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Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:34 pm
by Elliot Markham
I never quit--I simply expressed a desire that someone take my place. Until someone does, I'm going to continue submitting moves, much as I hate to look at Antica's forums right now. I told Moshe I'd submit moves during his absence, and whether its me or someone else doing the submitting, I plan to ensure that it continues.

Unless, of course, your petty ban is enforced, Malliki. It just does not make logical sense to ban me.

As for what CJ did, I have no control over it.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:01 pm
by phineas elastopon
It's not petty to bar you from the League. This is meant to be a serious League for people who will regularly play and the points system is geared towards encouraging stable participation. Games can be and frequently have been ruined by people quitting and it's important that this culture of "Meh, I'm losing, I'll leave" or "BAWW I haet these guys, sod this" is stamped out.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:30 pm
by Harvey Steffke
Perhaps the attitude of being confrontational assholes about everything and anything should also be stamped out. I notice how, instead of making any attempt to reconcile whatever differences you guys had that made people quit, you start with throwing insults and barring people from the game entirely - unilaterally, no less, which is a bit odd since both Scott and myself have shown interest in the League. Not quite sure where you're pretending to get that sort of authority. In any event, it's pretty hilarious you couldn't get though a single turn after your bitchfest at me. Good luck finding 8 people to run a league if you're going to be so poisonous to everyone and yourselves.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:48 pm
by Malliki Tosha
It's a bit ironic for you to bitch about unilateral action when you yourself posted rankings unilaterally. I'm not sure where you're pretending to get that sort of authority.

The only reason it was a bitchfest is because you can't, like a normal person, say "stfu I was busy". Instead you run away crying.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:08 pm
by Ruth
I'm so glad we can all continue to spread our negativity in every direction! MY TURN!

- I don't think Elliot should be banned. Though we've had a bit of an angry-fest in Antica, as far as I can tell, he's been perfectly reasonable with regard to Diplomacy.

- Malliki - Not everything has to be an angry confrontation!

- Harvey - Not all of us were complaining! You let the comments of three people (less than half!) drive you away! I was looking forward to playing another game of Diplomacy! You abandoned us!

I wish that we could all be a bit less raghrgahhgrhyaghr towards each other. Perhaps this is a bit rich coming from me, given my above raghkjhalskjh, my participation in things such as the party we had today in Antica, and perhaps any conversation in #micronations, but I feel bad about the ways in which we've all been tearing at one another lately. Sure, the back and forth of the GREAT RAGEFEST bumps up activity, but in the end, everything feels sad, all the flowers die, icebreaker's banjo breaks, and the sun disappears forever!


Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:37 pm
by Malliki Tosha
Yummy, cats.

Ruth, I think you will notice that my angry confrontations are aimed at certain, specific people.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:44 pm
by Erik Mortis
I'm honestly disappointed about the game. I was looking forward to playing, and I never complained about you being a bit late on the update Harvey. Things happen. You told us there might be delays. Even if it took a few days, I much rather continue playing then have you run off on us. Even if some of them were being less then patient/kind.

Honestly, Everyone needs to STFU and get back to playing/administrating.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:31 pm
by Malliki Tosha
That Harvey had told us he might have problems had actually slipped my mind.

We need a Russia.

Also, I know I can't bar people from the League unilaterally, but come on. CJ quit from two game already. That's enough.

Re: First Diplomacy League game

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:16 am
by Kaiser Ikol II
Gotta say, it's pretty funny seeing how concerned Anticans get over two of their citizens (one of whom was a newbie anyway) throwing a tantrum and quitting. In Shireroth, we call that "Tuesday".