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Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:10 pm
by Harvey Steffke


Due to the fact that this is rapidly going nowhere fast and nobody seems able to make any significant moves, I am putting this game out its misery and declaring it complete. Germany is the official winner, though everyone that actually stayed in the game until this point deseves at least some props.

Final supply center totals:
Germany: 16
Turkey: 10
England: 6
Russia: 2


Austria earns the "fetal position" award for never occupying a single supply center, despite being surrounded by them. They also earn the "tri-divide" award for being conquered by three separate countries.

France earns the "French it up" award for unceremoniously dropping out of the fight at the smallest hint of a problem.

Italy earns "all this fuel and nowhere to go" for moving their units around in circles and not even capturing north africa. They also earn the "quit while you're ahead" award for dropping out of the game on a build phase where they could actually build.

Russia earns the "I'm a big boy now" award for thinking they can take on their enemies without needing alliance. Russia also earns the "spirit of the game" award after their glorious revolution for dutifully sticking with the game, submitting orders, and even occasionally retaking territory.

England earns the "nothing to see here, move along" award for remaining out of the major crossfire until later in the game. They also earn the "teatime in africa" award for dispatching most of their armed forces away from home, leaving their home ports largely undefended.

Turkey earns the "ironwall" award for so many successful defenses. They also earn the "mind's eye" award for being able to predict very often what their opponents were going to do and react accordingly.

And finally, Germany earns the "blitzkrieg" award for their tendancy of dispatching units in many directions, often without support, allowing them to take huge territory early on. They also earn the "master manipulator" for getting almost everyone in the game to do what they want before backstabbing them.

I may host another game in the future. Thank you all for playing.

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:45 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
Hey... It was going somewhere... I'm not to keen on just ending it...

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:52 pm
by phineas elastopon
Erik, you fail.

GG all *gtfos*

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:56 pm
by Kaiser Mors VI
You know what.. FUCK YOU. I've had enough of your "you fail" Bullshit. I can play however I GODDAMN WANT TO. If you can't deal with the way I played you can STFU and go to hell! I had no chance of actually winning when I joined. So I set a goal and strategy for myself. I stuck with it and played it to the end. I won by my objectives. If you can't handle that.. fuck off.

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:24 pm
by Malliki Tosha
Erik, you did fail. If you can't take some critique, stay the fuck out of the game.

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:35 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
1. Good game, most. I enjoyed watching. And Harvey, good hosting.
2. Stop inexplicably being jerks to Erik
3. New game time. Antica wants to do a Youngstown variant. I'm doubtful, and you'd have to go all the way to Antica, but it's worth a shot. if that doesn't work, let's set something else up here.

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:37 pm
by Chrimigules

And just to reassure people, I'll be the one running the game in Antica, not a participant, so I'm not going to be the one screwing everyone over with a smile on my face.

Re: Winter 1907

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:34 pm
by CJ Miller
I call next Shireroth game.

Would you all prefer standard or Shireroth variant?