.

§29. Everyone within the country has right to, without having to purchase it, recourse to the laws for all injuries and wrongs that he or she may have received in person, property or character. The individual enjoys freedom to obtain right and justice freely in conformity with law.

§30. Whenever a person is accused or charged in accordance with law with an offence, the person has the right to be presumed innocent until he or she is proved guilty according to law in a trial that is public and impartial.

§31. All persons who by free will reside in Hurmu have the freedom of movement in Hurmu, to choose their own place of residence within Hurmu, subject to the respect of law, or to emigrate to a State that will receive them.

§32. Whenever any form of government instituted among the People of Hurmu becomes so destructive that it refuses to, or is unable to, respect the rights and freedoms afforded the People whom it serves, it is not only the right of the same People, but duty, to alter or abolish the government and to institute a new institutions and systems of rule, respecting the rights and freedoms as through this Fundamental Law dictated.

§33. For it is so that the government of Hurmu is instituted for the advancement, protection and security of the people, nation and community of Hurmu, and not, under any circumstances, the particular advantage of any single individual, set of persons, family, or entity, whether within or without the country.

§34. Therefore may no entity of the State favour or disfavour any individual, set of persons, family, entity or group of entities, because of their views, whether political, irreligious or religious, because of their sex, nationality, colour, creed, ethnicity, cultural or social heritage or status, economical status, partner or partners in love, whether the love between hearts or the love between bodies, or because of any other reason that may be related to that which is listed here, for all, without exceptions, are equal before the law, are afforded the equal protection of the law, and enjoy the same obligations under the law.

§35. Everyone, regardless of his nationality or citizenship, is free to call him- or herself a member of the Hurmu community, a Hurmudan and an heir to the lakes.

§36. Titles of nobility or royalty are neither conferred on persons, nor recognized among the residents and senators of Hurmu.

§37. Everyone has a right of petition.

Final provisions

§38. [repealed]

§39. Hurmu will always live on.

First amendment

Hurmu is sovereign. The sovereignty of Hurmu is vested in its people, and its people alone.

Second amendment


Third amendment

i. The Valda (or Valdi, if male) is chief of state. He or she has the right of pardon, to conduct foreign affairs, and to all other representative functions of the State.

ii. The Valda is elected by the Diet. Such election takes place every ninety days with precedence over all other business.

iii. Any member of the Diet is eligible for office of the Valda.

Fourth amendment

The legislative powers of Hurmu are jointly vested in the Valda and the Diet. They have power and right, independently of each other, to legislate in the areas relating to:

a. foreign relations,

b. state defence,

c. economy, finances and taxation,

d. infrastructure and traffic,

e. solidarity systems,

f. private, criminal and procedural law,

g. educational and other standards,

h. environment and mapping law, and

i. all other subject matters which by their very nature or as a corollary to the subjects listed have to be centralized on the national level.

Fifth amendment

It is permissible for the State to accede to treaties or inter- or supranational bodies where it is required of Hurmu to delegate sovereign powers in order to accede to them, provided that Hurmu retains an adequate representation in those bodies and those bodies guarantee sufficient legal protection for the People of Hurmu.

Sixth amendment

Mutual consent between the Diet and the Valda is required when Hurmu acts to amend the Fundamental Law or under the previous article of amendment.

Seventh amendment

When the Diet passes a proposition, it shall become law with two days of its passage, unless, during these two days, the Valda declares a veto of the proposition. Should a veto of the proposition occur, the Diet may overturn such by a vote of two thirds of the members present.

Eighth amendment

When the Valda decrees a law, the Diet may overturn such within three days of its publishment by a vote of two thirds of the members present.

Ninth amendment

Laws enacted by the Valda may be amended by the Diet, but the Valda may not amend laws enacted by the Diet.

Tenth amendment

The Valda is chief of government. He or she appoints members of the government, ambassadors, envoys, and huvðingar.

Eleventh amendment

Each region of Hurmu is headed by a huvðingi (or huvðynja if female) who shall ensure that national law is enforced in the land. On all matters not reserved to the Diet or the Valda, the huvðingi may personally legislate. However, such legislation is always subjugated to national law and may be overturned by a simple majority of the Diet.

Twelfth amendment

i. The Supreme Court decides issues involving the Fundamental Law. In particular, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over:

a. disputes between state entities concerning their respective rights and duties under the Fundamental Law;

b. challenges of a national or regional entity, an inferior court of justice in the course of its determination, or a third of the Diet against the constitutionality of a law, act or measure;

c. claims of individuals regarding violations of their constitutional rights;

d. cases on appeal from an inferior court of justice that the Supreme Court deems necessary to review;

e. all other cases assigned to its jurisdiction by law.

ii. The Supreme Court exists of at least three justices, nominated by the Valda and approved by the Diet. No justice of the Supreme Court shall be employed by the government of Hurmu in any way, nor shall he or she be a member of the Diet.

Thirteenth amendment

The Court of Justice is the inferior court of justice of Hurmu. Here shall matters relating to private, penal and public law be tried. The Court of Justice is headed by one judge and has the supreme responsibility and jurisdiction over review and other matters assigned to it by law.

Fourteenth amendment

The State is party to the Treaty of Association and Friendship with the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, signed in Shirekeep by Leto III Ozymandias, Kaiser of Shireroth, on behalf of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth and Talsin Baarrnan, Valdi of the People of Hurmu, on behalf of Hurmu (“the Shirerithian treaty”). In any case of conflict between the Fundamental Law of Hurmu and the Shirerithian treaty, the Shirerithian treaty shall take precedence.

Fifteenth amendment[/i]

Those Hurmudan-ka of responsible age, and who have dwelt in Hurmu for at least 14 days, form the Diet of Hurmu.


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